Mink coat - smell

The joy of buying a beautiful and rather expensive fur coat can be overshadowed by such a minor oversight as the smell. It happens, and many sellers are in a hurry to assure customers that over time the smell of animal skins will disappear, the fur will absorb the aroma of perfumes and life will become truly beautiful. But it happens the other way around - the mink coat has a smell that is by no means the same, natural, and over time it only intensifies. In addition, the fur perfectly absorbs any odors that are not so easy to remove later. Let's try to figure out how to solve the problems that arise.

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The main causes of odors

Given the fact that you have natural material, depending on the degree of processing, it can have a different level of smell. The reasons are commonplace:

  • The most unpleasant odor can occur due to poor-quality processing of the skin. Residual fat begins to decompose over time, gradually worsening the quality of the fur coat and fur.

Important! If the villi fall out strongly, and the cadaveric smell is getting stronger, it's time to contact the manufacturer or seller, as the goods are obviously of poor quality. Get rid of the stench and the gradual destruction of the coat alone will not succeed.

  • Industrial insect protection. Even at the factory, the manufacturer took care of protecting the product from moths and other fur pests. Often, in an attempt to keep the product in its best form, overdo it with toxins, which can provoke the smell from a new mink coat.
  • If the product is painted, it may have a persistent chemical odor. It will completely disappear if you hang a fur coat on the balcony with constant access to air.
  • High humidity during storage can cause a wet coat. In some cases, quality drying and weathering in a draft is sufficient.
  • The natural smell of fresh fur is normal. It should be ventilated when worn on its own, without the use of additional tools and efforts. If you doubt whether the coat has its own smell, give it for preventative cleaning and compare the difference. If hygienic treatment has not changed the situation, formaldehyde may be the culprit. Then it is worth not only returning the product, but also suing, as this can be hazardous to health.
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Options for getting rid of bad smells

In some cases, the manufacturer and seller may no longer be guilty of the appearance of unpleasant aromas. Often the owners themselves harm the fur product, including unintentionally, and this is impossible to avoid. Therefore, it is worth considering options for effective disposal of extraneous odor absorbed into the pile:

  • Misuse is one of the most common stench provocateurs. Frequent wear of a fur coat in the rain and slush will certainly lead to the appearance of a plume of wet wool with an admixture of musty dampness. In warm weather, you should definitely buy a down jacket or coat, and a wet coat should be dried in a draft, avoiding direct sources of heat.
  • If you suddenly realized that the fur coat smells of sweat, and don’t know what to do, an ordinary household freezer will help. The cold will kill the bacteria that trigger the appearance of smell, and also freshens the product.

Important! The fur should be absolutely dry, otherwise - the pile may begin to break off, the product will be hopelessly damaged.The fur coat should be folded with villi inside, wrapped in a plastic bag and sent for a day or two to the freezer.

  • The smell of food after visiting a cafe is sometimes difficult to remove even with ordinary casual clothes. If food aromas reliably settled in a long pile, it is worth using the “tasty” method. Freshly ground coffee needs to be poured into a fabric bag and swirled in fur, rubbing especially soaked areas. The fur coat will quickly begin to smell sweet and noble.

Important! This option is completely excluded, if we are talking about a light product. Coffee quickly stains surfaces and removing stains is problematic.

  • Sometimes you have to bitterly realize that a smoking company spoils the health and nerves of others. We have to try many ways before getting rid of the smell of cigarettes on the fur coat with one of them. The most effective in most cases is the use of lavender talcum powder for processing pile. It is not terrible even for light products and perfectly protects from stench and moth.
  • Orange juice diluted with water has a fairly persistent refreshing effect. Spraying it on the surface eliminates any extraneous odors, including natural “animals”.
  • Do not neglect specialized fur flavors. Their regular placement in pockets and under the collar for a long time eliminates all sorts of unpleasant loops, whatever the cause of their occurrence.

Important! This kind of prevention is good in the warm season, when the fur coat is not worn. Many people use odor absorbers for the refrigerator for this purpose, placing them in their pockets and on the coat hanger.

  • You can refresh the fur and clean it with a dry shampoo. It perfectly absorbs excess moisture, deodorizes, eliminates pollution. But sometimes the cosmetic product itself is very difficult to shake out or comb out.

Important! Such a tool is more suitable for light products where white plaque will not be too critical.

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Do not forget that no one better than the manufacturer will not talk about how to get rid of the smell on the fur coat. Markings, passports and information on the site will give a complete picture of what means should be avoided so as not to spoil the product. It is worth paying special attention to this. But if nothing helps and only effective folk remedies are in stock, before processing it is definitely worthwhile to conduct a test on an inconspicuous small area. Otherwise - along with the smell there is every chance to lose the whole coat.


