How to restore the luster of the fur?

Winter is a cold season when you need to put on a warm coat. If you stored it incorrectly, then its appearance may upset you. While the fur items are in the closet, the fur can not only be damaged by moths, but also wrinkle, fade, and even fall down in some places. How to act in this situation? How to restore the luster of the fur? There are several effective ways that we will cover in this article.

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When to clean the fur?

Each fur product has its own life. For example, fur coats wear out more than hats and vests. Do not forget that the period of wearing fur outerwear directly depends on the type of raw materials used. Mink coat can be worn for about 7 years, from a rabbit - up to 3 years, but the most resistant fur is beaver and otter hair - up to 20 years of wearing. By the appearance of the villi, you can easily determine the degree of its contamination and detect fiber disorders in time.


The cushion of animals must be cleaned in such cases:

  • If numerous dusty deposits with a coating are found on the surface.
  • The color and structure of the edge have become uneven.
  • Particles of garbage accumulated between the villi.
  • If the fur is tangled, it looks dull, its tips become double.

Important! In cases of severe damage to the edge, for example, creases, abrasions and a partial absence of villi are observed, you should consult the services of experienced specialists. Such defects cannot be fixed on their own using folk remedies.

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How to restore the shine of the fur?

If your favorite fur coat has lost its former shine and its attractive appearance is not so beautiful, then this means that the hairs have lost their natural fat composition. First of all, the product needs to return the product to its original oily layer. We recommend using several proven methods to restore the shine of the fur:

  • The easiest and most affordable way to restore the shine of a fur coat is with a solution of glycerin, lemon juice or citric acid. Any of the above ingredients must be applied to a rag and treated with a fur product. At the end of cleaning, the villi should be wiped with a dry cloth.

Important! It is useful to process faux fur from time to time with special aerosols of antistatic action. They will protect the edge of the forest well from pollution and remove the accumulated electrostatic charges, which attract dust.

  • A solution based on pork or fish oil. To prepare it, 100 grams of liquid fat, 1 liter of hot water and 10 grams of toilet soap are taken. All ingredients are mixed until completely dissolved, then cooled to 35 degrees, here is added ammonia - 12 drops. The solution must be applied to the fur, it does not need to be washed off.
  • There is another very good way that will help to return not only the former shine, but also to thoroughly clean a dirty coat. We are talking about using refined gasoline with starch. All the ingredients must be mixed to a mushy state, applied to the fur, allowed to dry, and then shake out the rest of the composition well.
  • Long shine to the mink product can be given with vinegar or alcohol with the addition of water in equal proportions. You can rub the villi with the usual table vinegar essence. To do this, wear gloves and wipe the fur with a cloth or gauze previously moistened with vinegar.

Important! Do not forget about safety measures - the effect of the solution needs to be checked from the wrong side, and after a positive result, feel free to work with the external pile.

  • Surely, among the presented ingredients, you did not expect to see a walnut, but they really can restore the shine of a mink coat. To do this, chop the walnut into crumbs, tie it in gauze or a bandage and wipe the edges with a bag, moving in the direction of the pile. The former shine will return thanks to the potent peanut butter.

Important! Use this method exclusively on dark products.

  • The easiest way to restore shine to a mink is to brush the pile with a metal brush.

Important! You should always remember that any procedure for the return of former overflows of fur (especially with the use of gasoline or vinegar) should take place superficially, without getting on the bones. Otherwise, a potent composition can greatly overdry and make the skin of the product brittle, so it is extremely important to process only the outer pile of the edge. But glycerin does not damage the structure of the mezra in any way, but on the contrary, makes it clean and soft.


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Keep the coat right

In order for your favorite fur coat to serve you for a long time, preserving its original beauty, you should know the rules for storing fur products:

  • Do not be lazy to deposit the mink product in a special fur refrigerator. Due to the low temperature and humidity of such equipment, the edge will remain as attractive as when buying a product.
  • If funds allow you, you can organize storage at home in an ordinary refrigerator or in a separate freezer. When sending the product to the refrigerator with food, the packaging must be very strong and airtight so that the villi do not absorb foreign odors, and such a plastic bag for a fur coat is destructive.
  • It is better to place the fur thing in a cool dark place in a special fabric cover with a special impregnation against moths. The temperature in this room should not be higher than 12 degrees, and humidity - appropriate to the type of fur. It is desirable that the mink coat does not come into contact with other things in the closet, and even more so with the fur of other products.
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Now you know how to quickly and easily restore fur at home. Remember that proper storage and accurate wear of products is the key to the long life of any clothing, including outerwear.


