How to remove old paint from clothes at home?

Many people are familiar with stains of paint on clothes. Whether it's children’s clothing after painting or things that have been damaged as a result of repairs. Wherever and whatever the spots were planted, in one they converge - it is quite problematic to remove them, especially if they are stubborn. If the old and already pretty tired clothes have suffered, this is not a problem - it’s time to get rid of them anyway. But what if this thing is a pity to lose, how to remove or wipe the old paint from clothes at home? Let's figure out how to get rid of stubborn paint from trousers.

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What should I do if a paint stain appears on my clothes?

How to remove paint from the bowl? Fresh stains are always easier to remove, therefore, if a stain of paint suddenly appears on your clothes, you need to act immediately:

  • Assess the damage: if the stain is small, then you need to try to get rid of it, but if the clothes are completely dirty, then maybe it's time to buy yourself something new.
  • Take a napkin or rag, try to remove what has not yet had time to soak into the fibers of the fabric. Try not to rub the stain, otherwise - it will spread even more.
  • Move from the edges to the center.
  • Soap the stain with soap and rub it with a brush. This is a universal remedy that can help you under any circumstances. After a while, wash your clothes as usual. Perhaps this will help you get rid of traces of paint. You can also use bleach suitable for the fabric when washing.

If the traces have not completely departed or you missed the moment and the paint was already soaked deep into the fibers of the fabric, then more stringent methods will have to be applied. But here you need to act depending on the type of paint.

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We wash paints for drawing

Usually it is watercolor and gouache. Such paints are washed off perfectly with water. But if the spots are dry, then maybe they won’t just give up their positions and it will be more difficult to reduce:

  • Hold the spot with a spot for 10-20 minutes under a stream of cold water. Only water should fall from a height. Thus, a jet of water mechanically knocks out particles of dye from the fibers.
  • Light items can be treated with bleach suitable for the fabric, and dark items can be soaped with laundry soap. Apply the product for 10-15 minutes and wash in a suitable mode. In most cases, this will be enough to remove traces of paint.
  • Gouache has an oil base, so it can cause you more trouble. The mixture will help you ammonia and oxalic acid mixed in equal proportions. Apply this mixture to problem areas, leave for half an hour and then wash.

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Oil paint

There are many different ways to get rid of stains of oil paint from clothes. However, aggressive products can damage the fabric by breaking fibers or discoloring. Therefore, the selected tool must first be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

So what should you do if dried clothing stains from oil paint are found on your clothes?

  • If the paint is strongly ingrained in the fabric, then it needs to be softened. To do this, soak the thing in turpentine or kerosene for the night.Turpentine grease stains can be removed with ammonia, soda or starch.
  • It well dissolves the oil base of the acetone paint. You can remove traces of paint with acetone based varnish remover. Put a little on the stain and leave for 10 minutes, and then wash the clothes.

Important! This method is not suitable for colored fabrics, as it may stain. It is not recommended for silk products.

  • The white spirit solvent will do the job fine, but it is fatal for colored and delicate fabrics. But he can easily remove stains from coarse fabrics, you just need to treat the area with a swab dipped in solvent on both sides.
  • The stain can be soaked with gasoline, and then rub the area. The paint comes off in pieces, which are then easily rinsed. Only use special refined gasoline. It can be purchased at the construction and household departments.
  • If you are afraid to spoil your clothes with aggressive substances, you can try to remove traces of oil paint with vegetable oil. It is not so effective, but it will not spoil the fabric. Only fresh spots are removed in this way. Place a thick towel or napkin under the area so as not to stain the surface; treat the area for 15 minutes with a cotton swab dipped in oil.
  • Laundry soap in combination with soda will help clean cotton fabrics from contamination. Dilute 100 grams of soap and one teaspoon of soda in one liter of water, boil the solution. Immerse the product in a boiling solution for 15-20 seconds, and then rinse it in running water.
  • If you find paint stains on silk or satin, first rub this area with laundry soap, and then treat with warm alcohol.
  • For kapron and synthetics, a thick mixture of fine salt and warm alcohol is suitable.
  • There is another way that allows you to do without the use of aggressive means. Mix the butter and the same amount of washing powder. Apply this mixture to the damaged area and leave for several minutes, then rinse with water and wash the product.

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Acrylic paint

There are several ways to remove acrylic paint from clothing at home. In some cases, just soaking in cold water for several hours will help. Then you need to thoroughly wash this place with laundry soap or dishwashing detergent. If this does not help, then you will have to call heavy artillery for help:

  • An excellent remedy for stains of acrylic paint on things made of white fabric is oxygen bleach. Apply it directly to the contaminated area for 1 hour. Then rinse the treated area under running water and wash the product as usual.
  • Isopropyl alcohol, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, will help in the fight against acrylic paint. Treat this problem area with this tool. Scrape off the paint - this can be done with a toothpick or any other sharp object. Wash the product as usual. If the stain is not completely gone, the procedure can be repeated.
  • Particularly stubborn stains can be removed with ammonia and vinegar. For greater effect, you can add fine salt. Wipe problem areas with this solution, changing the swab or rag as needed. After processing, the product must be washed.
  • How to wipe acrylic paint from clothes? You can use the following mixture: pour very hot water into a glass and add a little washing powder or liquid soap and two tablespoons of vinegar. Treat the product with this solution and then wash.
  • A hair spray or glass cleaner can also provide effective help. Moisten the contaminated area with water and then spray with the selected product. Sponge the stain first in one direction, then in the other. Rinse the product under water, and then wash as usual.
  • Solvents such as white spirit, refined gasoline and acetone are also effective. But they are not suitable for all fabrics, so be careful not to spoil the product. After processing, the clothes should be washed, after washing off the remnants of the solvent.

Important! It is advisable to test any product before use.

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Get rid of water-based paint stains

Such stains often remain on clothing after repair. How to get rid of them?

It removes stains from such paint well:

  1. Pull the product so that the stain is right in front of you.
  2. Dampen the swab in alcohol and clean up the dirty area.
  3. Rinse off any remaining product under cold water.
  4. Wash clothes as usual. You may need to do a few washings before the stain completely disappears.
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How to get rid of traces of hair dye?

This - the task is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because this composition is quite resistant to detergents. What can wash such paint?

  • If after washing the stains have not disappeared, then you can try to remove them with hairspray.
  • For white clothes, hydrogen peroxide is suitable. Wet the problem area in it and leave for half an hour, then wash.
  • An acidic environment can contribute to the removal of such traces. To create it, you can use vinegar. This method is especially effective for cleaning synthetic and woolen fabrics.
  • White cotton can be cleaned with bleach. Dilute “White” in cold water and soak clothes in a solution for a couple of hours, then wash.

Important! Do not forget to protect your hands from the harmful effects of chlorine and work with gloves.

  • Hair dye with henna can be removed using a solution of ammonia, water and hydrogen peroxide.

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Useful Tips:

  • Water-based paint is easier to remove than oil. It can be removed with washing powder or laundry soap.
  • It is necessary to wash things contaminated with paint separately from everyone else.
  • Before you start the fight with spots of paint, a thing must definitely be turned inside out.
  • It is advisable to place a towel or paper towel under the front of the product.
  • To prevent stains on clothing after treatment, lightly moisten the fabric around the stain with water or treat with talcum powder.
  • Before using solvents, use a razor or knife to remove the dried crust. Be careful not to damage the fabric.
  • After cleaning with any product, the clothes must be rinsed and then washed. To avoid extraneous odors, after washing, dry your clothes for two days.
  • Remember safety - work with gloves on, in a well-ventilated area and away from fire.
  • In extreme cases, the clothes can be dry cleaned, maybe there they can help you.

Important! If none of the cleaning methods has brought the proper result, do not be upset. Stains can be decorated in various ways or sew something else from this fabric.

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In this article we told you how to remove old paint from clothing at home, regardless of its composition and under what conditions it appeared on things. We hope you were able to quickly eliminate the problem, and the thing will serve you for a long time.

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