DIY clothes for york

Clothing for dogs is not only a beautiful and elegant accessory, but also protection from the weather, cold and dirt. Therefore, more and more owners prefer to make a wardrobe for their pets. In addition, in specialized stores there is a huge selection of different hoodies, wraps and jackets for four-legged friends. True, such clothes are sewn on the same patterns, and for some dog breeds it is rather difficult to find a suitable outfit. A case in point is the Yorkshire Terriers. Therefore, many owners of these kids are interested in the question of how to sew clothes for York with their own hands. You can no longer search for information - now we will tell you everything in detail.

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Beauty and practicality

Many mistakenly assume that clothing for four-legged friends is a tribute to fashion. But this is far from the case. Especially regarding Yorkies - tiny dogs that weigh between two and three kilograms. Beautiful long hair is not able to warm the body of a small animal, so Yorkies do not like dampness, slush and frost.

Initially, overalls or jackets for dogs of dwarf breeds were used exclusively for their intended purpose, that is, to warm the doggie in the cold. However, paying attention to the sweetness of the pet, dressed in clothes for Yorks with his own hands, many dog ​​breeders had a desire to diversify the wardrobe of miniature four-legged. Moreover, to sew or tie things for small Yorkies will not be difficult, if you approach this issue carefully and competently.

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We make a wardrobe

The process of choosing a wardrobe for your pet will become not only a fascinating hobby for you, but over time it can even bring a good income. Before you begin to study the question of how to sew clothes for Yorks with your own hands, it is worth compiling a list - what is the first necessity?

  • Winter clothes that reliably protect the animal from hypothermia (overalls, jackets and pants with insulation).
  • Demi-season or autumn-spring clothes for Yorks with their own hands, saving the four-legged from a piercing cold wind, slush and dampness, sudden changes in temperature (windbreakers, waterproof overalls, raincoats with insulation and waterproof type clothes with a thin lining fabric).
  • Summer clothes for yorks with their own hands, which prevents the burdock from getting on the wool and covers the animal's body from insects (blouses, t-shirts, shorts and panties for york boys, dresses and skirts for york girls).
  • Shoes, depending on the time of year (boots, boots, uggs, sneakers, loafers, slippers).
  • Clothing of a special type for an animal that has undergone surgery or has open wounds on the body.
  • Overalls for the performance of security functions.
  • Decorative clothes for participation in exhibitions and various competitions.
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Preparatory work

Any model, even from fashion designers, can be repeated at home, in addition, for this it is not necessary to buy expensive fabrics. You can sew clothes for York with your own hands from old things. But first, we learn how to take measurements and make patterns.


Since you have to work with a miniature dog, you should arm yourself with a measuring tape, preferably with millimeter divisions on the scale. The main measurements for DIY clothes for York should be as follows:

  • head circumference and muzzle;
  • body length (distance from the withers to the beginning of the tail);
  • the length of the abdomen (distance from the front to the hind legs);
  • neck circumference (do not forget to throw 1-2 cm to the obtained value);
  • girth of the chest and waist;
  • length of fore and hind limbs;
  • girth of the front / rear paws (measurements must be taken in the widest place);
  • tail girth at the base (for example, to build a pattern of overalls).


The pattern itself is quite simple. It is enough to follow this instruction:

  1. Draw a rectangle with a length equal to the length of the back of the dog, and the width of the rectangle is equal to half the circumference of the chest.
  2. Mark on it the length of the chest and the middle of the rectangle.
  3. Then draw a line connecting these points smoothly. Moreover, for clothes for York with their own hands for a boy and for a girl, these points are connected in slightly different ways.
  4. Connect point A to point C, which is located at a half-circumference of the neck. Mark point D, which is one centimeter or a little smaller, if you have a small dog, from the edge in length.
  5. Connect point D to point C.

Important! Patterns of clothes for York with your own hands are slightly different from patterns for other small dogs. This is due to the fact that they have a rather long coat, which tends to roll under tight clothing. Therefore, when deciding how to sew clothes for a York, you should consider this fact and leave a couple of extra centimeters on the seam.


After that, for your Yorkshire clothes, build a sleeve pattern and a hood pattern with your own hands. The hole for the sleeve should be free enough so as not to interfere with the dog's movement, but at the same time, the neckline is already cut out:

  1. For the mitten, measure the length and circumference of the dog’s legs.
  2. Draw a rectangle whose height is equal to the length and the width to the half-circumference of the leg. At the top, draw a smooth line along the circumference of the leg.
  3. Add seam allowances at the top of the sleeve.

For the hood, we build a rectangle with the length of the neck and half-neck. One of the upper corners is slightly rounded, mark the place where the cord will pass. On all sides, except the top, add allowances for the seams.

DIY clothes pattern for York is ready, you can start sewing clothes for your favorite!

Fabric selection

If you want to sew clothes for York, you should pay attention to materials that are easy to care for - wash and iron. It must be natural and environmentally friendly.

Important! Synthetic fabric will not work. It electrifies the hairs of the Yorkshire Terrier. Plus synthetics can cause an allergic reaction in a pet.

You should also know a few more nuances:

  • For the autumn-spring season, a single-layer jumpsuit made of water-repellent fabric is best suited.
  • For winter types of clothing for York, do-it-yourself will have to hem an extra layer for insulation. It is important that the girls of the Yorkshire Terrier have a tummy covered, and the boys have a cut in the genital area.
  • The lining for the delicate skin and silky coat of the Yorkshire Terrier cannot be made from coarse fabric. It is better to duplicate the main material with satin, fleece or silk.
  • Fans of glamor can decorate clothes for York with their own hands with beads, chains, bows, and rhinestones. All these items and much more can be purchased in special stores for needlework.
  • For dogs of this breed, clothing for York can be done with your own hands only on buttons or buttons. They will not only save your time, but will help to avoid sticking wool in the zipper, and will not pinch the skin of the pet. And zippers just can do this, especially if you are in a hurry, dressing the baby. Do-it-yourself clothing for Yorks is best avoided with Velcro - they can also damage the dog’s coat.
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We sew clothes

In order to sew such clothes for York with your own hands, like a windbreaker, you have already chosen a fabric and made a pattern. Next we perform the following actions:

  1. Transfer all the details of the pattern to the selected fabric using chalk or remnant.
  2. Cut out these details and process the edges of the fabric on the overlock or with a zigzag stitch.
  3. Measure the dog’s leg with the rubber cuffs. Do not forget to add a little, because when stitching, it will slightly decrease.
  4. Sew the elastic bands in a zigzag to the inside of the sleeves, the cuffs are obtained.
  5. Sew the sleeves in length.
  6. On the hood, fold the fabric two centimeters inward. This will be the drawstring into which you then insert the cord.
  7. Turn and stitch the opposite side of the hood. The hood is almost ready. It remains to unscrew it, thread the cord, put on the latch and lugs.
  8. Turn the main part of the pattern inside out and sew it between the cutouts for the paws. Sew on the hood and sleeves.

Important! By analogy, you can sew other types of clothes for York with your own hands. For example, a sweatshirt or blanket. You can also use fabrics of different colors, which will give a special twist to any outfit.

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We knit clothes

Clothing for York can be both sewn and knitted. You don’t need to be a guru of needlework to make a dog a sweater or a blouse with his own hands. Do not know what kind of clothes for a york do-it-yourself knit will be? Start with something simple and easy. For example, with a vest and a hat.

Important! Note that this pattern is suitable for a York 30 cm long with a chest circumference of 33 cm. For knitting a sweater of this size, you need to prepare 60 g of yarn, knitting needles of 4-5th numbers.

When choosing materials for clothes for York with your own hands knitted, give preference to hypoallergenic threads and be sure to consider the seasonality of yarn:

  1. For example, from mercerized cotton we knit summer clothes that provide excellent air circulation and protect the doggie from direct sunlight.
  2. Acrylic yarn, as well as a combination of acrylic with cotton or wool, are more suitable for creating a demi-season wardrobe.


Knit york clothes with yarn, which contains bamboo thread, which gives the finished product softness and lightness. And then follow these instructions:

  1. The back is knitted first. On the knitting needle you need to dial 80 loops. Of these, 10 must be tied with an elastic band for the neck.
  2. Next, 50 loops are knitted with a stitch.
  3. Then 20 rows fit for the bottom elastic. Similarly, you need to knit about 50 rows.
  4. At the next stage, when creating clothes for York with their own hands, a stomach is knitted from 20 loops - this is about 60 rows. Having knitted 10 cm, you need to start reducing the loops. You need to reduce by about half. Hinges are removed evenly on both sides.
  5. The remaining ten loops are knitted with an elastic for the neck of the York.
  6. Next, two parts are sewn together, leaving holes for the dog's limbs.

To tie a hat, you need to measure the girth of the head. This size should be divided in half and dial the appropriate number of loops on the spoke. Next, a fabric is knitted with a length equal to the double height of the cap. When the canvas is connected, it needs to be folded in half and sewed on the sides.

Important! You can decorate the hat with pompons in the corners. For convenience, you can sew the ties.

Do-it-yourself knitted clothes for Yorks are really rare, and in ordinary pet stores you can not find a quality item at a reasonable price. Adding a little more creative imagination, you can even encroach on something complex and designer for the holiday.

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Remaking clothes

If you want to highlight your pet, it is not necessary to go around local shops in search of the right size, model or fabric that you like. Everything you need for your pet, you can do it yourself.

Proof of this - do-it-yourself clothing for York from old things. You can make a fashionable and stylish sweater from an old sweater, or to be more precise - from sleeves. Before starting to make a dog sweater, try on the sleeve of the sweater on the dog, it should not be too tight. If the sleeve of your old sweater is a pet in size, you can start making a dog sweater:

  1. Gently open the sleeve from the jacket or cut it.
  2. With your own hands, bend and decorate the edge of Yorkie clothes with a fashionable strap, beads, buttons or sequins.
  3. Now make two holes in the sleeve for the front paws.
  4. Edges also work.

Important! If you are an experienced needlewoman, you can try to sew small gloves, which will become a kind of panties for a dog.

Do-it-yourself clothing for Yorks, like overalls, can even be sewn from a sock. Just take a larger model and follow this instruction:

  1. Put your toe on your heel. Draw a line from the middle of the heel to the toe.
  2. 3 cm back from the center of the heel and draw a perpendicular line - this will be the line of the front paws.
  3. Measure from this line 9-11 cm - this measurement will depend on the dimensions of your pet.
  4. Then draw another perpendicular - this will be the line of the hind legs.
  5. On the lines of the paws, designate the places where there will be holes, between the paws leave a gap of 3-5 cm.
  6. From thick paper, cut out the patterns for the paw holes: two circles with a diameter of 3 cm - on the front legs, and two ovals of 6x3 cm - on the back legs.
  7. Sew patterns on the toe so that the mark on the toe is on the center of the pattern.
  8. Before cutting holes, sew the needle forward seam along the edge of the template with elastic thread. This is necessary so that the arrows do not go from the holes and the sock does not open. Now you can remove the patterns and boldly cut holes.
  9. Tie the “double crochet” pattern with the thread “grass”. If the hook is not tamed by you, do not be discouraged. Feel free to take the needle with the largest eye and sew the holes with a buttonhole stitch.
  10. Try the jumpsuit on the dog and mark the necessary slots. Treat them in the same way as the neck and paw holes.
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As you can see, there are a lot of options for DIY clothes for Yorkers. The main thing here is to adopt our advice and turn on fantasy. All the necessary materials for this fascinating process can be found either in the nearest needlework store or in your own closet.

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