How to care for a cashmere coat?

Coats from cashmere always look elegant and stylish, they are warm, light and very pleasant to the touch. Another constant property of cashmere is its high cost. Like any other thing in your wardrobe, a cashmere coat gets dirty during socks, and accordingly needs to be cleaned. And if you want it to serve you as long as possible, then you need to provide him with proper care. Let's figure out how to care for a cashmere coat at home.
to contents ↑Daily Cashmere Coat Care
Most often, a cashmere coat is bought for the autumn-spring period. But such material does not like too much moisture. Therefore, if you fell into it in the rain, then remember that being in a wet state for a long time is not recommended for this article of clothing and you must immediately begin the drying process. To do it right:
- If the coat is not wet, just hang it on a hanger in a warm, well-ventilated area.
- If the product is very wet, then it is not worth hanging it in such a condition on the hanger - it can stretch out from its own weight. In this case, to speed up the drying process, wrap it in a terry towel that absorbs excess moisture.
Important! If you have a light coat, then the towel should be light, preferably white, so as not to accidentally stain the material.
When the bulk of the water has been absorbed, you can dry the product on a hanger.
to contents ↑Important! If the cashmere coat is dirty, then you need to correct the situation immediately, you should not wait until the dirt is absorbed into the material, then it will be even more difficult to clean it.
Washing cashmere coat
How to care for a cashmere coat? Each model has its own washing features, which can be found out if you study the product label. It will indicate the recommended washing temperature, as well as the possibility of using a washing machine.
Important! Cashmere is a rather capricious material that, if improperly washed, can be deformed and your stylish item will lose its appearance. The higher the percentage of wool in the product, the more delicate care should be.
The main recommendations for washing such products are as follows:
- Water temperature should not be higher than 30-40 degrees.
- Detergent should be used liquid, preferably for washing delicate things.
- If you machine wash, you need to set the most gentle mode and remove the spin.
- Cashmere does not tolerate friction, spools can form, so such a product must be soaked in water for a couple of hours, then gently knead with your hands.
- For a high-quality wash, use a special rinse for woolen and delicate items.
- After washing the coat, rinse it very well to completely remove the remnants of the detergent.
- It is impossible to squeeze a cashmere coat, but it is also not recommended to hang it in a wet state to dry. Therefore, you need to wrap it in a terry towel or in a cotton cloth so that excess water is absorbed.
- When the bulk of the water is removed, lay your coat on a blanket or again with a thick terry towel and dry it away from direct sunlight and heating appliances.
to contents ↑Important! To speed up the drying process, you must periodically change the towel or blanket on which the cashmere product is dried.
Stain removal
No one is safe from the appearance of stains even on the most expensive things, and here you need to know how to remove different types of contaminants so as not to harm the material and not spoil a good thing.
Important! Before you begin the procedure for removing stains with any means, conduct a test: apply a small amount of cleaning agent to a small inconspicuous area, if the material has not lost color, then you can start cleaning.
You can clean different stains in the following ways:
- Small dirt can be cleaned with a dry clothes brush.
- Greasy and other stubborn stains can be removed with aviation gasoline. Before processing, clean the surface from dust with a brush. Soak a swab in clean gasoline and wipe the dirt. After cleaning, hang the coat to ventilate in fresh air.
- It removes oily stains of talcum powder or soda. The selected product should be applied in a thick layer to the contaminated area and left for several hours. Then just brush off the remaining product. This procedure can be repeated many times.
- Coffee or tea stains can be removed with glycerin and ammonia. Mix 1 teaspoon of glycerin and half a spoon of ammonia. Apply the mixture to the problem area for 15 minutes. Then use a damp cloth or sponge to remove any remaining product.
- A mixture of vinegar and alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 1 will clear the stains of beer.
- Traces of red wine will disappear if you fill them with salt for 15 minutes and then wipe them with a damp cloth.
- There are also chemical stain removers, for example, “Vanish”, which copes well with different types of stains and does not spoil the fabric. In this case, you must act strictly according to the instructions.
- Steam cleaning also gives a good effect. Steam the cloth and then brush with a clothes brush. If you don’t have a steam generator, you can pour very hot water into the bathtub and hang a coat there for 20 minutes.
If not one of the methods gave the desired result, then you can turn to dry cleaning professionals for help, who will remove even the most persistent dirt and return things to their original appearance.
to contents ↑Useful Tips
How to care for a cashmere coat? You will not have problems if you use the following recommendations:
- After washing and cleaning, it is advisable to dry the cashmere coat in a horizontal position in a well-ventilated area.
- You can iron the product through wet gauze on the wrong side.
- Sometimes small spools appear on the coat. They are formed as a result of friction on any surface. They can be removed with the help of manicure scissors, a stiff brush or a special device.
- It is best to store such a product in a cover for clothes. In the closet you can put a remedy for moth. It is not advisable to store a cashmere coat with genuine leather or suede.
to contents ↑Important! To prevent spools from forming, try not to lean your arms on different surfaces, and avoid contact with various buckles or belts.
Woolen Coat Care
Caring for a woolen coat is almost no different from caring for cashmere products. There are only a few nuances:
- If wrinkles have formed on the woolen fabric, you can hang the product in the bathroom after first collecting hot water into it. From the steam, the hair straightens, then it remains only to let the product dry.
- Dust, fibers and other small debris can be collected from wool using a brush with a sticky surface.
- When washing, the wool coat is not soaked, but washed immediately. To improve the quality of washing, mustard can be diluted in water.
- After washing the coat you need to squeeze a little, and then wrap in a terry towel to get rid of excess water.
- A coat of wool can be ironed through the cheesecloth from the inside. If there are traces of iron left on it, wipe it with a damp swab and hold it above the steam.
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Now you can easily maintain your expensive item in good condition.Its strength and beauty will not be lost for several more years, which means that you will not have to spend extra money and time choosing and buying new clothes.
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