Can I stretch a leather jacket?

How to stretch a leather jacket if it has sat down - those who ask for a new item ask themselves this question, vilify it a little and it has become a size or two less due to long-term storage or the fact that they have fallen under heavy rain. I want to save my favorite outerwear, because it is convenient, practical, and most importantly, especially for a woman, she looks very stylish. This problem can be solved, because the skin has the ability to stretch. You just need to know how to act and what means to use to stretch the jacket at home, but the material did not go cracks or visible stretch marks with a change in color.

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Stretch Methods

There are a lot of ways to increase the size of your outerwear a little. They differ in time, personal effort and money to purchase funds. Check out the options below on how to stretch your jacket, choose the one that suits you best, and proceed.

Thick sweater

  1. Take the thickest sweater in your wardrobe.
  2. Put it on first, and then on top of the jacket.
  3. Walk like this for several hours.

Important! After the time has passed, take off your things and look, maybe after this method, you will not turn to others. In order not to “mate” during the procedure, combine stretching with a useful ventilation procedure - open the windows and fill your house with fresh air.

Foam or spray for stretch marks

In stores, various means for stretching the skin are often presented, with the help of them you can easily pull any kind of skin. To do this, you will need the following components:

  • Means for stretching;
  • Thick sweater or sweater;
  • Time - it will take approximately somewhere around 2 hours.

Follow this instruction:

  1. Take a jacket.
  2. Apply only on the outside. If the product does not have a lining, then the inside can also be machined.
  3. Wear a thick sweater first and then a leather item.
  4. Wear this kit for several hours.
  5. At the end of time, remove.

Important! After processing, it is recommended to repeat the procedure several times until the desired result. But there is another moment when the skin is very tough, you need to soak it for a while, and only then carry out the procedure. You can spend much less time if you stretch outer clothing only at the shoulders. Then apply the product by first hanging the item on a slightly larger hanger, slightly tightening the skin. Leave it in this form for a couple of hours, then repeat processing again.

Soapy shower

This method can be done at home is very simple. But in order to cook it, the following components will be required:

  • Spray;
  • Soap - you can use any, but of course it will be better to take it without smell;
  • Thick sweater or sweater;
  • Warm water - it should be 40-50 degrees.

Then follow the instructions and you will succeed:

  1. Take soap and water to prepare the solution - 1: 4 ratio.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Collect the product into the spray bottle.
  4. Work inside and out.
  5. Then put it on a thick sweater or jacket or hanger, if you need to stretch the jacket only at the top.
  6. Walk for several hours or hang in a place so that the material does not touch any surfaces of the furniture.
  7. Repeat the procedure.
  8. Do not remove until completely dry.

Important! This method is ineffective in relation to products made of artificial and hard leather.

Vegetable oil

For processing you will need:

  • Vegetable oil;
  • Napkins.

You need to do the following instructions:

  1. Take vegetable oil.
  2. Bring it to a boil on the stove.
  3. Wet the napkin.
  4. Apply very carefully to the surface of the leather jacket.
  5. Then put it on yourself, if there is a mannequin on hand - even better.
  6. Wear for hours. But at the same time, it is necessary to lubricate the places in which the thing presses with oil.

Important! If the product is made of very thin skin, then you do not need to use this method - spots may form on your things.

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Useful Tips:

  1. For rough skin, a special spray is more suitable, but keep in mind that in this case too, you will have to spend a lot of time.
  2. After processing is completed, glycerin, which gives shine, must be applied to leather products.

Important! If none of the tips helped and the thing is hopelessly small for you, use our selection of ideas and recommendations:

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Stock footage

Whatever method you choose to stretch your jacket, always check on a small section of the product. Use the above tips, and your thing will always be beautiful, and you look fashionable and solid in it.


