DIY leather clutch

To always look irresistible even in the simplest clothes, it is not at all necessary to scour the malls for hours in search of interesting gizmos. In a couple of hours you can make a fashion accessory yourself. A distinctive feature of such models is that they are unique and individual, you will definitely not find the second version of such a product anywhere. Create a leather accessory under the power of any novice craftswoman, even without special skills in cutting and sewing. In this article we will look at how to sew a clutch out of leather with our own hands.

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What is a clutch bag?

In the classification of models and styles of women's accessories, small clutch handbags occupy an important place. The clutch is a small elegant bag-envelope. It has a small pen, not a strap. As a rule, this accessory is wrapped around the palm of your hand or worn under the arm.

Currently, the clutch is used not only for the evening out - this bag can be worn in the daytime, while combining with it both skirts and dresses, as well as jeans and trousers. Everyday models are large and sometimes look like an average bag. Despite this, these clutches are carried in the hand, while pressing them to the side and propping the bottom of the product with the palm of your hand.

Important! To create everyday clutches, natural or artificial leather, various types of fabrics or even soft transparent plastic are used. Usually in the coloring of such products there are calm tones and they have a rectangular shape.

But the classic options for small evening accessories try not to give up their positions. Each new season is marked by a new interesting type of clutch. A large role is given to decor items. These accessories are very stylish and elegant, thanks to precious and semiprecious stones, rhinestones, beads, beads, crystals, feathers, bows, ribbons and all kinds of metal elements.

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How to sew a leather bag in the shape of a cosmetic bag?

The simplest style is an accessory made in the form of a cosmetic bag, having a zipper.

Materials for work

A very important point is the selection of the right material, which should be malleable, have a soft and plastic base. For this purpose, faux leather is perfect, with which it is pleasant to work and create amazing models. In addition, leather based on artificial fibers provides a rich color range.

In order to make a leather clutch on your own, you also need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • sewing machine;
  • a needle with a thread of the desired color scheme;
  • sewing pins;
  • scissors;
  • zipper in the tone of faux leather;
  • thin ruler so that the lines are accurate;
  • chalk or a simple pencil.


Tailoring workshop

To stitch a leather clutch bag in the shape of a cosmetic bag:

  • Determine the size of the future product. The most optimal clutch bag that is convenient to carry in your hands is a model with dimensions of 20 by 30 centimeters.
  • We draw a pattern, adding 1.5 cm from all sides for allowances for seams.
  • We fold the skin patch in half, with the face inward.
  • We transfer the pattern to the artificial leather material.
  • We cut the workpiece along the outlined lines.
  • We tuck the upper section of the fabric, using the sewing pins we attach the zipper.

Important! Try not to make a mistake with the size of the fastener - it should have a length slightly larger than the length of the upper section. To make the accessory look beautiful, the lightning must fit snugly against the side walls of the product. If the selected lightning turned out to be a little larger, then the excess lock can always be cut.

  • Attach the zipper to the future product. You can lay a line on the front side of the accessory, then a factory seam is obtained. At your discretion, you can sew in the lock, as secret.
  • We turn the clutch bag to the wrong side.
  • We fix the side sections with sewing pins.

Important! In order not to see traces of pin punctures, you need to fix as close to the edge as possible.

  • We sew the side seams. If you prefer to make the accessory voluminous rather than flat, then the lower edges on the side seams will need to be stitched at an angle.

A leather clutch bag in the shape of a cosmetic bag is ready!

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How to stitch a leather clutch envelope?

A very simple and popular type of clutch, made in the form of an envelope that closes on the valve.

Materials for work

For the manufacture of such a model, the following materials will be required:

  • a patch of genuine or artificial leather with a carefully calculated size;
  • lining material from any dense fabric;
  • sewing button;
  • sewing machine;
  • a needle with a thread of the desired color shade;
  • sewing pins;
  • scissors;
  • a simple pencil or chalk;
  • ruler;
  • thick stationery folder or a piece of plastic.

Tailoring workshop

How to make a leather clutch with your own hands in the form of an envelope? Follow this instruction:

  • With a standard clutch size of 20x30 cm, for this product, you will need a piece of fabric with a size of 30 by 80 centimeters, since we will produce a valve from half the material.
  • We draw a pattern for the future product.
  • Add seam allowances.
  • On the planned lines with scissors we cut the workpiece.
  • On the part we precisely determine the middle. We fold the resulting rectangle across so that the narrow edges are in a “closed” state.
  • We fasten the side seams with sewing pins and flash it on a sewing machine.
  • We turn the future product on the front side and fix the fastener button so that no traces are visible on the front side of the valve.
  • For rigidity of the accessory, we put a rectangular piece of plastic between the back of the clutch and the lining.

Important! For this purpose, you can also use the usual thick stationery folder.

  • In the same way we strengthen the valve. Such a procedure allows the future product to acquire elegant and clear forms, to preserve them for a long time.
  • To size the resulting product from a silky fabric with an approximate size of 20x60 cm, we cut out the lining.

Important! The lining can be bright and contrasting, it can also be supplemented with convenient pockets for a mobile phone and other trifles.

  • Secret stitches attach the lining to the main part of the future product.
  • We sew the product on a sewing machine or stitch it manually using durable seams, for example, “back the needle”.

An envelope-shaped leather clutch is ready!

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Do-it-yourself clutch bag

Suede - material that is pleasant to the touch, perfectly combines with wardrobe items that do not have shine. When choosing a simple pattern pattern, you can quickly sew a clutch yourself.


In order to create such a model, it is necessary to prepare the following materials in advance:

  • suede material;
  • lining fabric;
  • foam rubber, collar doubler, non-woven fabric to choose from;
  • chalk or a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • threads of the corresponding color scheme;
  • needles;
  • sewing machine;
  • magnetic button, decorated button, or zipper to choose from;
  • chain;
  • half ring in the amount of 2 pieces for the belt.

Important! For each specific model, based on your preferences, these materials vary.



You can sew a suede leather clutch with your own hands this way:

  1. We draw a pattern for the future product.
  2. Add seam allowances.
  3. We apply the pattern to suede fabric and to the lining material.
  4. On both fabrics, we draw the contours of the pattern with chalk.
  5. To strengthen the accessory with doublerin or non-woven inserts around the entire perimeter of the pattern, we designate its shape, and it is 0.5 cm smaller than the required size.
  6. Fold the lining and suede with the front sides and sew in the valve area.
  7. We apply foam rubber or doubler under the lining, sew along the perimeter with a sewing machine, while leaving the free edge of the lining about 1 cm.
  8. Fold the suede and lining fabric with the front sides and sew along the two long sides.
  9. Through the side that was not sewn, we turn the future product.
  10. We outline and attach a magnetic lock to the valve.
  11. We fold the accessory and fix the side seams.
  12. Sew in loop-straps made of suede material for wearing the future product on the shoulder or arm.
  13. For volume, we put a thick magazine or several packs of napkins in the future clutch, mark the location of the second element of the magnetic lock.
  14. We fix the second part of the fastener.
  15. We attach the rings to the prepared loops and the belt or chain.

A beautiful suede clutch bag is ready!

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DIY clutch bag from an old bag

Outdated old bags often gather dust in a closet or lie on shelves. There are several reasons why you do not want to wear these accessories:

  • unattractive appearance;
  • the handles are very worn;
  • the item is morally outdated.

These bags can give a second life by remaking them in clutches.


For the manufacture of such a product, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • old bag;
  • chalk or a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • needle with thread;
  • straps for fastening;
  • zipper fastener;
  • a magnetic valve or a few simple buttons;
  • hammer for beating seams;
  • iron;
  • glue.

Updating the product

Do-it-yourself clutch pattern from leather:

  • Carefully dissolve all the seams of the outer fabric of the old bag.
  • The lining is left unchanged, since it can mainly be sewn into a new product.
  • Draw a pattern of the future accessory.
  • From parts of the old bag, on which there is no damage, we cut out the details of the future product.

Important! If it is not possible to use the undamaged areas, you will have to decorate the finished work.

  • We determine the required dimensions of the lining, and cut the old version according to the pattern.
  • Having attached the details of the future product with the front sides, we sew the blanks from three sides.
  • Add to our accessory straps in the form of loops.
  • Sew a zipper.
  • We turn the product and stitch along the fourth side.
  • We insert a magnetic valve or a choice of several buttons.

Important! If you are making a new version of a bag made of leatherette, then use a hammer to beat seams, or you can use a warm iron to smooth seams. Thus, the joints will be fixed, and they will have an even appearance.

  • If necessary, we use glue to connect parts of the accessory.

Important! Creating a clutch bag from leatherette according to the manufacturing process is very similar to the sewing procedure with natural material. The difference is only in some moments of stitching and sizing. Natural-based leather is more sensitive to deformities. The leatherette is tight enough to hold your clutch bag in shape.

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DIY round leather clutch

A self-made round clutch looks very original, but it is not suitable for a festive atmosphere.


To create a clutch bag you will need the following materials:

  • plate;
  • selected material;
  • lining fabric;
  • scissors;
  • knife;
  • needle with thread;
  • sewing machine;
  • zipper;
  • decor elements.


How to sew a round clutch of leather with your own hands - instructions:

  • It is very easy to build a pattern. To do this, take a plate having a diameter of 25 cm, and apply it to the selected material. Carefully cut with a knife. Such blanks will need 2 pieces for the outer fabric and lining material.
  • Cut rectangular parts for the belt.
  • We prepare a zipper with a length of 11-13 cm.
  • We make an incision on the main and lining tissues and attach the zipper.
  • Apply glue to the edges of the zipper and attach it to the main fabric.
  • From the wrong side of the product, we sew the main fabric and zipper on a sewing machine.
  • Sew the lining to the free edge of the snake.
  • Stitching the blank of the belt.
  • Between us we connect the blanks of the lining, the main fabric and the stitched belt, which is nested inside between the parts.

Important! Optionally, the belt can not be sewn, but attached to the slider zipper.

  • Through the hole with a zipper, carefully turn the future product.
  • If desired, add decor, for example, large beads or felt flowers.

The round clutch is ready!

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Leather square clutch

A very interesting option for creating a clutch-envelope in the form of a square made of leather.


For the manufacture of such a model, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • skin of the appropriate size;
  • needle with thread;
  • scissors;
  • carbine;
  • magnetic button.

How to make a clutch of leather with your own hands - master class:

  1. On the underside of the skin, draw a large rectangle of the appropriate size, without forgetting to add a cover with which the product will be closed.
  2. We draw the second rectangle, but do not take into account the cover.
  3. We add the blanks of the accessory together. Punch holes along the lower and lateral edges of the parts, which should be 3-4 cm from the slices.
  4. We fasten the workpieces with a needle and thread, while applying the “forward needle” seam.
  5. At the end of the laid line we fix the thread on the wrong side of the product.
  6. In the opposite direction, we do exactly the same actions. As a result, the details of the accessory will be quite reliably fastened with a double version of the line.
  7. At the end of the padded stitch we do the stitching.
  8. For a ring, cut a small strap and punch holes in it.
  9. Fold the strap around the ring and fasten it with stitches.
  10. Sew the strap on the right side of the product.
  11. We cut a long blank for the handle, wrap the strap with a loop around the carabiner.
  12. Sew all three layers together.
  13. We attach a fastener, for example a magnetic button.
  14. Sew a small circle or some other patch on the product’s cover, which would help strengthen the fastener.

Leather clutch bag is ready!

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How to decorate a clutch with your own hands?

Based on personal preferences, the finished product can be decorated, using the previously prepared decor elements:

  • sequins, beads;
  • beads and buttons of different diameters;
  • rhinestones and stones;
  • leaves, flowers, animal figures, and many other elements made of suede, leather, felt, or fabric;
  • finished and created bows and brushes;
  • brooches, pendants;
  • beautiful scarf.
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As you can see, the work ahead is really not dusty, but definitely creative and interesting. Try with the simplest models, improving your skills in the course of work, and after a week every day you will be able to appear “in the light” in a new way with unique accessories.

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