How to remove rhinestones from clothes?

No woman can resist the temptation to try on and acquire the attractive thing she likes. But sometimes an absolutely superfluous detail, for example, shiny rhinestones, is glued on a beautiful and elegant product. Do not give up on the thing you like, just find a way how to remove rhinestones from clothes. In another situation, when jewelry fell off, and traces of their presence in the form of an adhesive film remained on clothes, the question also arises of how to remove glue from rhinestones from jeans or any other clothes. Let's look at a few ways to solve both of these problems.

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Method number 1. Using cooling

The most gentle way, the easiest and most affordable way is to remove rhinestones with the help of cold. However, an absolutely traceless and effective result will be only if resinous glue was used when gluing jewelry.

In such a situation, proceed as follows:

  1. Put the item in the bag.
  2. Put the wardrobe item in the freezer.
  3. After 30 minutes, remove the product.
  4. Get rid of rhinestones with a sharp object (such as a knife) - they should easily move away.
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Method number 2. By heating

Heat can also be used to remove crystals from clothing. Follow these instructions:

  1. Turn things inside out.
  2. Heat the rhinestone location with an iron.

Important! Be sure to use gauze or a piece of paper so as not to burn the thing.

  1. Remove the jewelry with quick movements, as the glue cools very quickly.
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Method number 3. Using a special soldering iron (for thermo-strass)

If you need to remove thermo-rhinestones, then you can not do without a special soldering iron for rhinestones. You can purchase such a tool in a special store for sewing products. This appliance may heat up to the melting point of the adhesive, so proceed as follows:

  1. Heat the soldering iron to the required temperature.
  2. Carefully attach the instrument to the crystal so that it glows. In this case, the glue base will melt.
  3. Use tweezers to remove excess jewelry.

Important! You can’t take a red-hot crystal with your hands, it is fraught with burns.

This method has a significant minus - after the glue there will be a mark on the clothes, so use this technology if it is planned to replace the damaged crystal with a new one. For example, rhinestones cracked, darkened, darkened and lost their attractive appearance.

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Method number 4. With gasoline

Use the gasoline used in Zippo lighters in this method. Before using the product, be sure to test the fabric for resistance to gasoline. If the fabric allows, then:

  1. Turn the product inside out.
  2. Apply gasoline to the crystal location (inside of the product).
  3. Leave the item for a few minutes.
  4. Remove crystals with tweezers.

Important! Instead of gasoline, you can use white spirit, but remember that it is less sparing and does not fit all fabrics. Therefore, before use, be sure to test the fabric for resistance to this solvent. Both of these substances are well suited if you need to remove rhinestones from jeans.

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Method number 5. Using hot water

You can remove rhinestones from clothes with boiling water as follows:

  1. Dissolve boric acid, ammonia and vinegar in 1: 1: 1 proportions in boiling water.
  2. Put the thing in the prepared solution.
  3. After an hour, pull out the product.
  4. Get rid of unnecessary items with a sharp object.

Important! Before using this method, check the fabric for susceptibility to such a solution on the invisible side, so as not to spoil the thing completely. After a successful experiment, be sure to wash the item thoroughly to remove acid residues from the fabric.

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People's councils

To date, an effective traceless method for removing rhinestones from clothing does not exist, since the adhesive will still remain on the fabric. Therefore, we consider several popular ways to remove stains from glue from clothes:

  • The adhesive trail can be removed with denatured alcohol or vinegar. Dampen a piece of cotton wool or a cloth with a tool and rub the stain thoroughly. After 30 minutes, soak the product in warm water and wash.
  • You can also remove glue from rhinestones with acetone, but this technique is not suitable for thin, colored fabrics. Do not use acetone to clean synthetic fabrics.
  • If folk remedies did not save the fabric from glue stains, then use modern drugs available in any hardware store. Such products are based on silicon dioxide and propylene carbonate; therefore, such a product will quickly rid the product of any impurities.
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Use our tips and tricks to remove excess rhinestones without loss without spoiling a good thing. We hope that you will give your clothes a new, “serious” life without frills.


