How to remove the puff on a sweater?

Clothing often ceases to please with its appearance due to the fact that clings appeared on it. It’s not scary if the thing, though beloved, is old, but what to do when the loop is pulled out of just bought a dress? A problem can occur anywhere and at any time, because there are a lot of reasons - poor furniture, unprocessed surfaces, even your own broken nail at the wrong time can become a cause. And if anyone can handle some things, then not every housewife knows how to remove the puff on a sweater, curtains or clues from a new satin dress. Let's fix the situation, for this you will find some simple ways in this article.

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Where do puffs appear?

It is clear that deformation occurs as a result of any physical contact with uneven materials, therefore, puffs occur on any fabric and anywhere in the product, but more often:

  • The upper part of clothing at the elbows, wrists, and around the neck;
  • The lower part of the clothing is in the area from the hip to the knee, and if it is pants or jeans - at the junction with the shoes.

Usually things from:

  • Wool
  • Chiffon and silk;
  • Knitwear;
  • Some types of synthetic weaves.
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Remove puff in two minutes

Sometimes a clue appears out of nowhere and its appearance is critical for the whole appearance, there’s nothing to change clothes for, and you don’t intend to change your own modiste accompanying everywhere. In such cases, there is nothing left to do but remove clues from the clothes yourself.

For this you need:

  • Thin needle;
  • Iron with a steamer (optional).

Important! Depending on the fabric, the size of the needle and, accordingly, the eyelet, as well as the need to use an iron, can vary.

In this situation, it is necessary not only to remove the thread that has come out, but to make it invisible, so the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Flatten the fabric.
  2. Insert the needle as close to the deformation site as possible so that all of it, with the exception of the eyelet, is on the other side.
  3. Insert the thread that has come out into the needle and pull it out.
  4. Gently pull the fabric to the sides and steam as necessary.

Important! It is not necessary to cut or shorten the thread, as a hole may result.

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What to do with claw hole-hooks?

How to tighten the thread on a knitted sweater? Wool and stains are not the only thing left from the pets; claw marks remain on clothes much more often. If the thing is spoiled - it is better to take it to the studio, but how to remove the puff on the sweater after the pet’s paws can be found in this article below.

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How to remove puffs on a dress?

To know how to remove the clues from the dress, you need to determine the place of the problem and the composition of the fabric. If it is obvious that the repair is necessary, but complicated, and the studio requested too high a price, you can decorate the place of the hook with embroidery, rhinestones or thermal stickers.

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How to remove puff from synthetic fabric?

A small “repair” of synthetics is the simplest: you just need to carefully stretch the thing to the sides, and everything will disappear, as if by magic.

Important! It is also advisable to iron clothes made of artificial thread to eliminate traces, however, before doing this, it is necessary to check the manufacturer's markings. Some artificial fabrics cannot be ironed, as the fibers melt from heat treatment.

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How to remove the hitch on the knitwear?

In order to find out how to remove puffs on trousers, it is also necessary to find out the place of the problem and the magnitude of the disaster that happened to the thing. If the rupture of the threads did not occur, but the loop is simply stretched, then the method with a needle is suitable, otherwise a complex of procedures is to be performed, which usually involves more subtle options for knitted fabrics.

If the dress is made of fine knitwear

If the material is thin enough, then a “path” can go from the hook, which you simply can’t remove with improvised means. First you need to stock up on a special hook for lifting the loops - it looks like an ordinary one, only at the end there is a loop, it is inexpensive, and it will be useful not only once for knitwear on the farm.


  • Hook;
  • Thin needle;
  • Threads of the corresponding color;
  • Iron.

The actions are as follows:

  1. Flatten the fabric.
  2. Pull the thread crochet to the wrong side.
  3. Darn the “track” from bottom to top, and firmly fasten the last loop.

Important! At the place of deformation, you can add an adhesive point so that when washing the seam does not diverge.

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How to remove clues on satin and silk?

When repairing silk fabrics and satin, the technology is the same as in the case when it is necessary to remove the tightening on the jeans, unless the needle is needed as thin and sharp as possible. Procedure:

  1. Flatten the fabric.
  2. Pull the loop to the wrong side.
  3. Pull the material slightly to the sides (as carefully as possible) and steam.

Important! If the “arrow” has gone, you should carefully pack the item and take it to the nearest sewing workshop.

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How to remove puff on wool?

Probably most often, puffs appear on knitted clothes, but to fix such a situation is quite simple. If it turned out that the thread just stretched, then:

  1. Pick up any convenient device (needle, hook, knitting needles, but at least another thread).
  2. Gently pick up and bring inside out.

It happens when due to carelessness or oversight the thread broke, then it is necessary:

  1. Bring the ends of the dangling thread to the wrong side.
  2. Cut the same or similar in quality and color to the thread.
  3. Snap ends to cliff points.
  4. Raise in the same way as when processing knitted fabric and fasten.

Important! To cut the thread from the ball follows from the calculation: half the length of the “track” plus 2-3 cm per knots.

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Stock footage

Not so important, it is necessary to remove the puffs on the curtains or on the new chiffon dress, the main thing is to correctly evaluate your strengths and skills. If you are afraid to spoil the material or an “arrow” has appeared on the fabric, you should take the item to the workshop, and you can always eliminate the small clues yourself.

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