Canvas boots - what are they made of?

The words “tarpaulin” and “tarpaulin” are primarily associated with boots, which were the most common type of shoe in the Soviet army. This composite fabric, which made a significant contribution to the history of the Victory, is a completely domestic development. And after many years, a reliable and unpretentious kirsa is still quite demanded material for many fields of activity. Let's figure out what tarpaulin boots are, what are they made of?

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History of Kirsa

Improving the properties of different materials by combining and combining them is known since antiquity. In ancient times, the fabric was impregnated with wax, oil, various resins, and in South America - the juice of rubber plants, from this it became more durable and well protected from water.

At all times, one of the pressing issues was how to replace expensive materials with those that would be cheaper, but would have approximately the same set of consumer properties. A particular problem in many countries was the search for a decent substitute for genuine leather, primarily for shoes and military ammunition.

The first appearance of such an effective leatherette, like kirsa fabric, is associated with the name of M. M. Pomortsev, a meteorologist and military aerologist. In collaboration with the Russian Physicochemical Society, he was able to make many useful developments, including plant-based rubber substitutes, water-repellent tarpaulin. Among Pomortsev’s inventions, a special place is occupied by composite material, which is similar to leather. An English coarse cloth called Kersey was used for it - it was impregnated with compounds of paraffin, rosin and egg yolks. It was quite durable, practically did not pass water, while not interfering with gas exchange.

Important! Kirza received many awards at Russian and international industrial exhibitions.

Mass production of kirsa products began in the 30s of the last century, when the issue of equipping the army was very acute. Now they began to impregnate on the basis of synthesized artificial rubber. Engineers I. Plotnikov and A. Khomutov developed technological equipment, and already in the Finnish campaign a new type of fabric began to be used for sewing army boots. But the first samples were not successful, because they caused irritation and could not withstand frosts. Only in August 1941 was it possible to obtain better products.

The advanced material was waterproof, durable, lightweight, retained heat and allowed legs to “breathe”. Already in the winter of 1941, new fabric was used not only for the manufacture of boots and boots, but also for military ammunition. Since then, unpretentious and reliable tarpaulin boots are considered a symbol of the Soviet Union.

Important! To this day, this composite fabric is widely used both independently and in combination for working and military shoes, bags, drive belts, etc.

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What is kirsa?

When wondering what tarpaulin boots are made of, it is worthwhile to understand that such shoe material is made on the basis of cotton with rubber coating. Often this coating is black, although beige or white composite fabric can also be produced.

The traditional sequence for the manufacture of this material is as follows:

  1. Mechanized unwinding of a roll of cotton base.
  2. Application of a layer of rubber.
  3. Heat treatment.
  4. Compaction and embossing (usually under the skin).
  5. Roll up.

Important! A high-quality kirsa has evenly applied embossing and well-painted edges - it should not have streaks, scratches, or shades.

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Modern analogues

The modern modification of this material, the production of which does not use rubber, but polyvinyl chloride, is called either shargolin or “Universal”. This is a softer fabric, but it is less frost-resistant.

Important! Instead of a rather coarse cotton base, vinyl leather (vinyl tarpaulin) is often made on the basis of nonwoven materials, due to which it is able to withstand multiple bends and loads without delamination and cracking.

The main positive qualities of modern tarpaulin are:

  • Resistance to abrasion, puncture or tearing.
  • Water resistance.
  • Breathability.
  • Elasticity.
  • Ease.
  • Hygroscopicity of the inner layer.
  • High level of protection.
  • The ability to maintain their properties to a temperature of -30.
  • Cheapness.
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To this day, kirsa is a fairly popular material. Although the usual army boots have long been a thing of the past, this material is still used as fabric for boots, berets, other shoes and accessories, including those intended for use in foci of radioactive and chemical contamination, as well as for protection against electric shock.

Important! The tarpaulin shoes are often used by workers of chemical enterprises, builders; gardeners and summer residents love it.

Reliable, durable tarpaulin details are sometimes used sometimes as inserts for sports shoes, including gymnastics, dance, and making sports equipment (boxing gloves, pears). And, of course, this quality leatherette is often used for technical purposes - for belts, bags, bags, cases.

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How to care?

Although the tarpaulin is categorized as “fabric,” it’s not worth washing. But care should be taken regularly.

Important! The service life of tarpaulin shoes, as a rule, is at least a year, however, if properly maintained, it will last much longer.

Care Rules:

  • Kearza is not afraid of moisture, neither inside nor outside. After many days of transitions, it is advisable to wash it well and thoroughly dry it naturally, that is, away from heat sources.
  • Full drying is a rather long process, therefore, with everyday use, the tarpaulin should be wiped with a slightly damp cloth from the inside, and then dried, removing the insoles.
  • This material is unpretentious, does not need special creams and compositions.
  • It is advisable to sometimes soak shoe seams with castor oil or animal fat - this will protect the shoes from leaking.
  • It is best to grease the surface of the tarpaulin with ordinary cheap shoe polish, and to maintain elasticity it is advisable to apply cleaning products to a slightly damp surface.
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So we examined the question of what tarpaulin boots are made of, as well as where this material is still used, how to care for it. Following the above tips, shoes made of this material will last you for many years.

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