How to choose ski boots?

To relax in a ski resort you will have to not only choose a good place, but also purchase all the necessary equipment. So, a snowboard or skis can be rented, but suitable boots are not always there. The process of choosing ski boots should not be treated negligently, because not only your comfort, but also the safety of skiing will depend on the quality of the equipment. And if it’s not difficult for specialists to choose the right shoes, then it’s quite difficult for a beginner to understand how to choose ski boots that meet all the requirements.

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The structure of the ski boot

Ski boots are one of the most important pieces of equipment.

Important! By choosing this accessory incorrectly, you can not only ruin the ride, but also get serious leg injuries.

Boot models from different manufacturers may have their own design features. But regardless of the model, all ski boots consist of the following parts.


It is an external rigid part of the structure. It is on it that all the loads that accompany skiing fall. She is also responsible for the coordination and accuracy of movement when transferring force from the foot to the track. The shell is the main bearing part of the boot.

Important! As a rule, it is made of impact-resistant plastic or other synthetic alloys.

The shell itself is not integral, but consists of two parts connected by hinges:

  • The lower part of the structure is motionless and rigid, the sole is attached to it.
  • The upper part of the shell, which is also called the “cuff", depending on the type of boot, may have some mobility.

Important! On the cuff are special fasteners that firmly fix the accessory on the lower leg.


This part provides comfort and convenience while riding and walking. It is a fabric structure filled with porous material.

Important! Also, this part is a kind of shock absorber that softens all shocks and shocks coming from the shell.



This element is present in any model without fail. The correct placement of the leg will depend on how correctly you can choose the right insole:

  • When riding the foot should be located in a geometrically inert position.
  • It should not tumble to the sides or forward - it can negatively affect both your health and driving technique.


You can choose ski boots with both removable and monolithic soles. It is more profitable to purchase a replacement model, because if the sole is worn off in an orderly way, you can easily replace it, thereby extending the service life of the boots.

Clasps, clips

This refers to the external tightening mechanism of the shoe. Depending on the type and size of shoes, they can be from one to four pieces. They can be made of both plastic and metal.

Important! The latter are more durable and practical.


It is a wide ribbon, which is located at the top of the boot. It is needed to fix the accessory in the upper part of the lower leg.

Switching mechanism

It is for models that are designed not only for skiing, but also for walking.

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Varieties and models

The modern market for skiing equipment makes it possible to choose the right skiing and boots for any skiing and skiing style. And if previously almost all models were universal, today you can choose shoes in accordance with the age, gender and anatomical features of their owners. In addition to children's and adult options, it is customary to distinguish women's, men's and unisex boots.

Children's models

To choose the right ski boots for a child, you need to be guided not only by his age, but also by his skills. As a rule, children's models are the most straightforward:

  • They are made as soft and comfortable as possible, and they also use a minimum number of clips and fasteners.
  • Shoes for the smallest can also be equipped with a cuff that protects against snow.

Such models are intended exclusively for beginners who take their first steps in this sport.

Important! But in addition to the options described, there are also models for actively skating children on sale. They are intended for children involved in sports sections and are essentially lightweight and reduced copies of shoes for professional skiers.


Female models

Models for women appeared not so long ago. They are made taking into account the anatomical features of the female leg. Such ski boots differ:

  • higher rise;
  • reduced height of the back (specially lower and wide tibia);
  • narrowed heel and foot;
  • improved thermal insulation and a lower axis of the ankles.

Male models

But the options for men have high built-in and outer edges. Their cuff is designed for a more elongated lower leg, which corresponds to the characteristics of the calf muscle and men. The heels and ankles of these shoes are also noticeably wider.

Important! As a rule, the design of men's shoes is more restrained, unlike women's and children's shoes.

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Boots and skiing

Depending on the type of skiing, you can choose the following ski boots:

  • Sports - used for skiing, including ski cross-country, downhill and slalom. All variants of this series have increased stiffness, a narrowed block and the ability to maximize the ability to adjust the shoes in accordance with personal anatomical features. These boots have a very strong and tough shell, and the boot is very thin. This is done in order to increase the sensitivity and accuracy of skiing.

Important! For beginners in skiing and just lovers of skiing, such boots will not work.

  • Universal - as the name implies, these shoes are suitable for any type of skiing. It includes a whole list of models with different rigidity, which is why it will suit both pros and beginners.

Important! Universal models are often a softer, wider variety of sports shoes.

  • Freeride - created immediately after the release of wide skis freeride. These boots have moderate stiffness and are great for skiing on hilly terrain without compromising ski control. In addition to the above, they are also suitable for trekking and have shock absorbing elements with a stop heating system.
  • New school - this shoe is designed for park and extreme skiing. These shoes resemble freeride shoes, but have a wider and more comfortable shoe and reduced stiffness. Designed for frequent jumps, these shoes help to cushion easily when hitting.
  • Ski tour - besides usual skiing, this equipment is also suitable for ski mountaineering. Shoes of this series are equipped with a skating-walking mechanism, have a wide shaft, rubber rubber sole and light weight. They are usually divided into mountain (very light, used to participate in competitions), performance (reminiscent of freeride) and tourist.
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The size

The main indicator for choosing ski boots is their size. All manufacturers of such shoes use the Monosize size range. In this case, the size will be equal to the length of your foot in centimeters.

Important! All measurements can be made directly in the store using a special ruler.

In addition, Monosize is often indicated on the ski shoes themselves. If necessary, you can use the special Monosize conversion table to a regular size.

You should measure the width of the foot in advance. Here measurements should be made in millimeters. As a rule, this indicator is in the range of 95-110 mm. But not all manufacturers indicate the exact width of the shoes - often the shoes are simply marked “wide” or “narrow”.

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Stiffness for ski shoes is a determining indicator of its reliability, ease of use. The higher the stiffness, the more control you get over skiing as a result. However, this is always realized at the expense of comfort.

Important! The lower the stiffness, the softer, more pleasant the boots will be, but riding on more difficult tracks, performing movements that require high coordination and accuracy of movements will not work.

This indicator is indicated as an index. The stiffness index of ski shoes can be between 1 and 12. The higher your skiing skills, the higher your shoe index should be.


  • for beginners in skiing, 7-8 units will be enough;
  • middle class skiers should choose 8-10 ski boots;
  • professionals need boots with a stiffness of at least 10.

Important! To choose ski shoes for stiffness, you should consider not only personal skills, but also the area where you plan to ride:

  • If you are going to practice professional skiing, then hard boots (more than 10) are required to ride on well-groomed tracks.
  • If you ride in the hilly terrain, it is better to choose a model with low rigidity, otherwise you can grate or even injure your legs.


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Adjustment makes it possible to bring the shoes into a state in accordance with your individual anatomical features. In order to realize this, each boot is equipped with special clips, which can be from one to four.

Important! Regardless of the shoe model, the clips have two levels of adjustment: coarse (with the help of teeth) and accurate (with the micrometer screw). Thanks to this, the lower leg can be fixed as accurately as possible.

In order for the shoe to fix the calf muscle well, the cuff should be correctly adjusted. For these purposes, it is equipped with a special belt encircling the leg on top of the cuff.

Important! If necessary - it is possible to adjust the canting (for people suffering from clubfoot).

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What do people with flatness do?

When choosing ski boots, it is imperative to consider all personal anatomical features. So, if the skier suffers from flat feet, then the insoles of standard ski boots will not work for him. In this case, it becomes necessary to contact a specialist in bootfitting. It will help to adjust the insole, the shell of the shoe specifically for your legs.

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Vacuum models - a revolution in the world of ski boots

Vacuum boots for skiing appeared recently:

  • This equipment is made of a special type of plastic, which can be subjected to subsequent vacuum processing.
  • The appearance of such boots is no different from the appearance of familiar models, however, their weight is 15% lower, and the heat-shielding characteristics significantly exceed all similar options.
  • One of the main advantages of such shoes is that it can be adjusted to the required size directly when buying in a store.For these purposes, a special testing device is installed there, which is able to change the shape of the boot in accordance with the foot of its future owner. This significantly reduces the risk of injury, and also increases the comfort and ease of use of such shoes.
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Used shoes - pros and cons

The main advantage of second-hand boots is their extremely low cost. If you plan to ride a simple mountain for a couple of days, then such equipment can be quite acceptable.

But if you expect more difficult descents, then it is better not to waste time on small things. After all, the matter is not only in your comfort, but also in safety - so that the shoes do not bring harm to your joints, it should ideally suit you in terms of stiffness and size.

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The right choice of skiing and boots is an extremely important and responsible task. The safety and pleasure of riding will depend on the correct selection and quality. Here it is necessary to take into account both sports skills and personal characteristics of your body.

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