Mink coat sheds - what to do?

As everyone knows, a fur coat that is made with high quality lasts a long time. Mink coat with proper use should last you at least 10 seasons and have a presentable appearance. But it often happens that you see around you the villi from a new fur coat. Many people ask when a mink coat sheds what to do, how to avoid it. This is what this article will be about.
to contents ↑Why does a mink coat shed?
If, after buying a beautiful new fur coat, you notice that it has begun to molt, you must first of all think about the authenticity of the purchased product. Sometimes such troubles occur with a quality product. Therefore, it is very important to know why a mink coat sheds what to do in this situation.
Causes of the problem
First of all, you need to figure out what quality fur your mink coat was made from. It happens that an unscrupulous seller sold you a fur coat of low quality material at the price of a genuine mink, then you were in a not very pleasant situation.
If the quality of the fur is not in doubt, then it is necessary to determine all the negative factors that could affect the condition of the fur beauty, to understand what caused the molting of the pile.
A lot of manufacturers are trying to give low-quality mink skins as first-class goods. They dye the fur for this, combine it with suede and leather, they are decorated with various ornaments and accessories, because women choose a product, first of all, with their eyes. At the sight of a bright, beautiful, catchy coat, not every girl will consider all the little things. As a result, she begins to molt.
To prevent such a situation from happening to you at the selection stage, be sure to check out the criteria that indicate a top-notch mink product, and also examine all the “pitfalls” that you might encounter along the way.
to contents ↑How to avoid cheating?
Experts recommend buying any fur products only in specialized stores with a positive reputation and extensive experience.
Important! Ask at the time of purchase with documents for your chosen mink coat. If it is genuine, the seller will provide you with all the necessary certificates without a doubt.
The main criteria when choosing a fur coat:
- Models that are made from whole skins will last longer and will be of high quality.
- Mezdra should be white. If a yellow tint is present, then the fur is old.
- It should have a pleasant smell.
- Pile should be elastic and smooth, while stroking his hand should not crunch.
- The painted product must not leave marks on the scarf.
How to prevent molting?
As practice shows, even a high-quality mink can easily be ruined by a careless attitude. If you do not take care of her in an untimely or incorrect way, then problems with her molting will soon begin.
Factors that contribute to the rapid wear of a mink product:
- A very frequent use of cleaning products - the mink pile becomes thinner, and as a result - crumbles.
- Large accessories in contact with a short fur coat cause shedding of fur.
- Improper storage of mink fur coats leads to problems with the canvas.
Important! Store the fur beauty on a hanger in a dark case, in a dark and well-ventilated area. It is advisable that she does not come into contact with other things.
- Periodically remove and ventilate the mink from the cabinet during the summer. Avoid direct sunlight on the product so that the fur does not change its color.
- Choose a case with antimole protection for storage. If this is not possible, just put a lavender sprig in your pocket.
Mink coat sheds - what to do?
If the product was purchased recently and began to molt soon, first of all, it is necessary to file a claim with the seller. Since there is no way to prevent this process.
You will need to prove that you wore a fur coat carefully. Your right to file a claim is enshrined in law.
In order to make a claim, it is necessary to provide facts confirming the purchase - a hanging label, a receipt and documents that accompanied the fur product.
to contents ↑Important! If the seller has not provided you with a memo with the rules for storing a mink coat, you also have the right to file a claim with him.
Stock footage
Before looking for reasons why a mink coat sheds what to do, you must make sure that you have purchased a product made of quality fur. Approach the choice of a mink coat, having studied all the nuances, and also take care of it correctly, then, the product you bought will delight you more than one season.
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