How to return whiteness to white things?

A white shirt is an integral part of an evening men's suit, white cotton trousers are simply irreplaceable in the summer, and white curtains on the windows lighten even the darkest room. In a word, there are a lot of white things, they look great when new. But the trouble is that even the tiniest spots are perfectly visible on them, and white things can even get an unpleasant yellowish or grayish tint from time to time. Do not rush to repaint them, let alone throw them away. There are many answers to the question of how to return the whiteness to white things.
to contents ↑Start by sorting
So, you started a wash. In the laundry basket there were a variety of things - a white shirt, a printed cotton dress, a bright woolen sweater, and much more. Take your time to load the machine.
The first thing you need to sort the laundry, and for several reasons.
- Separate white from colored items.
- Sort the white items by type of fabric.
- See which mode the manufacturer has set for each product.
to contents ↑Important! Even a tiny drawing or a narrow colored strip on a white thing can very shed and color everything else in the most unexpected colors. Such things must be washed separately from everything.
Cotton items
There are usually most white cotton items in the house; these are not only golfs and shirts, but also sheets with duvet covers. And most often cotton just turns gray over time, so the question of how to restore the whiteness of grayed things is far from idle.
But cotton things have their pluses - they are not so whimsical about the quality of bleach and washing powder, like silk or synthetics. Some things can be bleached even with ordinary bleach, but this method is extreme - it can not be used often, because bleach makes the fabric lose its strength.
What is best used and how to restore the whiteness of white things from cotton fabric?
Option 1
For washing cotton fabrics, the simple and cheap Whitener bleach, which can be found in any store, is ideal. This tool will give the white fabric a pristine freshness and even removes not very noticeable spots.
On sale you can find other bleaches with a similar principle of action, the price range is very large, but the method of use is approximately the same:
- Wash a thing in the usual way, using any powder for cotton fabrics.
- Pour cold water into the basin and add “White” according to the instructions.
- Soak a thing and leave it for an hour.
- Rinse the product.
Option 2
Cotton underwear can be boiled. This ancient method is effective now. No colored spots can withstand such treatment, so boiling is very useful not only to rid the thing of a grayish tint, but it is great for shedding things.
Important! You can add a little bleach, the effect will be more noticeable.
How to act:
- Grate the soap on a grater.
- Pour water into a large enameled or steel pan.
- Immerse the laundry in the pan.
- Bring the water to a boil.
- Boil your laundry for an hour.
Important! An aluminum pan for boiling laundry is not suitable. White things will not become snow-white, but dirty gray.
We bleach white things in the washing machine
Cotton things are also good because they can be washed and bleached in a conventional washing machine and in an automatic machine:
- In a conventional washing machine, bleach is added with detergent.
- If you have an automatic machine, bleach should be put in a special tray for bleaching and emollients.
- In addition, there are many washing powders with a whitening effect - they are also suitable.
And then - as usual: washing, rinsing, spinning, drying. To enhance the effect, you can use the modesprewash and extra rinsing - many modern machines have them. With this approach, you will probably be able to return the whiteness to white things.
White T-shirts and socks
White socks are elegant, but their soles tend to darken. Dark spots are very difficult to wash, and get rid of them immediately. Boric acid will help you out:
- Pour 2 liters of water into a small container.
- Add 2 tablespoons of boric acid.
- Dip the socks or shirt in the solution and hold for a couple of hours.
- Wash a thing in the usual way.
To make the window smart
White tulle gives the window a special charm. There are usually no noticeable spots on the curtains, but they turn gray often enough. There are very effective ways to return the white color to grayish things, and in this case it would be better not to boil the curtains, but to soak in a special solution. You will find the necessary substances in the nearest pharmacy - by the way, they are useful not only for bleaching.
You need:
- ammonia;
- hydrogen peroxide.
How to bring back the whiteness to white curtains:
- Pour about 10 liters of hot water into the basin.
- Add 2 tablespoons of ammonia.
- Pour 2 tablespoons of peroxide into the same solution.
- Immerse tulle curtains in a basin.
Important! Ensure that all tissue is immersed in the solution.
- Wait 30 minutes.
- Wash and rinse the curtains.
Important! In the same way, you can bleach a guipure blouse. Ammonium chloride and peroxide will not bring any harm to these tissues. The only thing to take care of is that the thing does not stay in the basin for too long. Soak for a day in this case is definitely not worth it.And as soon as you cope with the task of restoring the purity of the fabric, it's time to use our ideas to diversify the interior in simple ways.
Find out, how beautiful to hang a tulle.
Synthetic fabrics
Synthetic fabrics have a lot of disadvantages, but there are also advantages:
- Stains from them are washed off much easier than with cotton or linen.
- Synthetic fabrics almost do not lose color, and even white things remain snow-white for a long time.
How to add whiteness to white things from synthetic fabric? The tool for this is on your dining table. This is the most common table salt:
- Make a solution at the rate of 2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water.
- Dip the product into the solution for about half an hour - and it will again be as good as new.
Woolen and silk items
White wool and silk also fade over time, only do not become grayish, but yellowish. They, like cotton, can be bleached directly during washing. Such things are often washed manually, but sometimes you can use the automatic machine in the delicate washing mode.
For hand washing, the bleaching agent can be prepared on its own. You need:
- salt;
- peroxide;
- ammonia;
- washing powder.
The solution is prepared as follows.
- Pour a bucket of water into the basin or bathtub.
- Add 2 tablespoons of detergent for wool or silk.
- Add 2 tablespoons of peroxide and ammonia.
- Sprinkle 8 tablespoons of coarse salt.
Important! All ingredients must be mixed well. Things are soaked for 2 hours, and then rinsed. Yellowness usually disappears.
For silk only
Silk is one of the most moody materials. Therefore, there is a special gentle method for bleaching silk things. Mustard powder will help you out. The infusion is done like this:
- Pour mustard with boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of powder per 1 liter of water.
- Allow the water to cool and settle for one hour.
- Strain the water through cheesecloth, drain the water into a separate container.
- Pour the same mustard a second time.
- Allow the water to brew.
- Drain the water in the same container as the first serving.
- Wash a white silk item in this water without other detergents or bleaches.
to contents ↑Important! In conclusion, you will need to even things out, and since these are delicate fabrics, you need a special approach to them. To get things right, check out our separate post on how to set the ironing mode for different fabrics.
White linen
Yellowness also sometimes appears on white linen items. You can bleach a linen item in exactly the same way as a cotton one. However, if you need to remove a few yellow spots (for example, from sweat) - normal bleaching is unlikely to give the desired effect. It is better to remove the stains first, and then wash the item with bleach.
The way to get rid of stains is simple:
- Crush 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid.
- Dissolve the powder in water - just take half a glass.
- Treat stains.
- Leave the item for 2 hours.
- Wash the linen product as you always do.
Important! This fabric is characterized by excellent characteristics, due to which clothes from it are popular in different countries. Our workshops may be useful to you, how to sew a dress from linen.
To keep things snow-white
White things retain their magnificent appearance longer if you take into account several circumstances:
- Never wash white linen with colored, regardless of what fabric the clothes are sewn from.
- Do not forget that white things from different materials are not always friendly with each other. Cotton and linen can sometimes be washed together, but if woolen and synthetic products get into this company, all things will, in all cases, become the same grayish color.
- Observe temperature conditions. When washing linen and cotton items, add a small amount of coarse salt to the water.
- When bleaching in the machine, use liquid bleaches.
Tips to make life a lot easier:
- In the hardware store or hypermarket you can find special washclothsthat are able to absorb faded paint. Keep at hand the package of such napkins - and you won’t have to bleach the duvet cover for the second time if red panties accidentally get into the machine with it.
- Do not attempt to bleach products made of synthetic fabrics with chlorine-based bleaches. After such a treatment, your beloved white blouse is likely to become openwork.
- From the very moment people learned to process cotton and linen, they dried their canvases in the sun. And it also gave a whitening effect. So why not follow suit? Hang things from these materials on the street for drying. It will also give them such a pleasant aroma of natural freshness.
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Now, you will definitely not have any problems with choosing the right tool if you are planning to return the whiteness to white things. Put into practice all the above methods and you will definitely be satisfied with the result.
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