Sew jeans at the waist 🥝 how to do it right at home

Sometimes situations arise when the clothes purchased in the store do not perfectly fit your figure. This happens due to the fact that all wardrobe items are made to certain standards. Jeans bought in a store can be sutured at home, but for this you need to have basic craftsmanship and, of course, make some effort. In our article, we will consider whether it is possible and how to sew jeans on the sides manually at home, so that it is imperceptible.

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Important points

Before considering ways to help suture jeans, it is necessary to study some of the most important nuances.

Important! Jeans are much harder to sew than trousers.

Let us dwell on the main information that you need to possess in order to properly suture the product:

  • The main problem is the finishing seams, which are made of contrasting thread on jeans. Sometimes it is very difficult to reproduce their texture and color. But if you show patience and spend some time choosing the threads of the right tone, then there will be no significant difference.
  • As a rule, jeans are made of a fairly dense material, respectively - the seams on this product are very thick. Not every home sewing machine is able to sew a jeans seam, since not all household machines are designed for such a load. Therefore, you will have to flash some sections of the seams manually.
  • For exactly the same reason, there is no need to copy the jeans seam “into the lock”. It is quite reasonable to apply its imitation.
  • And the very last moment - to start suturing jeans is necessary only if you need to reduce the product by one size, or in extreme cases, suture your clothes by two sizes. Only in this case, a rather painstaking and time-consuming task will be justified by your efforts.
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How to sew jeans on the sides, legs?

If you lost a few kilograms a bit or recently trendy flared jeans fed up with you, then they can be sutured. As a result of such a home repair, you will have new skinny jeans. To properly suture your favorite product and get a fashionable thing like in a video, you need to use certain secrets.

Materials for work

Before proceeding with the repair work, the necessary materials should be prepared:

  • sewing pins;
  • bar of soap;
  • needle with thread;
  • sewing machine.

Pereshiva master class

How to sew jeans on the sides at home? The instruction will be as follows:

  • We dress jeans turned on the wrong side and with sewing pins we outline the area that should be sutured. At the same time, we leave 1.5-2 cm in reserve, so that after washing there is the possibility of shrinkage of the product.
  • We remove the jeans and put them on the table, carefully align.

Important! Clothing must lie flat, otherwise - the line will mow.

  • We prepare a small bar of white soap and sharpen its edge. Soap around the areas near the pins, which will help to make measurements more accurate.
  • On the marked lines with a thread with a needle, we sweep the edges of the trousers, while we are guided by the pin, since the laid lines should go exactly along the measurement lines.
  • Try on skimmed jeans. If the preliminary sewing does not cause any doubts and the clothes fit perfectly on you, then we take off our trousers and proceed to the final sewing process.
  • We cut off the excess part of the trousers, which is located beyond the intended area, and we sew the product on a sewing machine.
  • The edges of the trousers are swept with a zigzag or processed with an overlock.

Important! The first time such a procedure may be quite complicated for you. Therefore, if you have an expensive product, you should practice on cheaper clothes. When you perfectly cope with the task and well beat your hand, it will not be difficult for you to carry out such repair work.

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How to sew jeans at the waist?

Sometimes a situation arises when jeans “sit” on the hips just in shape, but in the waist area they are bolshevik and ugly ugly. In a similar situation, minor repairs are also needed. The presence of a sewing machine helps to independently solve this problem.

Gum reduction

What if jeans are big at the waist? If you need to suture no more than 2-3 cm along the waistline, then in this case, the elastic can save the situation.

Important! If you decide to insert an elastic band on a waist, then it is necessary to know some features of a choice of length of a detail. In order for the elastic to have the correct length, before you sew it, you need to measure yourself around the waist. In jeans, the sewn part should be 3-5 cm less than the waist. When you put on jeans, the elastic stretches and acquires the desired length.

How to close jeans at the waist:

  1. In the store we get a wide elastic band.
  2. On the underside of the jeans, we make two cuts from the wrong side.
  3. We put a pin through the gum and stretch it along the entire length of the belt.
  4. Gently sew the elastic to the belt, while paying special attention to the places of the cut.
  5. Try on jeans.

If the elastic band is chosen to the correct length, then the repair is completed and you can wear your favorite clothes.


Tuck size reduction

If the jeans in the waist area are so large that it is necessary to reduce the waist volume from 3 to 7 cm, then in this case you will have to spend a little more time, since the repair procedure takes more effort and the process is more time-consuming.

In order to close jeans at the waist, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  1. First, the belt is steamed between the side seams of the product.
  2. Turn the jeans on the wrong side.
  3. We put on inside-out trousers and pay attention to the tucks located behind. They must be stabbed with pins. The main condition for this is that they should be located at a uniform distance from the middle seam of the product.
  4. We take off the jeans and gently stitch the marked tucks.
  5. We carefully iron the stitched part.
  6. We select the threads of the desired color and fix the tuck from the outside, while laying a line along the entire length.
  7. On the belt with the help of scissors, steam off the middle loops.
  8. In the middle line we cut the belt in half.
  9. We attach a belt to the product and measure the volume of the waist.
  10. Cut off the excess.
  11. We sew the newly formed belt.
  12. Again we sew the belt to the trousers and close the middle seam with the help of a loops


Size reduction with seams

Consider another way that allows you to reduce your product by several sizes. This method will take much more time and effort, but you will like the result, so the jeans will fit perfectly on your figure.

How to reduce jeans at the waist:

  • Determine how big your jeans are.
  • We unfasten the loops from behind.
  • We unzip the belt in the region of the middle seam, while on each side we parse about 10 cm.
  • Unzip the seam located between the legs, 10 cm. This seam is called a step seam.
  • We unstitch the middle seam, but we will not expand it, because with the slightest inaccurate movements it can move.
  • On the front side, we sew this seam with pins.
  • All seams from the inside are fixed in the same way with pins. Then on the front side of the product, remove all the fasteners.
  • Steam the seams well with an iron.
  • We put the legs so that they fit into each other. We retreat from the middle seam of 2 cm and draw a line so that a triangle forms.

Important! If you did everything correctly, then the drawn line will go clearly along the waist.

  • We draw a line along the drawn line and overcast the edge with a zigzag or using an overlock.
  • On the seamy side, we sew a step seam with one line. From the front side we are laying a double stitch. The threads should be matched to the tone of the main line.
  • Cut the product belt in half.
  • We attach a belt to the sutured trousers and remove the excess part.
  • We sew the belt on the front side, iron it and compare it with jeans.
  • Fasten with sewing pins and gently sew.

Jeans with a sewn waist are ready!

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How to close jeans one size smaller?

When you lose extra pounds, of course, your mood rises, but along with this you get problems with the wardrobe. Jeans are the first to suffer, as fashion dictates its own conditions, and they are worn exclusively in shape. If the jeans became large, while the increase in clothing occurred by only one size, then this situation is quite fixable. How to sew jeans on the sides at home without a sewing machine? Some methods do not even have to sew anything.

Wash down size

The easiest way is an ordinary wash:

  1. In the washing machine, we set the program with a temperature regime that corresponds to 95 degrees.
  2. We load the jeans into the drum of the washing unit and run the program.
  3. This washing procedure must be repeated twice. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that cold water does not enter the product.
  4. When the washing equipment switches to a cold rinse, you must stop the process.
  5. Jeans washed in this way should be dried on a hot battery or a steam dryer should be used.

Important! This method is quite productive, but in the process of wearing after a certain time, the jeans stretch again, and again you will have to repeat this procedure again.

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Useful Tips

Starting repair work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with some recommendations and tips that help prevent standard errors:

  • Inexperienced needlewomen who do not fully possess the skills of cutting and sewing, there is no need to completely open the legs of the product, since a thick seam is located in the crotch area and it is subsequently very difficult to sew it correctly.
  • When choosing threads, it is necessary to give preference to special threads that are used for sewing jeans material. If in the absence of a suitable color you have to use ordinary threads, then you should opt for a thicker number, since the stitched seam should be strong and durable.
  • All seams should be sewn with double stitching, which guarantees strength.
  • When sewing seams, do not rush to cut the threads. The reinforcing seam must have stitches.
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In this article, we told you in detail how to sew jeans on the sides, at the waist, so that your favorite pants sit perfectly on you again. Do not be afraid to repair your clothes yourself. If you carefully do everything and follow the tips, instructions, you will be able to save money on buying new pants, acquiring useful skills in everyday life.


