Which coat is better to buy for the winter?

In winter chilly days, nothing will warm you like a fur coat made of natural fur. She was and remains the dream of every woman, since ancient times, when animal skins were the first clothes of man. Nowadays, a fur coat not only gives warmth, comfort in severe winter time, but also is a sign of taste, wealth, status of a woman. If you fall asleep and wake up with the thought of a fur coat or freeze in front of the windows of fur salons, mentally trying on an outfit for yourself, then it is time to go looking for a suitable option, armed with information about which coat is best to buy for the winter, so that it serves more than one season and pleased with its warmth, comfort, beauty. Today we will tell you which fur is best for a fur coat and what basic requirements must be made for fur products. Knowing all about furs, you can safely go in search of the coat of your dreams.

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The main characteristics of fur products

Natural fur is very expensive, so the choice of a fur coat must be approached with all responsibility. The main requirements for fur products are:

  • Thermal performance. The ability of a fur coat to warm its owner depends on the length of the product, the density of the fur, and the elasticity of the pile.
  • Weariness. This is one of the basic properties of fur. Longevity is influenced by many factors - both the quality of the fur and the storage conditions.

Consider each product characteristic in more detail.

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Thermal properties

The heat-shielding properties of the animal skin depend on the following factors:

  • The length, elasticity of the pile.
  • Hair thickness, down.
  • The number of air bubbles inside and between the hairs.
  • Looseness of Mezra. Very often, to reduce the weight of the product, the mezdra is stretched. As a result, the gaps between the hairs increase, and the air gap decreases.

If we classify animal skins by heat-shielding properties, then the coldest are:

  • Gopher.
  • Rabbit.
  • Ermine.
  • Goat.

The average thermal characteristics are:

  • Mink.
  • Beaver.
  • Arctic fox.
  • Chinchila.

The warmest furs in the following animals:

  • Sable.
  • Fox.
  • Wolf.
  • Mouton.


  • When choosing a product, be sure to check the density of the downhole. Swipe the coat against and against it with your hand, and you will see the density of the fur, downcoat. Blow to the layer: if the villi immediately return to their place, then the fur is of high quality. The thicker the pile, the thicker the fur layer, the warmer the product.
  • The hair should be long, shiny. The longer it is, the warmer the fur coat will be. In foxes, wolverines, arctic foxes and raccoons, hair lengths can reach 40 mm, for muskrats and sables 25-40 mm, and for minks 25 mm. Arctic fox is able to withstand temperatures up to - 60 degrees, due to its long pile. Arctic fox fur coats can warm in the coldest winter. In addition, the fur of this animal looks luxurious, blue fox fur coats are especially appreciated.
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Which fur is better for a fur coat?

To determine which material to choose a fur coat from, you must first answer two questions.

Purpose of purchase

If you need clothes “to go out,” then the issues of thermal performance and wear are fading into the background.More often in this case, the decisive factor is the brand and the impressive figure on the price tag:

  • As an indicator of their own prestige, chinchilla skins, ermine, and mink are suitable. Remember that such products are sewn on a lining without insulation, so in cold weather you can freeze in such a mantle.
  • A fur coat designed to protect against frost and wind should be made of fox or mouton fur.

Important! Choose to wear models made from whole fur. They warm better in cold weather than products sewn from separate plates. Sheared fur also cannot boast of its heat-shielding properties.

Conditions under which you will wear the product

For a humid climate, furs of aquatic animals are suitable. For example:

  • Otter.
  • Muskrat.
  • Nutria.
  • Beaver.

In severe frosts they’ll warm better:

  • Sable.
  • Mouton.
  • Wolf, fox.

For a milder “European” climate fit:

  • Mink.
  • Rabbit.
  • Arctic fox.
  • Marmot.
  • Chinchilla.
  • Ermine.


Overview of the properties of different furs

Let's compare animal furs by thermal characteristics to answer the question: is a beaver or mink fur coat - which is better?

  • Mink and beaver. The fur of these animals is distinguished by beauty, practicality and wear. However, a beaver fur coat definitely benefits in terms of heat preservation.
  • Mink and muton. Of course, a mink coat emphasizes the status of a woman, as it looks luxurious, rich, very expensive. However, the mouton is ahead of the mink in thermal characteristics. A muton is a specially processed sheepskin, and products made from it have the property of maintaining the optimum temperature.

Important! If earlier products from a mouton had a not very attractive appearance, then today fur coats look no worse than minks, thanks to special processing and painting. In addition, the muton is resistant to dampness, durability, and it will not be difficult to take care of such products.

  • Fox. Fur coats are considered the warmest due to the length and density of the pile. Models made of silver fox are soft and beautiful.

Important! Fur coats made of black and silver fur belong to the category of elite clothes.

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Fur wear is one of the main characteristics of the product.

The cost of fur products is quite high, and buying them for one season is absolutely impractical. It is very important that the purchased coat serves its owner more than one season, while maintaining its original attractive appearance.

Wear is one of the properties of fur and depends on the following factors:

  • Wear resistance of pile.
  • The bond strength of skin tissue and hairs.
  • Wear resistance of the skin.
  • Dressing and staining.
  • Storage conditions.

The fur of the following animals are considered the most wear-resistant:

  1. Otter. You can wear a product from an otter for 20 years. The wear of otter fur is considered to be 100%, and the wear of other types of fur is calculated in relation to this indicator.
  2. Sable. Sable fur products will delight for 12 seasons.
  3. Mink will please its owner for 10 years.
  4. Raccoon - 9 seasons.
  5. Marten and Arctic fox - up to 7 seasons.
  6. Sheepskin and astrakhan fur will please the owner of 6 years.
  7. Nutria and the fox - about 5.
  8. Sheared rabbit - 4 seasons.
  9. Hare. The most fragile is the rabbit fur. The fur coat from it will last only 1 season.

Important! The wear of a product is determined not only by the natural properties of the skin, but also by the processing method and the craftsmanship of the manufacturer. The wear indicator of the product will be higher if the fur is “winter”. It is distinguished by a thick downfill and higher density and length. And vice versa - during the period of molting of animals, the bond strength of the mezra with the hair decreases. These skins are not of high quality.

The color of the fur also reduces the wear rate by 10-20%. But a haircut - on the contrary, increases this figure by 20-40%. Therefore, sometimes long fur is sheared in order to prevent stalling and breaking off. It should be remembered that sheared ermine, ground squirrel and rabbit fur warms much worse.

Useful Tips:

  • Choose fur products exclusively from manufacturers of the northern countries - Canada, Russia, USA, Finland. Only in cold climates can one grow natural dense fur.
  • When purchasing a fur coat, check the fur. Doubt its edge - it should easily take its starting position. Smell the fur - high-quality skin does not have sharp chemical and biological odors.
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How to choose a fur product for many years?

Pay attention to the following quality attributes of a fur product in order to finally decide which coat is best to buy for the winter:

  • Kind of animal. Products with a short life can be purchased for children. They grow quickly, and they do not need to have a fur coat retain its attractive appearance for many years.

Important! Things made of rabbit, squirrel and hare (fur coats, hats, vests) are distinguished by good thermal qualities and low price.

  • Treatment. The mezdra should be white and not produce any sound when shaken. If the mezdra is crackling, then the fur is overdried, and its yellow color indicates that the fur is old.

Important! Pay special attention to the lining: if it is not sewn tightly, this indicates that the manufacturer is confident in the quality of the goods and allows the buyer to evaluate the dressing of the skin from the inside.

  • Dyeing the fur. Fur dyeing can be done for different purposes. Very often, a manufacturer tries to hide product defects under paint. For this, dark shades are used. However, some fur needs to be dyed, since in its original form it does not look very attractive, for example, nutria. Today, dyeing is carried out by high-tech dyes that do not affect the quality of the fur. So, if you want to buy a fur coat of purple fox, then purchase.

Important! To check the quality of the paint and find out if the fur will get dirty during wear, wrap a few hairs with a handkerchief and rub a little. If there are no traces on the fabric, then you can not worry about the quality of staining.

  • Sewing. Fur articles sewn “for dissolution” and whole are allowed. Sewing depends on the fur of the animal:
    1. If the animal has a thick mezra (raccoon, nutria, beaver), then they usually sew products “for dissolution”, so that the coat better “sits” in shape and does not look like a case.
    2. If the mezdra is thin (mink), then a product sewn “for dissolution” will give harmony to full ladies.

Important! In any case, tailoring the product depends on the style, length, color. Pay attention to the quantity and quality of the seams. The smaller they are, the stronger the fur product.

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Practical tips for choosing a fur product:

  • Wide silhouette products with a length of “three quarters” and adjustable cuffs are worn longer. And vice versa - slotted loops with fur trim and zipper very quickly put the mantle out of action.
  • To avoid the temptation to put a bunch of keys and a mobile phone in your manto pocket at a time, purchase the product only with an internal pocket.
  • The best option for a manto belt is fur, as suede and leather belts quickly damage the pile.
  • Buy mantles only in a fur salon or in a store that has worked well. Such companies care about their reputation and product quality. In addition, in such a company you will be given a warranty card for 1 year.
  • Beware of fake fur products. Sometimes inexperienced customers are offered products from the Canadian sable, but there is no such beast in nature. Under the guise of a sable they sell marten. Of course, marten products are also very beautiful, but they are not compared with the Russian sable.

Important! To the touch you can distinguish a marmot from a mink. Marmots have different lengths of hair, but mink hair is the same and does not prick.

  • Pay particular attention to the seams. They must be stitched neatly and finely. To make sure the quality of the seams, feel them. If they are not felt at all, then glue was used instead of threads. Such a mantle can simply fall apart in a few days.

Important! The seams on the kinks and stretching details of the mantle (armpits, trim pockets, upper back) should be with built-in soft ribbons for reinforcement during stretching and deformation.

  • The marking of the underside of the fur product must have information about the country of manufacture, the date of sewing (processing) of the fur.
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Rules for the care of fur products:

  1. Before hiding the fur product at the end of the winter season, be sure to clean it and dry it.
  2. At home, store the product in a closed cabinet and a special case. The distance from the cabinet to the radiators must be at least 1 m.
  3. Ventilate the product periodically during storage and timely update the product against moths. It is impossible to pour manto with mothballs.
  4. If the coat is wet while wearing, then first shake it from excess moisture and lay it on a horizontal surface. Dry the product at room temperature, away from heaters and radiators. Gently comb the dried fur in the direction of pile growth.
  5. Hang the product on shoulders with wide brim.
  6. It is impossible to store products from dyed and unpainted fur nearby.
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The choice of a fur coat depends on the lifestyle, personal preferences and financial capabilities. We hope that our advice and recommendations have helped you make the right choice, and now a quality, beautiful fur miracle will delight you with its warmth for many years!


