How to choose a fur coat?

Every woman dreams of a beautiful and expensive fur coat. Unfortunately, negligent manufacturers, in order to save money, make low-quality products. Therefore, in order not to waste money, it is very important to know how to choose the right coat so that it warms you in the cold season and does not wear out for several seasons. In order to pamper yourself with a beautiful and high-quality thing, we offer you some useful tips that will help you during the purchase.
to contents ↑Which coat is better to choose?
The purchase of a fur coat must be approached seriously and with responsibility, as this is quite an expensive pleasure.
Type of fur
If you decide to buy such a product, it must be made exclusively of high quality material. It is he who is the guarantor of the wear resistance of the fur coat and its ability to warm in the cold season:
- If you buy a fur coat for 20 seasons, then you should pay attention to the otter fur.
- Also, for about 18 seasons, fur of fur seal and beaver will last.
- About 10 seasons will serve sable, raccoon and mink fur.
- Products from Arctic fox, muskrat, astrakhan, fox and sheepskin will last 6-8 seasons.
- The most fragile and short-lived are fur coats from rabbit, chinchilla and groundhog - about 2-3 seasons.
- The warmest fur coats are sewn from sable, mouton and fox fur.
- Less warm are products made from fur of chinchilla, beaver, arctic fox, mink and nutria.
- And the most “coldest” include fur coats from the groundhog and ermine.
Important! Fur coats made from sheared rabbit fur, groundhog and ermine will not warm you, and are suitable for wearing only in light frost.
Who is it made of?
In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that warm coats are obtained from the fur of males. As for the females, they are very expensive, and their fur is cold. Always check this nuance with sales assistants at the time of purchase.
Important! High-quality fur is not subject to wiping when walking, it is not afraid of rain and snow, respectively - does not fade over the years.
How do you get around in winter?
Important when choosing a fur coat is the method of movement that you use. For example:
- For women who drive a car, a shortened mink or otter fur jacket will be the best option.
- If you love hiking, you should pay attention to the medium-length models of fox, sheepskin, wolverine or beaver fur.
- As for the fur coats for any special events, a mink, as well as furs that were prone to laser cutting and engraving, will be an excellent option.
We choose a fur coat, keeping up with fashion trends:
- To date, the most popular, as always, remains mink fur.
- As for the elite furs, sable reigns here.
- Fur coats made of marten, chinchilla and lynx are no less popular.
- Budget options, but not less popular, are products from the goat, rabbit, mole and beaver. They have an expensive look, but at the same time are available to almost everyone.
Trend styles
As for styles, it should always be borne in mind that a fur coat is a rather conservative thing, respectively - your chosen model will be in trend for several seasons. But still, there are styles that are at the peak of popularity:
- Today, the so-called “wild skins” are trendy. Their highlight is the processing of the sleeves and hem in such a way that an allegedly torn effect is created.
- No less popular is a mink coat, with careless cuts and a complete lack of lining.
- If there are more skirts and dresses in your wardrobe, you should pay attention to models of medium length and floor.
- If you are a lover of trousers, a short fur coat may suit you.
The most important thing is to remember that you get a fur coat for several years, so it should be comfortable and warm.
Important! The most popular fur coats of this season are those whose fur is painted in different colors, for example, electric blue or bright green. Due to modern technology and high quality paint, the color of the product in a completely different and unnatural color does not affect the quality of the fur. The most important thing - at the time of purchase, to find out that the painting was carried out exclusively for decorative purposes, but not in any way to eliminate defects.
Original combination solutions
For several seasons it has remained fashionable to combine fur products, for example, a mink with a muton or a lynx with a sable. Also, designers offer a combination of fur with other materials - lace, suede and velvet.
to contents ↑Important! Another very interesting option is knitted fur coats. Their essence lies in weaving on a special basis, which has the appearance of a grid. Many fashion houses represent the most diverse styles of knitted fur coats made from beaver, mink and other fur.
We pay attention to the quality of tailoring
To choose a good quality fur coat, you must adhere to the following rule: the fewer the seams, the stronger and more durable the product. Therefore, whenever possible, always look under the lining. Do not miss sleeves, yoke, as well as the collar checking for defects in the seams.
Important! Always pay attention to the size of the plates. The skins should be solid, in size not less than 15 by 15 centimeters. If the pieces are less than this parameter, then the cost of a fur coat should be 15-30% cheaper. This is due to the fact that such models are short-lived and will last no more than 2-3 years, after which they lose their appearance, and the pieces begin to spread.
In addition to the standard, there is also a computer selection (mainly Italian manufacturers use it). Its essence lies in the fact that the product is made up of small pieces “along the oblique”. The advantage of this method is that in the finished product, the fur flows beautifully and shines more than usual. Due to the high cost of such technology, finished coats cost the same as solid coats.
to contents ↑Important! Fur coats made by computer selection begin to creep very quickly as they wear, respectively - the edges between the shreds become very noticeable, and the product loses its attractive appearance and ability to warm.
We distinguish natural fur from a fake
In order to choose a fur coat from a polar fox, mink, rabbit or silver fox, it is very important to determine the compliance of furs with quality and dressing standards. This is due to the fact that very often instead of elite and expensive furs, cheaper ones are issued. For example, marten fur is often replaced with a cheaper sable.
Therefore, we bring to your attention a few tips and tricks, thanks to which you can recognize a fake and make sure the naturalness and quality of your chosen fur:
- Fur of the beaver. For him, most often give nutria. In order to distinguish a fake, you should pay attention to the down, as the beaver has a rather thick one, unlike nutria.
- Mink. A mink coat is worn for a long time, therefore, it is not cheap. A negligent producer very often gives out a rabbit or groundhog for mink, which will last only a couple of seasons. In order not to get into trouble, you need to feel the product well. The mink fur is perfectly even and does not prick at all, and its spine is stiff, unlike the rabbit, in which it is soft.
- Silver fox.Most often, this fur is replaced with a fox. In order to distinguish fake, pay attention to the fur. At the silver fox, it has three colors: at the base - white, in the middle - gray, and at the end - black, unlike a fox. He has two-tone fur.
Important! It is best to buy a fur coat in small ateliers or salons located at fur factories. Quality goods are always sold there, since the seller and the manufacturer are one person. In addition, if you wish, you can make adjustments to the style, and you will be immediately corrected on the spot.
How to choose a fur coat from a polar fox?
A fox fur coat has always been considered an attribute of aristocracy. Therefore, the first thing to pay attention to is the density of the fur, its length and naturalness. It is these features that give the fur its splendor and uniformity.
Important! Arctic fox fur is unique in that despite its large variety (about 10 subspecies), its color remains exclusively white or blue.
The fox fur, which was harvested in the winter, is considered the most valuable, since brown animals become snow-white in January, and brown ones acquire a blue color with a silver tint.
Important! Fur coats made of blue fox fur cost much more than white fur, since such fur is much higher.
When choosing a fur coat from a fox, it should be borne in mind that such a fur has both positive qualities and disadvantages. Positive include:
- Always presentable and expensive appearance of the finished product;
- Ease;
- The ability to warm in winter frosts.
A significant drawback is the need for fur for constant care. For example, in wet weather, it is better not to wear such a fur coat, and you need to dry it exclusively by natural means.
Important! Pay attention to the fact that the fur of a wild animal is much stronger and better in quality than those that were grown in enclosed spaces.
In addition, due to its volume, the fox fur is very full of figure, and not a single woman will look thin in it. Therefore, so that you can buy yourself a fox fur coat and at the same time look feminine, beautiful, you should adhere to the following tips:
- Always choose models made from winter fox, as such products will serve much longer.
- For girls of short stature, you should pay attention to the model of medium length, in order to avoid unnecessary volume.
- For women prone to fullness, it is best to purchase a combined fur coat in combination with mink fur.
- When choosing a fur coat, try to avoid complex styles. The fox fur itself looks rich in itself, so simple models will look much more advantageous.
- Avoid styles with a belt, as they deform and spoil the fur.
Important! In order to check the quality of the fox, it is necessary to compress the fur. If it does not stick together, it means that such a fur coat will serve you for more than one year.
Choose a mink coat
A mink coat is the ultimate dream of every woman. It looks very expensive and luxurious, respectively - its price is rather big. Therefore, you should carefully inspect the product before buying. A high-quality mink coat will meet the following indicators:
- The fur should shine and shimmer. If it is dull, it means that the product has undergone improper processing or was stored in unsuitable conditions.
- The villi should be resilient. You can check this in the following way: smooth the villi. If the fur is of high quality, then they will return to their original position.
- If you decide to buy a painted product, in order to check the durability of the paint, simply swipe the surface of the fur coat with a white napkin. If it remains clean and there are no traces of paint, you can safely purchase the product.
- Check the quality of the mezra. It should be soft, elastic without various cracks and other defects.
- The mink coat should consist of a small number of pieces. If there are a lot of them and they are small, then it is better to abandon such a product, since it will not last long.
to contents ↑Important! The cost of a mink coat can be formed not only on the quality and manufacture of fur, but also on its color.For example, products from light to dark brown tones are considered the cheapest, but the most expensive, exclusive option will be a fur coat sewn from white or black unpainted fur.
Some useful tips
The following few useful tips will help you choose a good fur coat:
- Regardless of where you will buy a fur coat - in the market, in a store or in an expensive salon, always require certificates of conformity. These documents confirm the quality of the product, its safety.
- On a high-quality fur coat on the inside there are always several branded tags on which all the information is placed, including how to care for it.
- Always pay attention to the fur, check its quality. It should shine, in no case climb.
- The reverse side of the coat should be white, not have cracks.
- Pay attention to the lining. A good product from the bottom is not stitched. This is necessary so that the buyer can always check the quality of the fur.
Stock footage
When choosing a fur coat, always consider the fact that this is not a one-year purchase. Therefore, in addition to the fact that she must have a beautiful, respectable appearance, you should be warm and comfortable in this outerwear. Using the recommendations of our experts in practice, you can buy yourself a coat of your dreams, which will delight you and warm you even in the most severe winter frost.
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