How to choose shoes from suede?

Spring is the best time to please yourself with new shoes. Manufacturers today offer a huge selection, from which the eyes run wide. The materials used are very different - leather, textiles, substitutes with imitation of various materials, and of course, suede, which is the favorite of all fashionistas for more than one season in a row. Someone for a long time wears shoes only from this noble material, while others only look at them, because there is an opinion that suede is very capricious and requires special care. Therefore, today we offer to learn all about this material and how to choose shoes from suede.

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Fashionable suede

Suede is a completely natural material, because it is leather turned inside out. For its production, sheep, deer or goat skins are used. Their special processing - fat tanning, allows you to get a very soft and elastic material for the production of both shoes and clothes.

She has several advantages:

  • Due to its elasticity, suede shoes are considered the most comfortable, because it takes the form of a foot, while it looks very neat.

Important! Such a decision is a real salvation for people with foot deformity and bulging bone.

  • High-quality suede for a long time retains its original appearance. She is not afraid of excesses and creases, like any other material. And if proper care is provided, then the attritions characteristic of this material will appear only after a few years of socks.
  • Boots or boots made of this velvet material will be appropriate with any clothes and for any style. They can be worn with both dresses and trousers. If you don’t have the opportunity to buy a specific pair of shoes for each outfit, then purchase a suede, because it is universal.
  • You can talk endlessly about the sophistication and beauty of such shoes. Suede is elegant in any of its manifestations. Even a large foot in suede boots seems petite.
  • The color scheme of suede pleases with numerous shades. Those who love the classics will appreciate the noble, rich black and dark brown colors. Fans of all the bright manufacturers can also please. Today on the shelves you can see boots or boots of rich colors that will appeal to the most daring fashionistas.
  • Suede shoes are almost always complemented by current fashionable accents. It can be various laces, fur, complex fasteners, embroidery and even decor with rhinestones. The perfect combination comes from suede and fringe.
  • If we compare the prices of genuine leather and suede, then the latter, of course, wins in terms of value and does not lose in terms of positive characteristics.


Of course, suede has its drawbacks. She is afraid of moisture and is unlikely to stand a walk through the puddles, but, we repeat, with proper care, such tests are not terrible for her.

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How to recognize natural suede?

In order for the new thing to retain its original appearance for as long as possible, you need to know how to choose shoes from suede. Natural material is sometimes very difficult to distinguish from artificial, so when you go shopping you should arm yourself with the following tips:

  • First of all, pay attention to suede itself. A quality material should have a fine and friable pile, and the color should be uniform, without spots. If stains or scuffs are visible, then you should refuse to purchase.
  • Another sign of quality can be determined by running a hand over the surface of boots or boots. If there are no traces of paint or lint on the hand, then you have high-quality suede shoes.
  • Also, the pile of this material has a direction. Swipe up with your finger and you will see how the shade has changed to a lighter. Faux suede does not have this feature - the pile in any position remains the same color.
  • Since suede is made from animal skins, it has one interesting feature: the ability to retain heat. If you try to warm it with the warmth of your hand, then the material will retain it for a while. This is another distinguishing feature of this material from artificial.
  • Real suede has its own subtle skin odor. It is natural and calm. If there is a pungent smell from the shoes, then there is a fake in front of you, and strong aromas give artificial colors that wash off very quickly, leaving ugly scuffs and stains.
  • Another clear sign of naturalness is the lack of lining. Inspect the wrong side of the product. She made a substitute from fabric. Often, manufacturers use a trick: they glue a barely noticeable lining on an artificial material that mimics the natural inside out. To reveal this, look at the edges of the fabric under the zipper - this is where you can see the presence of an adhesive base.
  • If you find subtle dust, this is quite natural. Not due to storage conditions. This phenomenon is characteristic of real, not used, suede. Getting rid of it is quite simple - wipe the material with a damp cloth.
  • Often, instead of suede, sellers try to offer velor to customers. The cost of such shoes is lower, and to distinguish it from suede is quite difficult. Here you need to pay special attention to the villi. Thick and short - characteristic of suede, but in velor they are fluffy and soft.


Important! Unlike shoes made of artificial materials, suede boots or boots are better to buy half a size less, as they tend to stretch. Not even a week of socks will pass, as the shoes will sit exactly on the leg and will look stitched to order, and this is already a special chic.

A couple more tips to consider before choosing suede shoes:

  • Good boots made of natural material cannot be cheap. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to well-known brands - so you save yourself from acquiring low-quality fakes.
  • If you live in a big city, then you should buy suede shoes if you move by car. The reagents that process the streets, the natural material practically does not tolerate.
  • It is better to wear shoes made of such material in dry and little snowy weather. Even treatment with the best protective equipment may not resist heavy rain or slush.


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How to choose quality shoes?

Having figured out how to choose shoes from suede and how to distinguish real material from artificial, it is worth stopping at the hallmarks of quality products. Even the best suede in combination with poor fittings will not last long:

  • Signs of quality products can be determined at the first cursory inspection. Shoes look impeccable, no traces of glue and protruding threads.
  • The toe and heel of natural materials should take their original shape after being pressed. Artificial material does not possess such properties.
  • The thickness of the insulation, when it comes to winter shoes, should be the same everywhere, both on the boot and on the foot.
  • Quality products are supplied with a quality insole made of porous material - leather, leather, cardboard, cellulose or latex texon.
  • Pay attention to the sole. According to the standard, its thickness should be at least 1 centimeter. A corrugated surface is ideal for winter shoes. Also, quality products are always stitched, not glued. To make sure that the stitch is not finished, raise the insole and make sure that the stitches are also inside the product.
  • If there is lightning on the boots, then it should not reach the sole itself, it must have an internal valve. It is also worth immediately checking the locks on the boots so that they smoothly fasten and unfasten.
  • On models with lacing, metal fittings should fit snugly to the fabric, otherwise - it will fall off in the very first days of wearing.
  • Another useful tip that comes in handy when buying any shoes. Go shopping late in the evening when your leg is slightly larger. So choosing really comfortable shoes will be easier.
  • During the first fitting, be sure to take a few laps around the store, carefully “listen” to your feelings.

Important! Any buyer has the right to ask for a product certificate, and the seller has no right to refuse. Also, the consultant should familiarize yourself with the conditions of warranty service. According to the law, it applies to autumn-winter products from the beginning of the season, and not from the moment of purchase. If you bought autumn shoes, then the guarantee for them will last from September 1 to November 1. For winter boots, the warranty period will be counted from November 1 to April 1.


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Manufacturers rating

What is the most pleasant feeling of new shoes? When you don’t feel it. The perfect pair is like a second skin, gently hugs the leg and protects from the weather. To get just this, it is worth taking a closer look at manufacturers who have long been present on the market. We have compiled for you a small rating of the best companies whose products are loved by customers.



This company produces both sports and classic shoes for the whole family. Basically, the manufacturer uses not the most expensive materials to offer a competitive price:

  • You are unlikely to find natural suede in the line of this company, but you will be offered a good analogue to natural material that will last quite a long time.
  • The advantage of this product is a comfortable shoe and an affordable price.

Important! Cons include not very high-quality hardware - cons: zippers break quickly, and rhinestones and rivets peel off.


Ralf ringer

Previously, this company specialized only in the production of men's products, now in its assortment there are many convenient and beautiful female models:

  • The longevity of suede shoes is the most suitable characteristic for this company. Anyone who has ever used this brand will confirm this.
  • Particular attention is paid to quality - in production this issue is under special control both when working with raw materials and when working with fittings.
  • In the lineup of this company you can always find stylish new items that will appeal to everyone who follows fashion.

Important! Cons include the high price and rigidity of the products, due to the processing of raw materials. But this same rigidity makes the products durable.



Another leader in the shoe market is Vitacci. Fashionable, interesting and modern - this is how to characterize the products of this brand:

  • The main advantages of these models can be found at a glance - boots or boots are always well stitched and all seams are made with high quality and accuracy.
  • The comfort of shoes of this brand is also a characteristic feature. Raw materials after special processing become soft and pleasant to the touch, suede is no exception.
  • A wide range allows you to choose both shoes for everyday wear, and for special occasions.

Important! Among the shortcomings, one can note the high price and the fact that the thin dressing of raw materials requires especially careful care.


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What else to think about when buying suede shoes?

As soon as a new pair of suede settles in your closet, you should take care of the proper care of it, as we already said. It is worth treating boots or shoes with a special tool in the form of a protective spray immediately after purchase, even before the first wear:

  • The spray creates a transparent layer on the material that protects the suede from moisture, dirt, reagents and gives a kind of “immunity”.
  • Processing should be done in three steps, each time waiting until the previous layer dries.
  • Spray should be applied at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the product so that it does not get wet. This should be done away from electrical and gas appliances, as aerosols have flammable additives.


To preserve the original look of your suede shoes, you will need special tools that are available in almost all shoe stores:

  • Porous sponge brush for suede. It perfectly removes the top layer of dust and dirt without damaging the delicate structure of the material.
  • The most common eraser. With its help, you can quickly and effortlessly get rid of greasy plaque and stubborn stains. For the same purpose, you can purchase a special brush with rubberized or rubber teeth.
  • The crepe brush is able to renew the upper layer of suede and return it to its original velvet.

Important! If there is no desire or opportunity to purchase all of the above brushes, then you can use the simple folk method. Wipe the suede with a crust of rye bread and hold it for a few minutes over the steam.


Suede is a natural, breathable material. And it is able to absorb odors. Therefore, sometimes treat it with a special deodorant. For the summer period, such shoes are best removed for storage by placing plastic pads inside. Then the boots will retain their shape and will look like new in the next season.

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Beautiful, elegant and incredibly comfortable - these are the words to describe shoes made of this natural material. For these qualities, he has been popular with buyers for many years and is not going to take his position. To choose high-quality suede shoes that will wear well and look great, when buying, you should pay attention to some of the features that we talked about in this article, and do not forget about leaving.

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