DIY patchwork

Today, one of the places of honor in the top of fashion trends is the patchwork style (patchwork geometry or patchwork sewing). This technique is not new at all - even our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used to make colorful patchwork quilts and pillows on long winter evenings. Then no one thought about style and fashion trends, just patchwork made it possible to save on fabrics and give a second life to things. Over time, patchwork clothes with their own hands moved to the craftswomen and quickly gained popularity among needlewomen. The essence of sewing remains the same for many years - the creation of products from multi-colored or multi-texture materials. Today we will take a closer look at the patchwork style and tell you how to create clothes from scraps of fabric with your own hands.

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Patchwork style in clothes and interior.

Patchwork style is one of the brightest innovations this season. It can be traced in the collections of many famous fashion designers and, according to meters, the elements of patchwork geometry will be in trend for more than one season.

Important! As a rule, clothes made using this technique belong to the ethnic style and to the Boho style. Both of these styles are extremely popular today.

Using pieces of fabric, you can not only replenish your wardrobe with unique and original things, but also decorate the interior of the house with curtains, patchwork quilts and decorative pillows. Of course, to create any thing in the style of patchwork, you need a lot of time and labor. Any clothes can be sewn from pieces of fabric, whether it be a blouse, dress, skirt or jacket. In addition to the old material cut into rags, you can use a new fabric. Today, in many needlework stores you can even buy special fabrics for the patchwork style with a variety of prints and various shades.

Important! If you are a beginner in the field of needlework, then in order to create clothes in the patchwork style with your own hands, find patterns in magazines or on needlework websites. And if you are familiar with the needle and thread firsthand, then try to develop your own design and create a unique thing. Not be superfluous and the advice of designers who will tell you how to create an original product in the style of patchwork geometry.

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DIY quilting in clothes

We suggest you use the following recommendations from clothing designers:

  • Pick up patches of predominantly the same size. When creating elegant clothes in the style of patchwork geometry, give preference to materials such as silk, brocade, chiffon, velvet, lace.

Important! The main thing is that the fabrics are strong enough, otherwise - the product will not hold its shape well.

  • If you want to create clothes that give a feeling of home, warmth and stability, then bet on a cozy color scheme, which will be dominated by gold, beige, various shades of brown, tobacco gray.

Important! In a kaleidoscope of different colors there should be one dominant hue.

  • In the patchwork technique, clothes can be sewn from multi-colored pieces arranged in a chaotic order, and can be composed of elements that represent a specific pattern.
  • In order not to distract attention from the bright patchwork mosaic, give preference to simple and “clean” silhouettes - a tunic, loose-fitting trousers, a straight jacket, a sheath dress, a slightly flared skirt, a long column-length dress, a woolen coat and a dressing gown.
  • Clothing, consisting of many shreds, is most suitable for creating a romantic and everyday look, for example, you can update jeans by stitching contrasting “patches” on them.

Important! If you choose patchwork clothes for an outfit, then it should be the main thing in the ensemble, so it is better to combine it with simple and modest things.

  • To create a business female look, dresses belonging to the Minimalism style and consisting of monophonic patches of restrained shades are suitable.
  • For clothes in the patchwork style, correctly and carefully select accessories, since the style itself is quite bright and original. The bag made in the patchwork geometry technique, for example, from pieces of leather or textiles of different colors, will complement the image well. Suitable for the image of shoes and sandals at low speed and neutral shades. Perfectly complement the patchwork style matching color jewelry or jewelry made of ceramics, wood and leather.

Important! Materials such as leather look great in one product. suede and velvet. In order not to overload the image, in addition to jackets and vests, which are a combination of these materials, choose plain things.

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Japanese patchwork technique in clothes

It’s hard to say where the patchwork style came from. It is believed that England is the ancestor of the patchwork technique, however, the Japanese patchwork is in no way inferior to it.

Features of the Japanese patchwork technique:

  • Mostly silk fabrics are used. The use of cotton shreds is allowed.
  • The color scheme is neutral and calm.
  • The most common decorative elements are fringe and brush.
  • In one product, several techniques are used simultaneously (delicate patterns with small details, additional elements: buttons, braid). The most common decorative technique is application.
  • Pieces of fabric are sewn together using the “sashiko” method (“needle forward” stitch).
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Crazy patchwork technique in clothes

In recent years, the style of crazy patchwork in clothing has gained particular popularity. A feature of this technique is the mixing of several sewing techniques at the same time. This technique has been used for a long time for sewing jester outfits at royal palaces.

Crazy patchwork is characterized by the following features:

  • The abundance of thin exotic fabrics.
  • A large number of decorative elements: flowers, beads, ribbons, lace, braid, embroidery.

Important! Crazy patchwork style is perfect for interior decoration: wall paintings, tablecloths, carpets, pillows, bedspreads.

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Making baby clothes from scraps with your own hands

Children's things with various pockets, “patches” on the sleeves and knees, and a hood made of bright print fabrics look very fun and elegant. You can independently make for the child not only clothes, but also accessories - a handbag, hat, stole. When creating such products, you can use not only fabrics, but also knitted elements. Such bright and original clothes will please not only a child, but also adults. For an example, we will tell how to make shorts for a child with patch pockets in patchwork style.

For work you will need:

  • Shorts or pants of the child.
  • Contrast fabric 15 cm long.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing pins.
  • Sheet of paper, pencil.
  • Sewing machine.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Try on shorts (trousers) for the child and measure the desired length.

Important! Shorts should not be too wide or narrow, so you should fit them to the size of the child.

  • Cut off the excess fabric, make a stitch on the bottom of the product.
  • Draw pockets of the desired size and shape on paper.
  • Cut out a pattern of pockets from paper.
  • Attach the pattern to the contrasting fabric, fix it with pins.
  • Cut out the pockets.
  • Make lines on pockets on all sides.
  • Sew the finished items on the shorts front and back in random order.
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Scraped Patchwork

To create an original accessory from scraps of fabric, you need to prepare a patchwork fabric. Each seamstress will find a large number of bright scraps that are a pity to throw away, and it is quite difficult to find use in sewing, since they are very small. We suggest you use trimmings to create an accessory, for example, cosmetic bags.

For work you will need:

  • Trimming fabric.
  • Fabric for the base (any). Immediately determine which accessory you will use patchwork material for, and select the fabric for the base with the appropriate sizes.
  • Glue web.
  • Baking paper.
  • Iron.
  • Threads of various colors.
  • Fatin or organza.
  • Sewing machine.


Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare the base. You can immediately make a pattern (cosmetic bags) or first make a patchwork fabric, and then cut the part according to the pattern.
  2. Put glue web on the base.
  3. Put the shreds on the cobweb in a chaotic manner. For decor, along with trimmings, you can lay out colored threads of a mouline thread.
  4. Put tulle on top of the workpiece.
  5. Turn on the iron, cover the structure with baking paper.
  6. Iron the workpiece. The whole structure should stick to the cobweb, and therefore to the base.
  7. Decorate the patchwork fabric with decorative stitches. You can apply the usual machine stitches. When stitching, use several thread colors.
  8. The patchwork is ready.
  9. Use your creation to sew an original accessory.

Important! For a cosmetic bag you need a fabric of a small size, if you need a larger patchwork material, then use the appropriate base and the required number of trimmings. Any thing, clothes from shreds with their own hands will be in a single copy and certainly - unique.

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As you can see, the patchwork technique (patchwork geometry) is not so complicated, even for beginner needlewomen, in the presence of imagination and desire. So open the cupboard, get out a pile of old things that you have long forgotten about, and, armed with tools, our tips, feel free to battle! I wish you creative success and inspiration!


