Which thermal underwear is better?

Every year the popularity of sports is increasing, the role of active types of recreation is increasing. Therefore, there was a need to develop a radically new type of linen with new properties. It perfectly absorbs excess moisture and removes it from the body. Traditional cotton underwear is not able to provide such a function. In such a product, excess moisture is accumulated and the body has to spend additional efforts to warm and remove this moisture. Therefore, a new generation of linen with high thermal insulation properties was developed. In this article we will consider which thermal underwear is better to choose.

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What is thermal underwear?

Thermal underwear is most often used by athletes. This special underwear has the ability to perfectly maintain air temperature and absorb moisture. For linen with high thermal insulation properties, heat storage is characteristic, as when wearing two or three layers of traditional clothing. In this case, the athlete does not sweat and does not freeze.

Important! Woolen linen is also characterized by such properties. But it must be handled with care, as it is fragile. In addition, if a certain percentage of cotton is in the composition of the yarn, the ability of the linen to save heat and absorb moisture is impaired. To solve such shortcomings, artificial fibers were used, which were added to the composition of the wool.


First, thermal underwear was created for use in the winter season. However, it gradually expanded its functionality and is now successfully used in everyday life for different times of the year.

Thermal underwear has the property of creating a layer of air that does not allow the body to cool, and moisture evaporates through it without problems. In this case, the fabric of such a product remains dry. The selection of the right type of linen is an indispensable functional attribute with an active form of relaxation and significant physical exertion.

Important! In everyday life, for the cold season, manufacturers produce thermosocks, thermal strips, thermal stockings, thermal gloves, and thermal scarves.


Synthetic yarn “asterisk” and “islands in the sea” are produced on modern production lines, which significantly exceed the technical characteristics of wool. Not every type of such product can serve for a high quality and for a long time, therefore it is necessary to opt for a product that, under any conditions, does not change its properties.

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Types of thermal underwear

Which thermal underwear is better? A significant ability to accumulate heat between human skin and the surface of the material distinguishes thermal underwear from classic underwear. A product with high thermal insulation properties can be divided into 3 components:

  • Heat saving. It is used for small physical activities, and in the cold or winter season, for intense physical exertion, such underwear is not the best option.

Important! The larger the air layer in the clothing material, the better the accumulation of heat.In order for the air gap to be larger and at the same time the thermal underwear to be thin and light, special weaving of the fabric is used - voluminous or cellular. A product of such a structure is 30 percent natural fibers, such as wool, cotton.

  • Moisture-removing. A distinctive feature of this type of linen is the removal of excess moisture from the surface of human skin. As a rule, the product consists of artificial materials. To date, the most relevant material for such a product is polypropylene.

Important! The material does not get wet, as it does not collect moisture. Therefore, this type of product is the best thermal underwear for intense loads and active sports, which are associated with increased sweating.

  • Mixed. This is a hybrid: products of this type perfectly remove excess moisture, at the same time, they perform a warming function. Such opportunities are achieved due to the presence of two or three layers of tissue.
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Which thermal underwear is better to choose - natural or synthetic?

When buying linen with high thermal insulation properties, the main selection criteria are the characteristics of weaving and the composition of the material. First of all, it is necessary to determine under what conditions clothes will be worn. The choice for a morning run or for an office depends on the composition of thermal underwear that meets the necessary criteria:

  • In the cold season, the presence of clothes wet from sweat can provoke various colds. This problem is faced by athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to purchase products based on synthetic fibers. Unique properties of synthetic materials such as polyester with additives of nylon, elastane, spandex, perfectly remove excess moisture from the surface of the body. Such fabrics are very light, pleasant to the touch, do not wipe and do not require any care.
  • For sports activities without great physical exertion or for the option of everyday wear, a product with impurities of natural fibers, such as merino wool, may be suitable. The wool of fine-fleeced lamb is much worse in terms of moisture removal than synthetics, but the property of keeping heat is very high.

Important! To choose thermal underwear, you must take into account the degree of activity. But there is a golden mean, which represents linen from combined fabrics. It continues to warm even when wet.

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Criteria for choosing thermal underwear

To understand what thermal underwear is better to choose for specific wearing conditions, take note of the following recommendations:

  • Men's thermal underwear for the cold season, if physical activities, such as hunting or fishing, are not performed, you can purchase 30 percent consisting of materials on a natural basis with a tight weave.
  • If wool is present, it is preferable that it be merino. This type of wool perfectly retains heat and does not absorb the smell of sweat. Products with this composition are preferably used for morning jogging and cycling.

Be sure to check the quality of the clothes on offer:

  • You must try on the product before buying. Clothing should fit to the surface of the body to the maximum, not hamper body movements. To check, you can raise your hands several times or rotate the case in one direction or the other.
  • The product must have a minimum number of seams. The ideal option is for the seams to be on the outside of the product - in this case they will not rub the skin.
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Choosing baby thermal underwear

Very carefully you need to approach the choice of thermal underwear for the child. To do this, it is imperative to take into account age, level of physical activity:

  • For a small child in a stroller, the best option would be clothes with a significant content of natural fibers, which perfectly retain heat.
  • For an older child, you can purchase a model that has a warmed outer layer, and well removes moisture.
  • Mobile children spending a lot of time outdoors can successfully wear thermal underwear, the inner layer of which is 100 percent synthetic. Cotton is suitable for the outer layer.

Important! The thickness of the fabric when choosing does not play a significant role, since the presence of dense fabric does not guarantee the best effect of thermoregulation.

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Popular manufacturers of thermal underwear

There are a lot of companies that sell thermal underwear on the modern market. Consider the rating of manufacturers, time-tested and producing quality products, looks like this:

  • X-Bionic;
  • Guahoo;
  • Marmot;
  • Red fox;
  • Lopoma.
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Rating of the best thermal underwear

What thermal underwear is better to choose? To make an objective picture of the best linen with high thermal insulation properties, it is necessary to take into account the following characteristics:

  • materials used in the manufacture;
  • the ability to keep warm for a long time;
  • ability to absorb excess moisture;
  • ability to retain moisture;
  • long term of operation;
  • price factor;
  • stylish design;
  • wearing comfort;
  • combination with other types of clothes;
  • the possibility of application for sports, everyday life;
  • multifunctionality in application.

Important! In everyday life, socks, leggings, and sweaters are most often used. Since such products make up the basic wardrobe, which retains heat even in the most severe frosts. In this case, it is very important that any item of clothing does not cause inconvenience.

Choose pants

Compared to leggings, underpants are more functional. Such a product fits the body well, without restricting movement.

Important! Properly selected underpants are an indispensable attribute for active sports.

Mostly they are worn by men, but it is also very important for women to keep the lower body warm.

Long Johns X-bionic

The underpants of the Swiss company X-bionic have a beautiful design. Very often, athletes acquire them, since with excellent body tightness they do not constrain movements at all.1df4cfeccc01f1e325edf4afc975af9d  

Advantages of such thermal underwear:

  • the availability of quality manufacturing material;
  • the ability to remove moisture;
  • linen provides a comfortable temperature, supports and controls it;
  • Beautiful design;
  • the ability to protect from the cold;
  • ability to stimulate blood circulation;
  • light weight;
  • long term of operation;
  • ability of free movements.

Important! The disadvantages of such thermal underwear include a relatively high price, which is explained by durability.

Long Johns Guahoo

The models of this company are in great demand, as they are widely used by both athletes and outdoor enthusiasts. That is why they are included in the category of the best thermal underwear.

Guahoo underpants are very lightweight, but despite this, they perfectly perform the functions assigned to them. For women, such a product is the most profitable option.


  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • low cost in comparison with similar products;
  • durability of use;
  • Beautiful design;
  • bright and memorable appearance;
  • lack of restraint in movement;
  • underpants do not let in excess moisture.

Important! Disadvantages:

  • this thermal underwear is available only for women;
  • some find this model too vulgar;
  • the composition is predominantly natural, but synthetic components are present.

Choosing a turtleneck

In the upper part of the human body are concentrated the most important and vital organs, for which hypothermia is very dangerous. To prevent serious colds, a whole network of special turtlenecks has been developed that can hold the temperature. What thermal underwear is better to choose?

Turtleneck Marmot

Marmot thermal underwear is a multifunctional turtleneck that can be successfully used as a regular top product.

Advantages of such thermal underwear:

  • high quality materials;
  • ability to keep heat excellent;
  • beautiful appearance design;
  • the material does not leak moisture;
  • lack of restraining movements;
  • comfortable to wear;
  • the possibility of use by both athletes and ordinary people;
  • durability of use.

Important! The only drawback is the extremely high price. In terms of quality, products are many times superior to their competitors, since the product is very high quality.

Turtleneck RedFox

A RedFox turtleneck is the best value for money for both the professional athlete and for everyday use.80c4b2275eaa6e7fdbb86185ab548b3d

Advantages of this thermal underwear:

  • high quality materials;
  • perfectly follows the contours of the figure;
  • lack of restraining movements;
  • ability to keep temperature;
  • long term of operation;
  • light weight;
  • ability to not pass moisture;
  • beautiful design development;
  • quite affordable price.

Important! The disadvantages include the tendency to mechanical damage.

Choose socks

Thermal socks warm your feet very well, even much better than any shoes. Depends on the right choice how warm and dry your legs will be. What thermal underwear is better to choose?

Socks Lopoma

Lopoma socks have a good warming effect in the cold season.

Advantages of such thermosocks:

  • acceptable price;
  • perfectly warm;
  • ability to not pass moisture;
  • very beautiful appearance.

Important! The disadvantages include the fact that such thermal socks do not warm the legs long enough, so they are preferably used for short walks in the cold season.

Norveg Socks

NORVEG thermal socks are made from quality materials.


  • keep warm for a long time;
  • the convenience of use;
  • do not pass moisture;
  • beautiful appearance.

Important! The disadvantages include:

  • high price;
  • short term of operation.


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How to care for thermal underwear?

The main recommendations that extend the life of products and help to maintain the original appearance of the product for a long time are as follows:

  • Thermal underwear items require special care. So that the clothes do not lose their properties, they must be washed only in the manual mode, or in the washing machine when the program starts “delicate wash”.
  • Detergents and bleaches with the presence of chlorine contribute to the destruction of the structure of thermal underwear, so they are not suitable for the washing process.
  • Do not use dry cleaning.
  • Thermal underwear should not be squeezed in the washing machine.
  • Underwear made of propylene can not be dried on radiators and near an open flame, the drying process should take place in natural conditions.
  • It is impossible to expose an expensive product made of propylene to a temperature regime of over 60 ° C or iron it; otherwise, the characteristic properties will be lost forever.
  • For a product made of propylene, the preferred temperature is 30 C, at which the clothes do not “sit down” and do not coarse. In this case, the frequent washing process does not affect the quality of the appearance of the product.
  • Products with fleece before washing must be turned to the wrong side.

Important! Linens with high thermal insulation properties can be washed no higher than 40 degrees.

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Conditions for proper wearing of thermal underwear

To understand how comfortable clothes made of propylene, you need to wear it correctly, while observing the principle of three-layer:

  • First of all, you need to wear thermal underwear.
  • The second insulating layer is, for example, clothing made of fleece.
  • And the third is the protective layer, which includes insulated jackets, warm pants.
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From this article, you learned not only about which thermal underwear is better, but also how to wear it correctly, what rules to observe when leaving and washing. We hope that from now on the problem of freezing and excessive sweating, even with a very active winter holiday, will not bother you anymore.

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