Beautiful long dresses for every day

Practical and comfortable trousers and jeans in the women's wardrobe began to be replaced more and more by beautiful dresses. They can be completely different lengths and colors. A competent selection of style will help emphasize the dignity of the figure, femininity, your personality. A beautiful dress will allow you to set the mood that will be with you throughout the day. Each wardrobe should have several very different options. To make it easier for you to navigate the existing variety, we’ll now try to find out what beautiful long dresses for every day to choose for ladies with different types of figures.

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Long feminine dresses

Long dresses draw alluring body shapes and lines. They can simultaneously emphasize all the advantages and hide small imperfections, making the proportions harmonious and natural.

Beautiful long dresses for every day have several more advantages:

  • Thanks to its universal style, a dress on the floor will be appropriate in any situation - a minimum of open parts make the image restrained and mysterious.
  • Another significant advantage of such dresses is that in them every movement of a woman receives a certain lightness, even regality. Even within yourself on an emotional level, you feel a change. Posture becomes straighter, and the gait is smoother and more feminine.
  • A possible cutout on the side and a lush free cut does not restrict movement at all, on the contrary - it adds piquancy to the image. In addition, do not forget about convenience - the girl does not need to constantly pull the edge of the dress down, as is the case with short models.
  • Another plus for this style is the way a woman in a long dress is perceived by a man. Usually the opposite sex is used to the fact that women wear skirts and trousers. To such an emancipated madam and the corresponding attitude - a man talks to her on equal terms, without making discounts on the floor. And if this same Madame wears a long dress, with notes of romanticism, she sees changes in front of her eyes. In communication with her, men even change the tone and vibration of the voice, because in front of them they see a gentle and sweet creature that they want to take care of and provide various signs of attention.
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Actual models

This model is not a novelty in the fashion world for a long time. It was popular a year ago and a decade. However, before this length was often chosen for the holidays and worn for a special occasion. Now this part of the women's wardrobe has become everyday. So, let's see what beautiful long dresses for every day designers offer us:

  • The model with long sleeves is at the peak of popularity. It is good for the summer and ideal for the fall-winter season.

Important! This option looks very profitable when the style of the dress fits the figure, and the sleeves - on the contrary, are lush and gathered on the cuff.

  • Muslim style is also visible in the news of this season. Dresses must have long straight sleeves, often in the neck area - a high stand, the neckline is minimal. Skirt - detachable, assembly. In such models, there is no hint of sexuality.
  • The model with a sun skirt echoes the previous version, but it no longer looks so strict.

Important! The perfect complement to the top of the dress is the collar and strap to the waist, like on a shirt. Sleeves can be decorated with lace.

  • This season, designers decided to diversify the range of maxi dresses as much as possible and added a shirt dress to it. It can be straight, free silhouette, and can be supplemented by a belt in the color of fabric or contrasting shade.
  • Another option for a beautiful long dress for every day is a dress of a free cut or a trapeze, which is gathered at the waist with an elastic band. The upper part can be absolutely simple, and can be complemented by light ruffles of airy fabric such as chiffon.

Important! Such a model, in addition to femininity, will give an image and romance.

  • Long dresses with a hood - a striking representative of a sporty style. It is chosen by those who love comfort, but want to look seductive.

Important! Often, such dresses are chosen by extraordinary girls who are used to stand out from the crowd.

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Actual color

Black, of course, is a classic option - it perfectly hides all the flaws of the figure, emphasizing the merits. But designers strongly recommend that you consider other color schemes. They can create a great alternative to the classics:

  • The clear leader of the upcoming season is blue, all its dark shades. On the catwalks, this color is now found more often than others.

Important! Designers beautiful long dresses for every day in this shade are not just recommended, but strongly advised, since it is very noble and rich.

  • Luxurious white, along with black, is a vivid representative of the classics, which is always relevant. After the summer vacation season, snow-white models will emphasize your tanned skin.

Important! With this color it is worth being neat to full-bodied girls, it has long been known that it is able to visually increase volumes.

  • Shades of chocolate not only remind us of our favorite sweets, but also look very advantageous in everyday wardrobe. Brown color has many shades that can be matched to your skin and hair type.

Important! He, like white, advantageously emphasizes dark skin, but is suitable for absolutely any physique.

  • Stylish gray has long been among the favorites of fashion houses. Its gamut is also diverse - from light melange to a dark, murine color.

Important! Gray is considered ideal for everyday office use. Accessories of bright colors will help to dilute the strict dress code, which will emphasize the part of the body that you want to emphasize.

  • Calm beige when choosing a beautiful long dress for every day will be worthy of competition for the already listed colors. Some consider him boring and too calm.

Important! In this case, bright accessories will also save the situation. Summer decorations, for example, will immediately give the beige dress a tune of cheerful notes.

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Fabrics for a long dress

If you are already thinking about which dress to sew for each day or in what version to buy ready-made, then there are a couple of points to consider:

  1. The dress should be made of natural fabrics, because you will wear it constantly, comfort must be put in the first place.
  2. This style of dress should not hamper your movements - so you do not need to choose a dress, narrowed to the bottom. Moving in it will be quite problematic.
  3. It is advisable to purchase a dress that you can unfasten and fasten yourself. And without any problems.
  4. For fall and winter, consider options such as jersey, suede, velor and woolen fabrics. They will be not only comfortable, but also warm.
  5. Ideal for the cold season are knitted dresses. It can be both manual work and a knitted factory cloth. Different types of production give the same effect and a sense of comfort.
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Features of a figure:

  1. Graceful and petite girls are better off choosing fitted models or dresses with a high waist. Visually, you will become taller, especially if you successfully pick up shoes.
  2. Slender tall girls will suit any style.But you should avoid vertical lines in the pattern - they will only add to your growth.
  3. Girls with curvaceous forms are better to abandon baggy and shapeless models. A dress with a wrap, high waist and belt fits perfectly. But it’s better - a solid, large picture visually increases the volume.
  4. Thin straps or Halter-style dresses are ideal for the summer season, but they are only suitable for girls with petite shoulders and beautiful hands.
  5. Girls in position should choose dresses of a-line cut, as well as styles with high waist and smell.

Important! By the way, a little more about the size of “+”. No need to dive into complexes due to extra pounds. Long dresses have a place to be with long sleeves, as well as with sleeves in three quarters. It is important that they correctly emphasize the curvaceous only from the best side. You can use special tightening underwear, which will help to model the correct harmonious silhouette. Under it, even the smallest folds will be securely hidden.

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Will your dress with a fashionable stand-up collar or a deep neckline - you decide. But consider a couple more nuances:

  • To emphasize the beauty of the magnificent breasts, dresses with a V-neckline will help. Only the cutout should be shallow. In this case, dresses under the neck are contraindicated.
  • A neckline decorated with cloves or ruffles, frills, frills will attract a look to the shape of your face. If it is perfect, then there is nothing to fear.
  • A square neckline visually extends the shoulder line. If you have more than average, then consider another option.
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Stock footage

In any clothing store you can find a wide range of dresses, among which it is easy to choose the right option for a figure, age and style. In addition, in fashion magazines you can increasingly find patterns of fashionable designer dresses that can be used to sew beautifully wardrobe details in the atelier. Armed with knowledge of what is relevant this season, you can purchase beautiful long dresses for every day and they will fit perfectly on you.

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