How to remove salt from suede shoes?

Suede is soft skin that is made from the skins of small animals. After dressing with tanning substances, it becomes thin and durable. Suede is used to make shoes, bags, upholstery for furniture and much more. Suede shoes are always very popular, as they look stylish and beautiful. In addition, such a material pleases its owners with its wear resistance and strength. But at the same time, in the absence of proper care, suede shoes can quickly lose their attractive appearance. It is quite difficult to clean such shoes from heavy pollution, because with all its positive qualities, suede also has its drawbacks. In particular, this is a very moody material. Therefore, you need to know how to clean it, and what - it’s not worth it. This problem is especially relevant in winter, when the tracks are sprinkled with salt and white stains appear on the shoes. There are several ways to remove salt from suede shoes, both professional industrial means and folk remedies.

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Industrial facilities

There is a category of people who do not trust people's councils and prefer to use industrial means. In this case, you just need to choose the right tool, which is now produced in large numbers by companies that produce cosmetics for shoes and remove pollution at home:

  • Complex sprays will help remove stains of salt and even out the color of shoes. Spray over the entire surface of the product. In addition to the cleansing effect, it will also have a water-repellent effect.
  • How to remove white stains on suede shoes? You can also use a special cleanser. Before use, it must be foamed and the resulting foam applied to suede. Before applying the product, you need to carefully study the instructions.
  • To remove stains, you need brushes with different bristles. The bulk of the contaminants are removed using brass metal brushes. Also, brushes with rubber and synthetic bristles will not prevent you from caring for suede products.
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Folk remedies

If white stains appeared on your shoes, then improvised tools can help you. There are many ways how to remove salt stains from suede shoes using folk remedies. But before you use any tool, whether industrial or something from the home arsenal, you need to dry the shoes well:

  • Dry it away from heating appliances.
  • After that you need to brush the suede against the pile.
  • If you clean the material along the pile, then you will only rub dirt into suede even more.

If after all these manipulations there were traces of salt, then you need to use the following tools.

Alcohol and vinegar

How to remove salt from suede boots? Alcohol and vinegar will help you:

  1. Mix alcohol with water in a ratio of 1 to 5.
  2. Moisten a rag or sponge in this solution and squeeze. The rag should be slightly damp.
  3. Treat areas with white stains.
  4. Add one tablespoon of vinegar to one liter of water, clean the boots with this solution.
  5. Dry suede products well.


You can also get rid of traces of salt with the help of tooth powder. Just sprinkle the powder over the white streaks and thoroughly brush these areas. Shake off the rest of the tooth powder.


How to clean shoes from reagents with vinegar?

  1. To get started, clean your shoes from dust and dirt.
  2. Dampen the sponge in vinegar and walk through the problem areas.
  3. Leave to dry.

Soap, ammonia and vinegar

If vinegar alone does not cope with pollution, then soap and ammonia are always ready to help him:

  1. Pour a spoonful of liquid soap and half a spoon into a glass of water ammonia.
  2. Foam the solution and apply foam on problem areas.
  3. Leave on for a few minutes, and then rinse.
  4. Make an vinegar solution, soak a sponge in it and treat the suede with this solution.



If you have lemon on hand, it can help you decide how to wash salt with suede shoes. Just wipe them with problem areas.


The easiest way to get rid of stains on suede shoes is to hold it for 5-10 minutes over steam. Boil water and steam your shoes, then brush them. That's all, it remains only to dry your favorite boots.

Important! Steam will not only save you from white stains, but also refresh the color of your shoes, it will look like new.

Rye bread

You can also get rid of traces of salt with rye bread. Dry the crust of black rye bread and clean it with a suede surface.

Important! Just do not crush too hard, so as not to damage the pile.


One way to remove salt from suede boots is to peel them with raw potatoes, cut in half. Leave to dry completely, and then brush off the residue with a suede brush.


Ammonia alone can cope with any dirt on suede. Wipe problem areas with this tool, and sprinkle semolina on top. Then brush off the remnants of semolina.

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Remove different stains from suede

Stains form not only from salt, but also from snow and rain. Depending on which spot you put on your shoes, the means by which it can be removed also change:

  • Stains from green grass can be removed by wiping them with saline.
  • Grease stains can be tried to remove with special refined gasoline, and then wipe with ammonia. After drying, the surface can be covered with talc.
  • Traces of iodine are removed using potato starch. Then they need to be washed slightly with laundry soap, or rather foam.
  • If a candle dripped onto a suede shoe, then the wax should be removed with a neat blunt object. And traces of wax are easily removed with refined gasoline.
  • Traces of rust are removed with warm lemon juice in several passes.
  • You can get rid of blood with a soap solution.
  • Residues of adhering chewing gum can be removed by first putting the product with adhering chewing gum in the freezer for a while. After the gum freezes, it can easily be cleaned with a blunt object.
  • The eraser will help us get rid of the gloss. Use a standard school eraser to brush the suede surface and the gloss marks will disappear. You can also use ammonia, and then clean it very carefully with fine sandpaper.
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Preventive measures

In order to keep the good appearance of the shoe longer and extend its life, preventive measures must be taken. To less often wonder how to remove salt stains from suede shoes, use the following recommendations:

  • Use special products for suede shoes that protect the material from the negative effects of dirt and salt.
  • Dry and clean your shoes regularly upon arrival.
  • Do not dry your shoes near batteries or other radiators.
  • During frost, discard the care products, which include silicone. At low temperatures, silicone freezes and can damage the product material.
  • In wet and rainy weather, prefer leather shoes. It is easier to clean and better tolerates moisture.
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In this article, you learned how to remove salt from suede shoes and also clean it of any other contaminants.Take care of your shoes, shoes made of delicate material on time, and then there will be no problems with them while wearing.


