Wedding rings on hands 🥝 who puts on his right hand, why

Each of us at least once met a man who had a wedding ring on his left hand. Unfortunately, people around cannot always understand the significance of such a phenomenon, and nobody will dare to directly ask, as this will be, at least, ill-mannered. So that you do not have such embarrassments, and you can find the answers to your question, we will tell you some facts why people wear wedding rings on one or another hand.

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What does the engagement ring symbolize?

  • Initially, from ancient times, in general, the presence of any accessory on the finger meant not the disastrous well-being of its owner. Very often, the groom presented such jewelry as a gift to the bride's parents in order to show that he is rich, and his future wife will live in abundance.
  • Another theory says that the rings symbolize infinity, so putting them on at the wedding, the bride and groom take a vow of eternal love and fidelity.
  • If you follow the third version, then the rings are the links of one chain that connects the husband and wife together. Therefore, spouses should wear these symbols of their marriage union all their lives as a sign of the inviolability of those ties that bind them.
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Why is the wedding ring worn on the right hand?

Wearing signs of marital fidelity on the right hand is due to the fact that in Orthodoxy everything is connected precisely with the right side of the human body. Accordingly - in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Greece and Serbia, the spouse's wedding rings are put on the ring finger of the right hand.

Important! Widowers and widows in Orthodoxy wear this accessory on the ring finger of their left hand. As for the Catholic and Protestant religions, in this case the wedding ring is worn on the right hand.

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Why is the wedding ring worn on the left hand?

As a result of archaeological excavations and studies, it was reported that one of the first wedding rings appeared in ancient Egypt. Noble people wore such accessories in gold and silver, and the poor in copper and iron.

Important! The ancient Egyptians were considered the first and most powerful healers. They claimed that there is a nerve that connects the ring finger of the left hand with the heart. This opinion gave rise to the tradition of wearing wedding rings on the ring finger of the left hand.

During the Middle Ages, the study of the human body and generally scooping up new knowledge as such was not welcomed by the church, so people of this era used the information that came to them from ancient Egypt. As for the method of wearing wedding rings in the Middle Ages, it completely depended on the decree of the ruler. Correspondingly, the hand or finger on which the symbol of marriage will be worn was determined solely by the king, count or duke. The options were the most diverse, among which even wearing a wedding accessory on the thumb was welcomed. Over time, the tradition of wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand has developed and established itself historically. It is explained by the fact that the left hand is closest to the heart.

Important! Muslims also carry the symbol of marital fidelity exclusively on their left hand, but this is a privilege of women, since among men such an accessory is considered bad form. Gypsies wear them mainly on gold chains.

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How to understand: divorced or widower?

Very often, many people believe that the reason for wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand is a sign of the loss of one of the spouses. Basically - this is a divorce, but it also happens that widowers are also not ready to part with this symbol of marital fidelity.

Important! Psychologists have a negative attitude towards such a decision, since they believe that wearing a ring after a divorce will remind a person of his past life, thereby preventing him from building a new one. In addition, such an accessory will repel other applicants with whom one could associate their future life.

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Signs and beliefs

A man is arranged in such a way that even in minor accidents he seeks secret signs that fate sends him. Signs of marital fidelity also fell into the net of various superstitions and gossip. We will share the most popular of them with you:

  • It is strictly forbidden to give your wedding ring to anyone to try on, even to the closest person.
  • If you were asked to try on this accessory by a completely obsessive and persistent person, you should not pass it directly into your hands. To do this, just lay it on the table. The ring should be returned in the same way, and before putting it on, it should be washed under running water or kept in saline for some time.
  • A very peculiar tradition came to us from Western countries. Before the wedding day, the wedding rings must be put in the freezer. Thus, they remember that they were united and will be drawn to each other throughout the life of the couple.
  • If the unmarried girlfriend of the bride touches this accessory at the wedding or accidentally “privatizes” an already unnecessary box from under it, then in the near future she herself will be the bride at her own wedding.
  • It is considered a very happy sign if the betrothal will go through the same rings that the grandfather and grandmother of one of the spouses married and lived in a happy long marriage, and by the time the wedding of their grandchildren is still alive.
  • Do not use the wedding rings of deceased or divorced people, as this will lead to misfortune.
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To summarize all of the above, one thing can be said: fate is always merciful to those who deserve its favor. Therefore, without any signs and no matter on which hand the wedding ring should be worn, if two loving people decide to join their lives, they will certainly be rewarded with long years of a happy marriage.


