Do-it-yourself transformer clothes - patterns

In the life of a modern woman, completely different situations may arise, so it is very important to always stay in shape and have an attractive appearance. Unfortunately, the current rhythm of life sometimes makes it impossible to change the outfit in order to correspond to one or another dress code. Therefore, modern designers offer transformer clothes. Such things are quite versatile and functional. In the afternoon you can be in an office style dress, and by evening it will turn into an open evening outfit. Interested in? Then we offer you ideas on how to make transformer clothes with your own hands - patterns will help to quickly understand the whole technology. The process is simple and even for those who have sewing skills at the initial level.

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We sew a transforming dress

We bring to your attention 2 original examples of independent tailoring of transformer dresses. The most important thing is to make the right cut. All the rest of the work will take you no more than 5 minutes.

Important! The main advantage of independent sewing of such things is the fact that in the end you will get designer transformer clothes, which no one will have analogues.

Example No. 1

In this case, it is best to purchase a flap of light fabric, you can also knit. It is desirable that it be monophonic. This is due to the fact that in the future, when wearing the finished product, there would be no difficulties with combining it with other things.

Important! For greater originality, you can purchase another flap of the same fabric, only in a different color or shade, which will be combined with the main one. Thus, the finished product will be two-sided, which will add to it even more functionality and practicality.

In addition to fabric, for sewing a dress you will also need:

  • Paper for building patterns;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Sewing needles;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Threads in the color of your chosen fabric;
  • Sewing pins;
  • Remnant or tailor's marker.


Once all the tools and materials necessary for the work have been prepared, you can proceed directly to the manufacturing process. The progress of work consists of the following stages:

  • Build a pattern according to your parameters. Measure the desired length of the skirt and also mark.
  • Take the fourth part of the pattern, transfer it to the fabric.
  • Fold the fabric four times and cut out the main element of the future product.
  • From the fabric, cut a belt for the future dress. It should be 25 centimeters wide and 75 centimeters long.
  • Lay out the remaining loops for loops on the floor.
  • At a distance of 30 centimeters from each other, measure two longitudinal lengths and secure them with tailor pins.
  • On the planned lines, cut 2 blanks for belt loops.
  • Unroll the skirt on a flat surface, and lay out the loops so that they lie evenly.
  • Put the belt loops on top of each other with an overlap width of about 10 centimeters. Secure them in this position.
  • Attach the loops to the skirt from the inside.
  • Take the belt and fold it in half. Attach it to the skirt, while fixing with sewing pins.
  • Stitch the belt to the skirt.

Important! To stitch the belt. it is not necessary to use threads in the color of the dress. You can safely use contrasting ones for these purposes, since they will not be visible anyway during operation.

  • Sew all the elements of the product completely.

That's all, your transformer dress is ready! You just have to tie it right.

Important! It can be worn with both a small overfill and a fitted option on both loops. For a festive bow, you can tie it on one shoulder. You can complement this outfit with various accessories.


Example No. 2

If the previous option was more presentable, this transformer dress will be an excellent daily outfit, as well as for relaxing. The difference with the previous one lies only in the fact that the top is still present in this model. Progress is as follows:

  1. Build a pattern on the same principle as in the previous example. The only difference you will have is that instead of a belt, you need to make a top 75 centimeters long and 50 centimeters wide.
  2. Transfer the finished pattern to the fabric and cut out all the necessary details.
  3. Use tailor pins to attach the loops to the skirt.
  4. Take the top and fold it in half in width. Using sewing needles, attach it to the circumference along the waist of the skirt.
  5. Sew all the structural elements together.

That's all, your new dress is ready! There are a lot of options on how to wear it. The most important thing is to show your imagination and creativity.

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We sew a transforming cardigan

In order to sew such a cardigan, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • A flap of fabric;
  • Fur lining;
  • Threads in the color of the main fabric and fur:
  • Needles;
  • Scissors;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Tailor pins;
  • Remnant or tailor's marker;
  • Paper for a pattern;
  • Pencil;
  • Tape measure.


The procedure is as follows:

  • Build a pattern. For this, simply draw on paper two rectangles measuring 150x100 centimeters and 150x50 centimeters.

Important! The above sizes may vary, depending on your individual parameters.

  • Cut items out of paper. Take the largest and fold it in half.
  • From the fold line, measure half the width of the back, and also make notes at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other along the top line.
  • Connect the dots.
  • Measure the height of the armhole and cut it out.
  • Build a sleeve pattern.
  • Transfer all the patterns to the fabric and cut out the elements of the future product.
  • Sweep everything together, try on and make adjustments.
  • Stitch the finished cardigan and decorate it with faux fur.

Important! If desired, a brooch or belt can be used instead of fur to decorate such a cardigan.

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Sewing transformer clothes with your own hands is quite simple and within the power of everyone, even a beginner. Nevertheless, if you show imagination, from such simple things you can create a fabulous number of a wide variety of bows. We hope that our workshops will help to completely update your wardrobe with multifunctional things so that in the end no situation will unsettle you, and you always remain at your best.

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