Which is the best paint for shoes?

In order for your shoes to retain their attractive appearance, color and presentability for a long time, it is very important to ensure proper and high-quality care. Special tools, such as creams and paints, will help you exercise it. Thanks to them, you will not only keep your shoe in order, but also create a protective barrier on its surface that will extend its operational life. In this article, we will tell you what is the best choice for shoe paint so that you can purchase a new pair of shoes or shoes not by necessity, but by request.

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How to choose the right paint for shoes?

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing protective equipment for such products is the material from which they are made. It could be suede, plain or patent leather. In addition, the fact whether it is natural materials or artificial is of considerable importance.

Important! Experts do not recommend the use of products designed for one particular type of shoe on other materials. For example, paint for leather shoes will not only not work, but also spoil the product from suede.

To date, the following types of paints used for shoe care are presented on the market:

  • Based on natural oils and beeswax. Such paints are designed for perfectly smooth or varnished surfaces.

Important! Beeswax softens the skin, gives it gloss and shine.

  • Dense and greasy formulations based on organic solvents. They create a waterproof barrier film that protects the product from the damaging effects of moisture, snow and frost.

Important! It is best to use such paints in the cold season.

  • Sprays and aerosols. These products are intended for the care of suede products. The essence of their action is to spray the protective composition on the surface, thereby providing it with complete protection.
  • Liquid emulsion formulations. They are best used in the warm season, as they dissolve well, letting in air. Such paints protect shoes from stretching and cracking.
  • Silicone impregnation. They are designed to protect the product from the penetration of dirt and water into the material. Therefore, using such funds, getting your feet wet and changing the shape of the shoes does not threaten you, since the water will simply drain over their surface.
  • With turpentine content. Such paints are best used for products sewn from thick and coarse material, as well as for shoes that are designed for daily wear.
  • Dye Sprays for the skin. They restore the material, thereby returning to their favorite shoes or boots their original appearance and shine.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that when choosing a spray dye, it is very important to choose the one that matches the color of your shoe tone to tone.

  • Dye sprays for fabric shoes. These are special water-repellent impregnations designed to protect such products from various factors. Dye sprays allow you to wear your favorite fabric sneakers and sneakers even in rainy weather, without fear that your feet might get wet.
  • Express sponges with protective impregnation. They not only add shine to the product, but also restore color to it.

Important! Express sponges are not recommended to be used as the main means of shoe care, as their effect is short-term, they do not provide full protection.

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Rating of the best shoe care products

The most important thing you need to know is that good creams and paints for shoes should be purchased exclusively in specialized stores. Of course, they are not cheap at all, however, the quality of the care they provide will be at their best.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that good products should have a uniform composition without a film and lumps, as well as a not very pleasant smell.

Taking into account the above requirements, we have selected for you the best paints for shoe care, which have been repeatedly tested and justified all the properties declared by the manufacturer:

  • Salamander. This is the most popular cream that is designed to care for leather shoes. It contains natural beeswax, which forms a water-repellent film-barrier. The product returns the product to its former color and shine, well masking scratches and scuffs.
  • Kiwi. Cream-paint of this brand repels water, does not attract dust, absorbs well and dries quickly. It is easy to apply and gives the product its natural color. Its considerable advantage is its low price position.
  • Niki Line. These are sprays that are designed for each material used to make shoes, including nubuck, suede, fur and textiles. The tool not only refreshes, but also paints over all scuffs, scratches, other possible defects. Despite the fact that such sprays are not cheap at all, they can significantly transform your shoes and restore their previous appearance.
  • Spray paint "Premium". This is a fairly economical tool that is intended for the care of suede products. It perfectly paints various scratches, scuffs, and gives the villi their former shape. In addition, this spray protects shoes from the harmful effects of moisture and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Polish “Sapphire”. This product is intended for the care of varnished products. It protects them from the occurrence of cracks, dampness, dirt.

Important! The most important thing is to apply Sapphire polish with an exceptionally soft sponge. So she will not only distribute the product, but also polish the varnish shoes.

  • “Dividic”, “Zenden” and “Olvist”. These are high-quality water-repellent impregnations, which at the same time have a rather low price position in relation to the previous options. They protect not only from the negative effects of moisture, but also from the salts in its composition. In addition, they prevent complete wetting of the product. Mostly suitable for smooth skin care.
  • Collonil Nanopro. This is a very expensive modern product, which is suitable not only for leather shoes, but also for clothes. Due to the eco-friendly composition, it provides gentle care, preserves the original appearance, color, and also gives the product shine.
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As you can see, modern manufacturers of paints for shoes make fairly high-quality compositions that can protect the product from the weather, return it to its original appearance, shine and gloss. We hope that we could help you and choose the tool that will become your assistant in caring for your favorite pair of shoes.


