How to decorate sneakers?

When warm days come, more and more on the street we all meet our favorite sneakers. Besides the fact that they are very comfortable, beautiful and practical, these shoes attract a lot of attention from hand-makers, as you can decorate your sneakers with your own hands in a beautiful and very original way. Bright colors break boring everyday life, make you look differently at the things around us. They can turn old shoes into a very interesting weekend item. Let's look at some interesting ideas for decorating sports shoes that you definitely like.

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We decorate shoes in the style of Miu Miu

In order to decorate sneakers, you will need:

  • A pair of white.
  • 250 g of small spangles.
  • 50 g of large sparkles of golden color.
  • 1 medium and 1 small brush.
  • Rhinestones of different sizes.
  • A small plastic tray.
  • Good glue.
  • Duct tape.


  • You need to start work with adhesive tape covering the soles and toes of the shoes.
  • In a small container, mix small spangles with glue in a 2: 1 ratio.
  • Stir the mixture well with a brush.

Important! The resulting mixture should be sufficiently thick, but not pasty.

  • Then apply a layer of shiny mass to the surface.
  • After 15 minutes, apply a second coat.

Important! If necessary, then apply a third layer, until there are no spots covered with sparkles.

  • Use a fingernail or a small knife to scrape off any excess sparkles.
  • Remove the adhesive tape.
  • Glue large rhinestones and sparkles on the socks of the sneakers, folding them with a pattern that you like.
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Spike decoration

Another way to decorate your sneakers with your own hands is the option of decor with spikes.

For this option you will need:

  • A pair of shoes.
  • Metal conical spikes - 150-200 pieces.
  • Glue.
  • Popsicle stick or disposable spoon.
  • Toothpicks.


  • Squeeze a little glue on a stick or spoon and apply on the tip of the spike.

Important! It is better to use a small amount of glue at a time, as it dries quickly.

  • Attach the cone to the surface, pushing it to the right place for a couple of seconds.
  • Continue to fix the spikes along the sole line and with horizontal lines just above the first row in the forefoot.

Important! Before you begin to attach the decor in hard to reach places, you must first try on the spikes without glue, and then fasten with it.

  • Continue gluing the spikes along the heel line horizontally.
  • Leave to dry overnight.
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Sequin decoration

Shoes will be very stylish and unusual if you decorate your sneakers with your own hands using sequins. To do this, you will need:

  • A pair of shoes.
  • Sequins.
  • Thimble or patch.
  • Needle and thread.

Important! It is best to use a thimble or wrap a band-aid on your fingers, because it will be quite difficult to pierce the needle through the dense material.

Sequins are sewn to the sneakers one at a time, until the entire area is completely covered.

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The ombre effect is in fashion today and is used in everything from hair and manicure to decorating clothes. In order to update the sneakers with your own hands in this way, you will need:

  • A pair of sneakers.
  • Yellow or orange paint.
  • Soda.
  • Toothbrush.


  1. Remove shoe laces.
  2. Immerse part of the sneaker by ⅓ in the paint.
  3. Dampen a cloth with water and use it to distribute the paint.
  4. Leave to dry.

Important! After the sneakers are completely dry, clean the sole with soda and water.

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Zebra pattern

A very interesting option is shoes with a zebra pattern. To make them, you need the following:

  • A pair of light sneakers.
  • Black paint.
  • Scotch.
  • Old newspapers.


  1. Put the old newspapers inside.
  2. Cut pieces of adhesive tape in the form of different long strips, glue to the surface.
  3. Paste the sole with adhesive tape.
  4. Paint the shoes with black paint for the shoes and leave to dry.
  5. After drying, remove the adhesive tape.
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In order to make very interesting gladiator sneakers with your own hands, you will need:

  • A pair of high top sneakers.
  • A sharp clerical knife.

Important! For your safety, you can bandage your hands.

Turn the shoe tongue out and make cuts in the right places to create a look of gladiator shoes.

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Painted fabric sneakers look very beautiful at home, for this you need:

  • A pair of light sneakers.
  • Sponges.
  • Paints.
  • Brushes.
  • Glitter paint.
  • Sealing Spray.
  • Scotch.


  1. First you need to glue the sole with tape.
  2. Then with a sponge or brush, begin to apply paints of different colors on the surface of the sneaker.
  3. In order to create the effect of the starry sky, you need to take a small amount of white paint on the toothbrush and spray it onto the surface with your finger.
  4. Leave the sneakers to dry.
  5. After complete drying, apply sealing glue to the surface.
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We considered only a few options how to beautifully and originally decorate sneakers with your own hands. In fact, there are a lot of ways to decorate shoes. Do not be afraid to experiment, connect imagination and your design talents!


