Can I wash my suede shoes with water?

Suede shoes have always been considered prestigious, fashionable and beautiful. But despite the fact that every fashionista had at least one pair of suede shoes, not many people know how to properly care for them, whether it is possible to wash suede shoes with water, how to remove dirt without ruining the material. Illiteracy in this matter leads to a rapid loss of appearance, as a result of which you have to buy a new pair of shoes. To prevent this from happening to you, carefully read this article.

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How to wash suede shoes?

Why is it impossible to soak suede shoes? Suede boots are usually made from cattle skins. Its main advantage is excellent breathability, to some extent is the main disadvantage. The fact is that water easily penetrates through the pores of the material, which makes it difficult to clean shoes from suede. But this does not mean that you will have to say goodbye to her. There are some rules for caring for suede, compliance with which will help to maintain the aesthetic appearance of shoes for a long time.

It should be remembered that suede products do not like moisture, therefore, washing them under running water, as well as washing (especially in a car) is not recommended. But there is still a way to wash suede shoes, and here’s how to do it right:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a soap solution with liquid detergent and water.
  2. Then wipe the stain using a soft cloth or sponge that should be moist, not wet.
  3. You can wash the solution with the same cloth, washing it under running water.

Important! As for the dust on suede boots, it can easily be removed with ordinary tape or a roller for clothes. This method also helps in getting rid of villi or pet hair. A special rubber brush is sold in shoe stores, which will also easily help get rid of dust accumulated during the day.

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How to get rid of heavy pollution?

How to wash shoes from suede not to wet? In the process of wearing on suede boots, much more pollution can appear than just dirt after rain. The following folk remedies will help to cope with them:

  • An oily stain will help remove starch (corn or potato) or ordinary talc. To do this, sprinkle the stain with the product and leave the shoes in this condition for at least 6 hours. After this, it remains only to shake the remnants of the product and brush the shoes with a brush.
  • Heavy pollution will help clean up the medical ammonia. To do this, a few drops should be diluted with water and the resulting mixture using a sponge to remove dirt. Rinse off the solution with a damp cloth.

Important! After drying, the shoes must be treated with a weak solution of vinegar, which will return suede elasticity.

  • An old stain will help to remove a solution of baking soda, a teaspoon of which must be diluted in a glass of warm milk. Wipe off the dirt with a sponge, and then remove the solution with a damp cloth.
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Basic care recommendations

So, how to wash suede shoes - we found out. But how to protect shoes from premature failure? To do this, you need to understand that suede shoes require special care, starting from the first days of socks:

  • Before going outside, be sure to apply a water-repellent to the shoes in wet weather and a caring spray spray against saline stains in winter.It will cost a lot of money to buy than buying a new pair of shoes. They cover the surface with a protective layer and prevent dirt from penetrating into the material.
  • In specialized stores you can buy an eraser for suede, which can remove dirt from the material, and then just walk on the shoe with a brush. But you can also use a regular stationery eraser for these purposes, only better if it is perfectly white and clean.
  • Suede must be cleaned only after the shoes have completely dried in natural conditions. To do this, you just need to stuff the shoes with a newspaper and let dry.
  • Exposure to heating appliances can ruin the material - the shoes are wrinkled and roughened.

Important! When using a new product for shoes, try its action first in a small area. If no negative changes have occurred, then you can use the tool on the entire boot.

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What is not worth doing?

  • It is not recommended to wear suede boots in rainy weather. If there is no other alternative, then be sure to return home, stuff shoes with paper and let dry naturally.
  • Do not scrub raw dirt from suede without waiting for it to dry. So you risk increasing the area of ​​pollution.
  • In the care of suede, a cream for ordinary skin is strictly prohibited. This way you just ruin your suede shoes.
  • In no case do not try to wash the stain with kerosene or gasoline. If chemicals can help other materials, then in the case of suede they will ruin the product forever.

Important! In extreme cases, take only refined gasoline and use it very carefully.

  • When cleaning shoes from suede, you do not need to apply force - just wipe the stain slightly. Otherwise, there is a risk of bright spots after drying.
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As you can see, caring for suede shoes is not at all that difficult. You must adhere to the recommendations, and then your favorite shoes, boots, sneakers or boots will please you for many years to come.


