How to suture a coat at home?

Every woman knows that only those things that fit well on the figure can give her confidence and a chic look. It concerns including outerwear. A fashionable and stylish coat, for example, can emphasize the taste and femininity of its mistress, in addition, it will warm in the cold season. But often it happens that a favorite thing becomes big, and there is no way to buy a new one yet. Is there anything you can do in this case? You can try to fit it in shape. Today you will learn how to suture a coat at home.

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How to independently reduce the size of the coat?

Not only old clothes can become their mistress suddenly not suitable in size, because in stores it can also be difficult to find a model of a coat of the required size. Especially often in such situations, miniature girls find it difficult to find outerwear that fits perfectly in the figure. You can buy a thing and hand it in for a fit in the studio or fix the situation yourself. The main thing is to know how to reduce and alter the size of the coat with your own hands.

If you are determined to remake the coat to a smaller size, then for sewing you will need:

  • New or old coat.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Scissors.
  • Tailor centimeter.

Reduce the product using this instruction:

  • First try on a coat, determine how much you need to reduce it in volume. If you need to sew it on only one size, then you will have to remove 4 cm, but if it is two sizes, then, respectively, 8 cm.
  • Open the lining on the bottom of the product, then turn it inside out. Spread the middle seams of the back and shelves, but do not reach the sleeves a few centimeters.

Important! If there is a need to suture a thing more than one size, then you will have to flog still side seams, leaving a small piece of the seam under the sleeves intact.

  • Back 0.5 cm from each old seam of a quarter of a back and a shelf. Use chalk to indicate where the new lines will go. Sweep or chop the parts with tailor pins.
  • If it is necessary to close the coat on the sides, then measure the same distance from each old seam in the direction of reduction. Prepare all parts for grinding.

Important! If it is necessary to reduce the thing by one size, but there are no middle seams on the back and shelves, then the reduction is due to the side seams. To suture such a model into two sizes, you will have to lay the tucks to the desired depth.

  • Prepare a sewing machine for work. To do this, set the foot with the roller in the position for the appropriate fabric. Change the needle to a stronger one when it comes to thick and dense material. Then thread kapron thread there.
  • Carefully lay the lines in the designated places. Cut off excess material. Process the edges of all parts on an overlock or zigzag stitch.
  • Using a gauze slightly moistened with water, iron the middle seams in the direction of the center of the back and shelves. Flatten and then iron the side seams. Iron tucks towards them.
  • Repeat all the manipulations done on the lining fabric.
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How to shorten a coat at home?

Fashionistas often encounter the fact that a new or old coat has become not quite comfortable in length, for example, it prevents it from freely getting into a car and driving. This problem can also be solved on your own.Now you will learn how to suture a coat at home in length, in other words, shorten it.

Make the product shorter by following this pattern:

  1. Try on to find out a new suitable length.
  2. Align and pin the side, lapel and bottom with pins.
  3. Having received a specific mark after trying on, measure the distance from it to the lowest line of the product, set this value aside along the entire length.
  4. Given that pockets will now become redundant, it is better to tear them away, otherwise - a coat with pockets at the very bottom will look ugly.
  5. With the help of chalk, mark a new bottom line, at a distance of 5 cm from it, mark the allowance line, cut off all the excess. Insert the pins into the intended bottom line.
  6. On the other side of the pins, draw a bottom line.
  7. Support the stitching on the sides, bend the bottom of the product and steam it off.
  8. At an angle cut off the allowance at the sides to avoid thickening of the fabric.
  9. Hang the coat on the shoulder pads, cut off the lining, stepping back 1.5-2 cm from the bottom line. Cut the fabric completely along the sides.
  10. Turn out, chop the product and the lining with pins, trying to combine the middle of the back and side seams. Give a line on a typewriter.
  11. Sew the allowance without tightening the thread so that the bottom “walks” a little.
  12. Turn the coat through the hole in the sleeve.
  13. Restore the stitches along the edges of the sides, sew a hole in the sleeve, and unfasten the bottom.
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How to reduce the coat in the shoulders?

If your favorite outerwear has become great only for you on the shoulders, then to cope with this trouble will be even easier. In this section, we will tell you how to make the coat in the shoulders smaller, to sew it in the shoulders with your own hands.

Reduce the product in the shoulders using the following technique:

  1. First, open the shoulder pads. To penetrate the lining, spread the side seam on the sleeve about 20 cm. Then it will be sewn in and nothing will be visible.
  2. Set the flap shoulder pads on the shoulder so that the thickest part of it 1 cm protrudes beyond the bones of the shoulder.
  3. Raise the sleeve around the sleeve so that it fits your shoulders. With pins, pin the sleeve ok to the shoulder seam, make sure that it is in place.
  4. Once you define a new high point for the sleeve’s rim, you can continue to work. Pin it to the back and front of the coat to create a new armhole line.
  5. Make sure the new shoulder is right for you.
  6. Remove the product, mark with chalk on the front side the line where the sleeve will be sewn.
  7. Open the sleeve, mark the highest point of the seam sewn to the shoulder seam, and the lowest point sewn to the side seam.
  8. On the shelf and back, cut off the excess fabric along the marked lines, leaving allowances. Level the armhole directly to the armpits. Measure the length of the shoulder seams to make sure they match.
  9. Sew on the sleeve. Install the shoulder pads to a new place, fix it manually, sweeping to the most protruding part of the seam seam.
  10. Sew open the sleeve.
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The above schemes and instructions will help you independently bring your favorite thing in order, reduce it in length, on the shoulders and even in size. And for this you do not have to pay a lot of money to professional seamstresses. The main thing is that before you cut, redraw, flash, carefully measure and try on everything, take your time, and then the result will not disappoint you.

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