How to care for a fur coat?

Almost every woman dreams of a beautiful and warm coat. Moreover, in some particularly cold regions this is becoming a necessity. Of course, it's nice to walk in a new expensive fur coat, catching admiring glances. But there is another side to the coin: without proper care, your new coat will lose its presentable appearance. In order for the product to please with beautiful shiny fur, the condition of which did not deteriorate day after day, it is important to know the rules for its maintenance. How to care for a fur coat so that it warms us in severe frosts for more than one season and at the same time does not lose its original appearance? Now we will analyze all the important points.

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Factors that adversely affect the coat

Fur coats made of natural fur are exposed to negative factors affecting their durability. Let's get to know more about the main enemies of our product.

Precipitation in the form of rain or wet snow

The main enemies of a natural fur coat are precipitation in the form of rain and snow, therefore:

  • If it is exposed to rain or wet snow, take off your clothes and shake off water droplets so that they do not soak deep into the fur.
  • Arriving home, thoroughly shake it, and then hang it on broad shoulders and dry at room temperature.

Important! Do not speed up the drying process with a hairdryer or a heater - this can cause irreparable harm to your fur product.

  • If possible, hang the fur coat so that it does not come into contact with any surfaces or other things.
  • If the fur has lost its luster, it should be combed with a metal comb. In no case do not use your own comb or brush to comb the fur coat - the fur coat needs its own care items. After combing, iron the fur by hand and shake the fur coat. The result of such simple manipulations will be a presentable appearance of your fur coat. Be sure to do this procedure after every time the coat is slightly wet on the street.

Important! It is not recommended to comb fur coats from karakul.

  • If the fur coat is very wet in the rain, a professional furrier will be able to put it in order. Do not be stingy to bring the product to him, especially if it is expensive, otherwise - you risk saying goodbye to your beloved fur coat forever.


Chemical reagents on the road

This is another pest that can cause serious damage to your favorite fur product, especially if your coat is long. Deicing reagents cause a real burn of outer clothing, as a result of which a full restoration is required. Unfortunately, it is impossible or very expensive to replace damaged areas. Therefore, think in advance whether to purchase a long coat and follow these recommendations:

  • If the reagents still get on the fur product, you can not rinse them with water, otherwise - you will further increase the affected area. Let the product dry.
  • After that, it is recommended to brush the spot and assess the scale of the disaster. If the lining or part of the product is dirty, bio-cleaning is used - it is ideal for local spot removal. Restore damaged fur yourself is not worth it.

Dry cleaning

It is a mistake to assume that for quality care it is necessary to subject fur coats made of natural fur to professional cleaning using chemical products every year.The substances used in dry cleaners remove the natural grease film from the pile, tannins from the mezra, thereby shortening the “life” of the fur coat. Dry cleaning is recommended only for extensive contamination.

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Proper care of a fur coat

Often, women believe that a purchased fur coat does not need special care for the pile, but this is not so. Regular proper care for natural fur extends the life of the product.

Cleaning the fur yourself at home

After the season, it is recommended to clean the fur from dirt. If during the application of a fur coat made of natural fur, oily spots appeared on the sides, extensive areas of damage to the pile, it is recommended to dry clothes. If the pollution is not critical, you can clean it at home:

  • If the fur is stained with fat, lay the product on a flat surface and dust the place with sawdust. An hour later they can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Important! It is not recommended to use coniferous sawdust, as they contain resins.

  • Fat can also be cleaned with a mixture of 1 tsp. ammonia and 3 tsp salts dissolved in 6.5 liters of water. Moisten a sponge in this solution, wipe the fur, and then dry and comb it.
  • Coffee or wine stains are excreted with alcohol.
  • Caution should be taken when cleaning starch with a natural fur coat. It attracts moths and other insects, moreover, it is removed with difficulty.
  • If a chewing gum has got on a thing, do not try to remove it immediately, otherwise a bald spot may form. To eliminate chewing gum, carefully remove those pieces that do not have hairs. Then take the ice, wrap it in cellophane and attach to the chewing gum, slowly separating the hardened parts. Remove residues with a soft plastic comb.
  • If dirt from the road is on the product, do not rush to wash it, smearing the spray. First, dry the coat well and brush off the dirt with a brush or with a vacuum cleaner turned on at medium power.


Natural drying of a fur coat

Outerwear damaged by moisture should not be hung in a closed cabinet without first drying the pile.

Important! After wet cleaning with household products, it is recommended to straighten the coat and hang it on the shoulders away from the heating system for 24 hours.

Prevention of obstructed fur

Another important property of the fur is that it is crushed and abraded with constant exposure. Even a bag with a shoulder strap that is familiar to many women will leave a mark in the form of a receding hairline. Cuffs, pockets, shoulders - places most susceptible to mechanical defects.

To prevent all this from happening:

  • Do not allow the pile to come into contact with fatty foods (dough products), carry handbags on your shoulder, lower your hands, treated with cream, into your pockets.
  • When in the room, it is recommended to remove the coat, hang it on a coat hanger or hanger.
  • If there is no place to store the coat in a hanging position, you need to keep the coat thrown over the forearm with the fur inward.
  • For long trips by car, it is recommended to remove the coat.

The use of perfumes

To remove an unpleasant odor, many girls sprinkle eau de toilette, deodorant, and essential oils on fur coats. Here we must remember the following in order to care for a fur coat correctly:

  • It is strictly forbidden to apply concentrated odorants directly to the outer fur clothing. After prolonged storage, the product will have an unpleasant odor.
  • It is not recommended to spray onto the hair with a fixative (varnish) near the fur. Under the influence of synthetic fixatives, the fur hairs stick together, the surface of the pile becomes susceptible to any contamination.
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Regular use of a fur coat

It is important to remember that a fur coat loves walking. The more often it is in the fresh air, the longer the natural luster of the pile is maintained. It must be aired, at least on the balcony.

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Fur coat storage

When winter comes to an end, the question arises of how to store a fur coat in the summer. Before you hang the coat in a cabinet, conduct a thorough inspection. Your task is to make sure that there are no pollution on things. If everything is in order with this, then the following measures must be taken:

  • Before you remove the upper fur clothes for storage, it is recommended to treat the pile with glycerin oil: pour a small amount of glycerin into the palm of your hand, grind the oil, apply over the pile along the growth of the hairs.
  • Leave the fur product to air in a dark, well-ventilated place.
  • Comb the fur with a special metal comb.
  • Hang it on wide shoulders.
  • Button all buttons.

Important! In order not to worry about the safety of the fur coat in the summer, it is best to agree on its storage in dry cleaning. There it will be stored in a special refrigerator in which the temperature does not rise above + 10 ° C. But such a service is expensive and not everyone can afford it.

You can save the presentation of your fur product at home if you follow the following recommendations:

  • Store the product in a dark and spacious place.
  • Do not hang any accessories or jewelry on the fur coat.
  • Hang the product on a coat hanger and pack it in a special case.

Important! The fur coat needs a breathable opaque cover.

  • To scare away moths, use special tablets, bags with impregnation or folk remedies - geranium, citrus peels or lavender. Just do not put these funds directly on the pile.
  • To prevent the fur from wrinkling, the product should hang in the closet freely, and not be pressed from all sides by other things.
  • You can not store fur things in a folded state.
  • So that during storage the fur does not begin to emit unpleasant odors, it is recommended to moisten a small flap of linen fabric with a perfumery composition, put “sachet” in the inner pocket of the product.
  • Do not store a fur coat in a cramped closet next to colored items.
  • Direct sun rays and temperatures above 25 degrees are harmful to a fur coat.

Important! Do not forget to take care of the fur coat in the summer, pull it out once a month from the closet and let's just hang in a dark, well-ventilated place.

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Features of care of fur coats from different fur

Fur outerwear from the skins of various animals requires an individual approach to the care of the thing.


Mink coats are considered the most popular in the modern fashion world. Such a fur coat can serve the hostess without “major repairs” for up to ten seasons with proper care. How to care for a mink coat?

  • When storing outer clothing from mink, it is recommended to observe the temperature regime (from zero to +18 degrees) and humidity (from forty to sixty-five percent).
  • If it is dear to you, do not wear it in humid weather, during rain, or heavy snow. If you still decide to wear it, then take an umbrella with you to at least partially protect her from water.
  • When caring for a mink coat, remember that this fur loves air; it cannot be kept in polyethylene or a synthetic case.
  • To make the fur shine and not wrinkle, include in the care of the mink coat not frequent brushing, purchased specifically for this in the fur salon.
  • If you don’t often put on your mink, then you need to “walk” it. And do it best in the freezing air.

Special care requires a light mink coat, because any dirt is visible on it. In addition, the white fur turns yellow, and here no dry cleaning will help you. How to care for a light mink coat? So:

  • Yellowing accelerates bright light - daylight or artificial, it does not matter. Even if a white fur coat is stored in a closet, but in a transparent case, when the door is opened and light gets in, yellow spots may appear on this side over time.

Important! Of course, in the manufacture of fur, modern manufacturers add special color-stabilizing substances that can slow down such a process, but it is impossible to completely eliminate it. Therefore, the cover should be opaque.

  • You should not hang a product of light color next to bright clothes that can dye the fur.
  • Do not carry dark bags on the shoulder or elbow of a white fur coat - spots may appear. In rare cases, they can be removed with a swab dipped in alcohol by running it several times over the fur.


Mouton is the coat of a thoroughbred sheep. Mouton fur coats can be worn safely up to six winter seasons. But such a fur is quickly absorbed by moisture under adverse weather conditions. Therefore, manufacturers use a chemical solution, formalin, to impregnate the pile.

Mouton coat care is recommended according to the basic rules:

  • In frosty weather precipitation in the form of snow will not harm the pile, however, if wet snow or rain falls on the fur, you need to take a fur coat by the shoulders when you come home, shake it several times to get rid of water droplets.
  • Leave a coat on the shoulders until the product dries completely.


The main advantage of such a fur coat is its low cost. But such products are easy to deform under the influence of frost, strong wind, and are not resistant to moisture. After two years of use, the pile dulls, the hairs become brittle, “bald patches” appear in the area of ​​the collar, cuffs, sides, hem.

How to care for a rabbit fur coat? In order for the product to serve as long as possible, it is necessary to observe the cleaning and storage mode of the fur coat, described above in the general rules.



A fur coat from a beaver is a profitable purchase as outerwear. Fur can keep warm twenty winter seasons. Vors is not afraid of frost, wind, rain and snow. However, it is recommended to follow the rules for caring for outerwear regularly to avoid greasy hairs.


The fur of the fox is not subject to rapid deformation; it differs from other products in its frost resistance and moisture resistance. To maintain a good appearance of the fur, it is recommended to regularly comb the pile along the course of its growth with a brush with rare teeth.


The precious fur of the animal is moody, does not tolerate strong winds and moisture. A chinchilla fur coat is not intended for daily wear, and care for such a product should be as follows:

  • It is recommended to store chinchilla coats at low air temperatures and humidity not more than 40%.
  • To care for the product, it is not recommended to use combs on a metal basis in order to avoid “baldness” of fur sections. Here you can use combs with natural bristles.

Arctic fox

A fox fur coat is similar in characteristics to a fox fur coat: it does not require special storage conditions. It will reliably protect you from low air temperatures, will protect you from wet snow.


The fur of the animal is suitable for daily wear, it is resistant to all weather conditions.

Important! If when buying a fur coat from nutria you felt an unpleasant smell, it means that the process of dressing and processing of fur was disrupted.

Nutria products are often chemically stained. Therefore, you can not hang a fur coat from nutria next to bright things.

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Faux fur

Faux fur is also fur, and you must take care of it properly. How to care for an artificial fur coat?

  • Caring for an artificial fur coat includes washing at a temperature of no more than 45 degrees, it is advisable to do this manually, you can use a brush. To do this, soak the product in soapy water.
  • Some types of nap are machine washable.
  • If there are parts made of leatherette on the fur coat, do not soak the product for a long time, otherwise it may crack.
  • After washing (soaking), the coat cannot be twisted, dried with an iron (hairdryer).
  • Wet coat should be put on the sheet, and then hang the product on the shoulders until it dries completely.
  • To prevent the occurrence of creases of the villi, the fur coat should be dried on a hanger.
  • Store the product in a free closet and preferably in a case.
  • Mandatory remedies for moths, as this insect eats everything.
  • It is recommended to comb the artificial pile once a week with a comb with frequent teeth without strong pressure on the surface.
  • If water has fallen on the faux fur, a foam sponge must be applied to the damp place.

Stain fighting

How to care for an artificial fur coat, if there are pollution on it?

  • Try to wipe the stains from fat at home with a mixture of refined gasoline and starch.
  • For shine and softness, a solution of denatured alcohol and glycerol in a ratio of 9: 1 diluted in 100 ml of water is used.
  • You can try to discolor the yellow spot with hydrogen peroxide. Wet the swab and wipe the problem area.
  • You can clean a light artificial fur coat with starch. Pour it into the fur, rub it until the starch has collected dirt, shake out the fur coat and comb it. If the starch turns gray, repeat this procedure. You can also remove starch residues with a vacuum cleaner.
  • If the white artificial coat turns yellow, dilute ½ cup of lemon juice (or 2 tbsp. L. Dry citric acid) in half a glass of boiled water. Dampen a stiff brush made of artificial bristles liberally and brush the fur coat several times along the pile and against it.
  • There is another way to get rid of yellowness - to bring the composition of a shampoo of silver tint and water. Beat the composition until foam. Treat the yellowed areas with the resulting tinting foam. After processing, dry the fur coat in a natural way.

Important! Any of the tools must first be tested on a small inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

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In this article, we examined in detail how to care for a fur coat of different fur. We hope that now you will have no problems in order to maintain a presentable appearance of an expensive product for at least several seasons.

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