How to shorten jeans at home?

Many people who buy jeans at the store face a problem when the length of their trousers is long. And to solve it, you have to go to the studio and file the new thing, additionally spending time and money. If you have a sewing machine at home, then you just need to understand how to shorten your jeans at home. This will not be difficult, although even if it is not there, it is entirely possible to do it yourself.

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Shorten jeans without a sewing machine

This method is simple to impossibility and even for those who first hear such concepts as “scatter” and “sweep”.

To properly hem jeans, you need to follow this instruction:

  1. Dress shoes or other shoes that you are going to wear with trousers. Measure the desired length by marking the cut location along the edge of the trousers with a pin or needle. It is worth remembering that jeans will be even longer by the width of the factory seam.
  2. To make work easier, turn the trouser leg inside out and iron it. This way you can avoid stitching when hemming.
  3. Now, turn the trousers on the front side and just pull their original seam from underneath. That is, all unnecessary should remain inside, and outside there will be a hem, as well as a peeking line. So it should be carefully sewn by hand with small stitches.
  4. If you don’t rush and work accurately and correctly, the seam will be invisible, and no one will ever think that there is an extra fold of fabric inside.

Important! This method is best used for thin summer fabric, as tight jeans will look heavy.

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Shorter jeans with shabby edges

In this case, to hem the jeans at home, you have to use a sewing machine, but in this case, the trousers you get exactly suitable for your height, as well as without weighting the fabric below.


  1. To begin, outline the line along which you are going to shorten the legs. Then measure the width of the lower seam with characteristic scuffs using a ruler, and then set aside this distance from the cut line up. On this line you will then sew this seam back.
  2. Carry out the same actions with the second leg, making sure that they do not differ in length. Next, remove all excess, then cut the seam itself below, leaving a 10 mm allowance on top.
  3. Now fold these parts face to face. Chip them or sweep them away. Now sew the product on a sewing machine, trying to place the stitch as close as possible to the tracks from the factory finishing stitch.
  4. At this stage, work should be done to carve out allowances at the crosshairs of newly laid stitches with side and step seams. This will make it possible to reduce the thickness of the hem, while maintaining abrasion, and make further work easier. The allowances should be carved without reaching a couple of millimeters to the stitches.
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Two ways to shorten jeans

In the future, you can work in two ways, depending on the thickness of the fabric of the pants.

First way

This option is more suitable for thin fabrics:

  1. It will be possible to minimize the thickness of the allowances hidden inside the sewing by cutting the bottom allowance, leaving only 3-5 mm. Next, both edges should be ironed in the direction of the hem, fit them along the factory lines and sweep.
  2. Iron everything well, with the help of a sewing machine to hem trousers, trying to get into the tracks from the factory line. The seam will be placed 1 mm higher than the finishing joint, and will not be evident.
  3. After the basting is removed, it is necessary to iron the material again.

Second way

Unlike the first method, this can be used for trousers made of a denser fabric:

  1. Iron allowances in different directions and then trim them, leaving approximately 3-5 mm.
  2. The allowance for the leg must be overcast, bent the factory bottom, then swept and stitched.
  3. When using this method, it will be possible to see the sealed allowance from the inside out, but the main thing is that it will be possible to maintain the worn edge, and the bottom of the trousers will not “stand up with a stake”.
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Stock footage

Now you know how to shorten jeans at home, and you can easily turn them into shorts or breeches. This is not difficult to do on your own, so try it, and everything will definitely work out for you!


