DIY shoe polish

You must admit that a cream is not always suitable for shoes, especially since we don’t know what it is made of, but there are times when such products spoil your favorite shoes. How to deal with this? Everything is simple - you need to make a shoe polish with your own hands. Such a water-repellent composition will help extend its life and protect it from external adverse factors, such as snow or water. In this article, we will share several ways to make such a wonderful tool. Each of them is similar to each other, but differs only in solvent, which is the basis of any cream to protect shoes. If you are ready, begin to understand!
to contents ↑Make a wax cream
If you make a quality cream for shoes based on beeswax, then your favorite shoes, boots or boots will shine and delight more and more. To prepare a water-repellent shoe care yourself, you need to buy beeswax or regular paraffin and turpentine in advance.
Important! Turpentine is a liquid mixture obtained from resins of conifers, such as pine or spruce. Do not forget that warming turpentine with open fire is extremely unsafe, as it quickly ignites.
We begin to make a wax-based cream with our own hands:
- Grate the wax in such a way as to get 3 tablespoons of this substance.
- We melt the wax over low heat and place it in a metal jar.
- Separately, we heat half the glass of turpentine in hot water, which should be in a liquid state.
- Slowly pour the wax or paraffin into the warm turpentine, without stopping stirring.
- In the end - we got a homogeneous mass that finally hardens after cooling - this is the water-repellent shoe cream.
to contents ↑Important! If you need a cream to protect shoes of a certain color, for example, brown, then add a little of the necessary colored vegetable paint to the not yet frozen beeswax and turpentine.
How to make black cream?
We recommend that you use the following method of self-preparation of funds for shoes.
We prepare the necessary components:
- 25 g of wax or paraffin.
- 8 g of rosin.
- Soot.
- 130 g of liquid turpentine.
Protective cream must be prepared in a metal container. As in the first case, for the manufacture of black cream, we recommend using natural beeswax to get a quality product for leather shoes. If it so happened that you could not find the rosin, then replace it with pine resin.
Important! In order to correctly measure the right amount of each substance, use ordinary kitchen scales.
The algorithm for the manufacture of black shoe polish:
- We put wax or paraffin in the prepared container, adding rosin.
- We put a metal pan with the necessary substances on the fire. After everything begins to gradually melt, slowly stir with a wooden spatula.
- After complete dissolution of all components, remove the container from the stove.
- We measure 130 grams of turpentine and add it to the rest of the composition, and after that - constantly mixing, add soot.
- To quickly cool the mixture, we expose it to open air.
- When the product has cooled completely, you will receive a ready-made home shoe cream in a saturated black color.
- We shift the protective agent into a container convenient for you and tightly close the lid so that it does not dry out.
Do-it-yourself water-repellent shoe polish
If you want to protect your favorite shoes from the bad environmental impact, you want to extend the life of expensive shoes, boots or leather sneakers, use a high-quality, self-made waterproof agent. We will share a few more recipes that allow you to independently prepare such a tool for prevention and protection when caring for shoes. Stay with us and you will learn how to make shoe polish at home.
The first recipe:
- We take 100 grams of lamb or pork fat, 30 grams of beeswax and 20 grams of pine resin (gum) or rosin.
- We place all the components in a metal dish and melt in a water bath, stirring constantly, until the whole composition is homogeneous.
- When the solution has completely cooled, it can be applied to any shoes and check the result of protection.
The second recipe:
- In the same way as in the first case, we melt in a water bath or on very low heat 50 grams of flaxseed oil and the same amount of lamb, 15 grams of rosin and 5 grams of turpentine.
- The resulting mixture is cooled at room temperature or simply exposed to the street.
- Water repellent for shoes is ready to use.
Important! In order for this product to soak well into shoes and leave a shine behind it, use special tools, such as a brush with a rough pile, polishing cloth or faux fur.
The third recipe:
- In equal proportions - 100 grams each, take lamb and lard.
- We take 50 g of vegetable oil, beeswax and turpentine.
- We put everything in a metal dish and melt on a fire to get a homogeneous mass.
- That's the whole recipe for making a wonderful cream.
We introduced you to simple recipes for making water repellents with your own hands to protect shoes. They will be able to perfectly cope with the task, in contrast to the products sold in the store, which raise doubts about their effectiveness. Now you know exactly how you protect your shoes or boots without worrying about the possible deformation of the skin.
to contents ↑Important! If you are worried that your shoes will get wet in bad weather, then do the following: for a day, leave your leather shoes in a solution of sulfuric soap, which should fill the entire surface of the product to be tested. After the boots are completely dry, they will become much softer and will not let water through, even if you fall under heavy rain. In order to fix the result, grease the boots with a water-repellent.
How to make a transparent water-repellent shoe care product at home?
Sometimes it rains, snows, puddles or other moisture. What to do in this case? Do not go out? Of course not! If you just need to go to work or on business in bad weather, you can quickly make an easily accessible product at home that will perfectly protect your favorite shoes from getting wet. You did not even realize that such a tool exists, and the whole process of its preparation takes a maximum of 10 minutes. Intrigued? Then we begin!
To begin, prepare the main and supporting materials:
- The candle is ordinary (white or completely transparent, without dyes).
- Hair dryer.
The hair dryer acts as the main assistant, and the candle - as a moisture-proof and barrier coating.
Important! Do not forget to use only a white candle, so that unexpectedly for you not to paint it in a different color.
So, we begin to make a transparent water-repellent shoe care product:
- We cut a small piece from a whole candle - we need very little.
- Carefully and slowly, we rub with paraffin the entire surface of the shoe: toe, sides and back.
- After that, we heat the candle on the shoes with a hairdryer so that a waterproof, protective layer forms.
Now boldly go outside, not afraid to soak your feet!
to contents ↑How to protect ski and hunting shoes?
Those people who are fond of skiing or hunting, for this type of activity have clothes and shoes for special purposes. The skier's feet should always be kept dry, so you need to take care in advance to protect your shoes from unwanted getting wet.
A special cream for the shoes of a skier and a hunter is made according to this scheme:
- On a small fire we heat 200 grams of natural drying oil, add 20 grams of rubber glue here, without stopping stirring.
- In another container, melt 20 grams of paraffin and gently combine with the previous composition, mixing until smooth.
Important! Before using the prepared shoe polish, it must be heated in a water bath or placed in a vessel dishes with warm water.
Carefully lubricate the sole and top of the ski and hunting shoes with the prepared protective cream. And if you are a fisherman or often go in marshlands, then to protect rubber boots you can prepare a water-repellent according to the same recipe, only add 100 grams of castor oil to the composition.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Now you know how to protect your shoes from the unexpected weather, so that it stays dry and whole. In this article, we have revealed the secrets of making high-quality and natural water-repellent shoe polish. You can be calm, because your favorite boots are protected!
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