How to remove chewing gum from trousers at home 🥝 How to clean jeans

Everyone in life had to deal with a not-so-pleasant situation when you accidentally took a chewing gum in a public transport or on a bench in a park. And then immediately a huge bunch of questions arose, the main of which was how to remove chewing gum from jeans. The most obvious option is to take the clothes to dry cleaning, but this is not always convenient or affordable. Therefore, in our article we have prepared the most effective tips that will be very simple to use at home to remove the sticky mass from the fabric without a trace.

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How to remove chewing gum with jeans?

This section will provide tips on how to remove bulk chewing gum from clothing. Tips on how to remove the stain from it will be presented a little later.


The most obvious way is to clean the chewing gum with jeans with a paper towel. The gum adheres well to the paper, so you can easily remove the bulk of it without much difficulty.

Boiling water or hot air

Put the place on which the chewing gum has stuck, the inside under a hot stream of water and leave for 5-7 minutes. Chewing gum will melt at this time and it will be very easy to remove with an old toothbrush or knife.

Important! An alternative to hot water is a hot air stream from a hairdryer.

In any case, removing chewing gum from jeans will be very easy.


In contrast to the previous method, there is a method with freezing. Chewing gum becomes very fragile from low temperatures, so it will also be easy to clean. Pack the jeans in a bag and put in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

An alternative to the freezer can be ice, cold water or special freezing agents (you can buy them at a pharmacy, they were originally designed to treat bruises and injuries).

Important! After any method selected, remove the remaining chewing gum.


This is another thermal method. Put plain paper on the ironing board, jeans on top so that the chewing gum is on paper. After - it remains only to properly iron the inside of the clothes. This will make it easy to clean the chewing gum of jeans.

Important! If you like this type of pants the most when the model is annoying, you don’t have to go immediately for a new one. It is enough to update them or alter in a different style. You will find many interesting ideas about this in the following articles:

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Remove traces of chewing gum

As soon as the first problem is solved and a huge piece of chewing gum is no longer an eyesore, it remains to remove the gum stain from the jeans. To do this is not very difficult in fact. You will need:

  • acetone or nail polish remover;
  • Laundry soap or stain remover.

Important! Be careful with acetone, it can turn your jeans into dummies with characteristic white spots. Therefore, first test its effect on some inconspicuous area.

And to help you choose a really high-quality industrial product for removing pollutants of various origin, our rating of the best stain removers for clothes.

Mode of application:

  • It is necessary to apply liquid to a cotton pad and thoroughly wipe the place where the chewing gum has already been removed.
  • With the second method, everything is simpler.Simply apply a stain remover (or rub with household soap) and then rinse in clean water.

Important! Whatever method you choose, it is imperative to wash the jeans after it. For this, we have already prepared a separate review. Read at what temperature to wash jeans.

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Now you have in your arsenal several ways with which you can remove chewing gum from jeans in 10 minutes, and without much effort. And knowing how to act in such a situation will help you not to part with your favorite things and not spend money on dry cleaning.


