How to remove yellow spots from a down jacket?

Down jackets are a popular type of clothing for winter, because it has a huge number of advantages, such as comfort, lightness, and external beauty. The down jacket is very comfortable, it is always warm in it. But very often it happens that after washing, stains appear on it, which spoil the appearance of the product. Consider the main reasons why they appear, how to remove yellow spots from a down jacket after washing, how to prevent them.
to contents ↑The main causes of stains
Yellow spots on the down jacket can appear for the following reasons:
- Due to the poor quality filler used by the manufacturer.
- Use of detergent or other detergent that is not suitable for this product.
- Prolonged stay of the washed thing in a wet state.
- Improper drying of clothes.
- Wrong rinsing of a down jacket.
- Wrong temperature setting in the washing machine.
Washing rules
In order not to think about how to then remove the yellow spots on the down jacket, you must adhere to these rules:
- Do not use normal detergents during washing, because the density of the fluff and the texture of the fabric do not allow you to completely wash the powder. Pick a quality liquid concentrate or gel. If you decide to use a traditional powder, then its amount must be reduced.
- Turn clothes before washing on the wrong side.
- Load three balls for tennis with a down jacket. They will not let down fluff lumps and increase the efficiency of the rinse process. Yellow persistent spots form due to the accumulation of filler in one place. This results in a small amount of fat being released.
- At maximum speed, the spin should be set so that water does not drip from the product.
- Wash white down jackets by hand. Apply detergent sparingly, rinse it off with a sponge.
How to dry a thing, so you don’t have to think about how to remove yellow spots from a down jacket? Drying winter clothes is generally much more difficult than washing them.
Basic rules for drying:
- It is necessary to dry a down jacket on a spread terry towel on a flat surface in a horizontal position or on a coat hanger in an upright position.
- During drying, it is necessary to shake the product from time to time and break the lumps formed.
- To speed up the drying process, you can use a heat fan.
- It is best to dry your clothes in the fresh air.
How to get rid of yellow stains?
If you still have yellow stains on a down jacket, then you need to try to get rid of them. Unfortunately, there is no universal tool that would help to remove such spots, but there are some subtleties and tricks to remove them or make them less noticeable.
Important! The easiest option is to rinse several times with a rinse. This must be done using special tools for down jackets or capricious things.
Consider the most popular means by which you can get rid of divorces.
- Take a white, clean and natural fabric.
- Dip it in hydrogen peroxide.
- Go to all the places on the jacket where the stains appeared.
- Saturate the fabric with peroxide, wiping the yellow stains.
Important! Please note that this product can not be processed bright colored and dark fabrics.
Salt and vinegar
On winter things, along with yellow spots, spots of a different origin may also remain, with which the detergent could not cope. To remove them along with divorces:
- Mix half a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of food grade 9% vinegar.
- Dilute this mixture with half a liter of running water.
- Apply to a clean cloth and wipe the problem areas.
Important! Make movements directed to the inside of the dirt so that the stains do not spill over the entire surface of the product.
Laundry soap:
- Grate the soap on a grater.
- Pour it with warm water and cook the gruel.
- Apply the resulting mixture with a brush to the stains, leave for a couple of minutes.
- Rinse the down jacket very carefully under warm water.
- Stir in equal parts ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
- Blot the resulting solution with a white cloth made of natural fabric.
- Rub it with yellow spots on the down jacket, rinse thoroughly.
- After 40 minutes, rinse it again, dry in fresh air so that the smell disappears.
Important! Use this method exclusively for white or very bright items. Do not dry the product from the fluff in the sun.
Lemon juice:
- Squeeze 1 tbsp. l lemon juice.
- Dampen a cotton towel in it, go through all the spots.
- Wash the jacket with gel or liquid concentrate after half an hour.
- Rinse thoroughly.
Important! Lemon juice on white cloth can also leave yellowish stains, and on dark - discolor. Therefore, use this product for light colored products.
Dishwashing detergent:
- Take 1 tsp. detergent and dilute it in a glass of lukewarm water.
- Dampen a clean, white cloth in the resulting solution and wipe off the stains from the product.
- Rinse winter clothing several times.
Important! Take a neutral color, especially if you remove stains from a white down jacket.
- Dissolve in 1 ml of warm water in 1 tbsp. l salt.
- Apply the agent to the stains and leave the item for 1 hour.
- Walk down the down jacket with a stiff brush.
- Rinse the item with a solution of soda.
How to give a down jacket a new look?
After the downy thing dries out, it must be fluffed up:
- This can be done with a vacuum cleaner with a small, narrow nozzle. Turn on the vacuum cleaner at minimum speed and fluff each of the cells separately.
- You can also steam the down jacket with a steam iron, if the fabric of the product allows you to turn it on 110 degrees.
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We told you how to remove yellow spots from a down jacket that appeared after washing, how to properly dry a thing so that they do not appear again. In an extreme case, you can contact the dry cleaning service, where professionals will quickly and easily eliminate stains of any origin.
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