How to care for suede boots in winter?

Suede is considered one of the most moody and difficult materials to care for. Despite this, shoes made of such material never go out of style. And this can be understood: winter suede boots are warmer than leather. And demi-season suede boots look especially feminine, refined, stylish and elegant. Such shoes are suitable for any clothes, whether it is a simple jacket or an elegant coat. How to care for suede boots in winter so that they do not lose their attractive appearance longer, because proper care guarantees an exquisite appearance, neatness and durability of your favorite shoes? Rain, slush, snow, salt and sand negatively affect the quality of shoes. You need to take care of suede shoes very carefully, and the recommendations of specialists will help in this difficult matter. So, what does caring for suede boots include?

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Immediately after purchase

When buying winter suede boots, keep in mind that most models are not suitable for daily wear. That is why you will have to take care of another pair. Such shoes are more a day off than everyday. In addition, you also need to take care of suede care products:

  • New boots need to be taken care of immediately after you bring them home from the store. For primary processing, it is worth purchasing a special nanospray, which forms the thinnest layer on the surface of suede. This layer provides additional protection against environmental influences, especially from moisture. The spray is applied to the shoes in three steps. After each coat, dry your boots thoroughly before applying the next.

Important! In the future, it is advisable to apply this spray every time for 10-15 minutes before leaving the house.

  • For daily care of suede, you must also purchase a special brush. She will well clean your suede shoes from dust.
  • In order to clean all kinds of stains and dirt from suede boots, you need to get a special eraser or brush with a rare rubber pile.
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Suede shoe care at home:

  • Before you go out, clean your boots with a suede brush. Then apply a special cleaner. Keep in mind that only dry suede can be cleaned. After that, treat with a water-repellent spray.
  • After returning home from the street, brush your boots with a brush to remove dust or wipe with a dry flannel cloth. If the shoes are wet, immediately dry them at room temperature, and then clean them.

Important! If you brush your wet shoes, you will simply smear the dirt even further on the surface of your boots.

  • If the boots are very dirty, wash them gently with warm water using the simplest washing powder. The powder should be well dissolved in water and the boots should be washed very carefully with this warm solution. After all these manipulations, the shoes are wiped with a damp cloth, and then dry.
  • If the boots are wet, then you need to tamp the newspapers inside, and dry them away from direct sources of heat.

Important! It is advisable to wear suede shoes only in dry weather, it loses its appearance if you walk in it for long distances in rain or wet snow.

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Methods for cleaning suede

How to care for suede boots and is it possible to clean with a hard sponge? There are several effective ways to clean your suede.

Professional Tools

There are entire lines of professional care products for this whimsical material:

  • Foam can quickly remove superficial dirt, refresh the appearance of shoes.
  • Shampoo is designed for intensive cleaning.
  • A water-repellent spray is used to protect against environmental factors such as rain or snow.
  • Use a rubberized brush to raise the pile on suede shoes.

Steam cleaning

The easiest, but amazingly effective method for cleaning suede material is steam cleaning. In this case, the steam generator will not be out of place. But if he is not, do not be discouraged. You can replace it with a large boiling water tank:

  1. Boil water in a bowl, pan, or any other large container and remove the lid.
  2. Hold your suede shoe over the tank for about two minutes to steam over it. It should get a little wet.
  3. Wipe them with a dry cloth or lint-free cloth.

Important! This method will make it easy to get rid of small and minor contaminants, refresh the appearance and color of your boots.



Ammonia indispensable in the care of suede shoes. To clean suede with this tool, you need to do the following:

  • Dilute water with alcohol in a container in a ratio of 1 to 4.
  • Dampen a clean sponge in this solution.
  • Wipe the shoes gently. Try not to wet the product through - suede does not like high humidity and long drying.
  • Clean your shoes with a dry, clean sponge.

Important! This method is good against stubborn dirt or old stains. In addition, this method allows you to get rid of gloss.

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How and with what can I refresh my suede?

  • Suede shoes quickly lose color due to their texture. To prevent this from happening, it needs to be treated with a spray from time to time. It can be both color and transparent.
  • Brown boots can be ennobled by the folk method. To do this, moisten the brush in thick coffee grounds and wipe the entire surface of the product. Shoes acquire not only a rich brown color, but also a thick pleasant aroma.
  • An ordinary soda will help you cope with the gloss, a teaspoon of which should be dissolved in 200 g of warmed milk, and wipe problem areas with this solution.
  • Vinegar will help you refresh the color of your boots. Prepare a composition of 100 g of water and 25 g of vinegar, and with a rag or napkin, carefully walk through the overgrown areas. After that, treat them with clean water and fix the result with a weak solution of one teaspoon of vinegar per liter of water.
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Suede stain removal

Caring for suede boots also involves competent stain removal. As we already said, this is a very moody material and cannot be cleaned with aggressive means:

  • Grease stains can be treated with refined gasoline or kerosene. Moisten a cloth in the product and gently wipe the dirt.
  • You can sprinkle them with talcum powder, starch or cornmeal, which absorb all the excess fat. You only need to shake off the rest of the substance after a couple of hours with a brush or wire sponge.
  • Dry spots and other marks on the surface of the shoe can be removed with a regular school eraser. Only it should be new or at least clean, otherwise there may be traces, especially on light shoes.
  • You can also use sandpaper of the smallest profile.
  • If your boots have been hit by chewing gum, try freezing it with ice cubes. Take a few ice cubes and put them in an airtight bag. Put the ice pack on the chewing gum and hold it until it freezes. This will allow you to remove the chewing gum almost completely. And the rest can be safely removed with a suede brush.
  • Complex stains are removed using a special suede stain remover.
  • How to care for black suede boots? There is a very simple folk method for cleaning them - to rub the soiled suede with a crust of brown bread.
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How to store suede shoes?

Proper care of suede boots implies the proper storage of such shoes in the summer, when she rests. You can’t put your shoes in any direction and anywhere. In addition, before storing it, it is necessary to prepare it:

  • At the end of the season, suede boots should be thoroughly cleaned, dried and coated with a coloring compound, if it is of course there. If the shoe has a lot of stains that are difficult to remove, then perhaps you should think about dry cleaning.
  • Be sure to store suede boots with a special plastic shoe block inside. It will help to avoid deformation and preserve the beautiful shape of the shoe.

Important! If you didn’t manage to get hold of this, then you can simply stuff your boots with paper or old newspapers.

  • Natural suede boots are not recommended to be stored in plastic containers or bags. A bag made of natural fabric is best suited for these purposes. It passes air well and allows the shoe to remain dry and fresh.
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Stock footage

Suede shoes are worth your attention, because they really look luxurious, and caring for them is not as burdensome as it might initially seem. The main thing is to do everything correctly, without exposing the material to excessive aggressive effects.


