Adhesive fabric for clothing repair 🥝 how to use

Most likely, everyone in their life was faced with a situation where they urgently need to tuck the edges of the trousers, thereby making them shorter, or to hem the bottom of the skirt, which turned away due to the fact that the stitching was loose. But not everyone has sewing skills, and no one in the house has a sewing machine in their arsenal. Since progress does not stand still, a cobweb comes to the aid of the housewives to repair clothes. How to use such a product, what exactly is it intended for - we will talk about this in this article.

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What is a spider web?

It is thin glue fibers intertwined (which is why it is called), which are produced in the form of a roll of various widths, starting from the narrowest half a centimeter wide, and ending with a tape 5 centimeters wide.

Larger rolls are also available - 90 centimeters wide. This format is most often used in needlework, for gluing various large applications and stripes, it is found on sale much less often.

Important! As for the narrow web, it can be purchased at any sewing store or department, and it can also be found in haberdashery. It is sold on a roll, the price is usually indicated per linear meter, which makes it very affordable.

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Where is the cobweb used?

The cobweb for clothes should be in the arsenal of every housewife, because it can help out in many situations. Let's look at options when we can use it:

  • when you need to cut the bottom of the product, but there is no way to hem it;
  • if there is a cut on the fabric, and you need to discreetly glue it from the inside so that the halves do not diverge;
  • if necessary, glue a small patch or applique on clothes;
  • when it is necessary to seal the board of the product;
  • if you have to fix certain elements of the fabric in clothes.
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What is duct tape?

Adhesive tape is just in a roll, you can also find a tape glued to a paper base. The second option is slightly different in appearance - more like a diamond-shaped mesh, characterized by greater elasticity. It stretches in different directions along with the material on which it is glued.

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We repair clothes with adhesive tape

Let's look at the technology of repairing clothes with adhesive tape and a spider line. We cut off the necessary length of the adhesive tape from the roll and place it between the fabrics that need to be glued, press the product with a hot iron for several seconds. The glue melts, the fabrics stick together. Everything is very fast, simple, takes a minimum of time and money.

Important! If we need to cut the bottom of the product, tighten its board, then it is best to use a paper-based tape.

Consider the option of sticking tape on trousers instead of hemming. The operation algorithm is as follows:

  • On the wrong side, almost along the edge of the product, stepping back a couple of millimeters, we apply the tape with the adhesive backing to the fabric, paper up.
  • With a preheated iron, we carry on clothes, directly on a paper basis.

Important! It’s better to do it gradually so that the tape lies flat.

  • When the tape is glued along the entire length, remove the paper base.
  • We make an even bend so that it overlaps the adhesive (sticky) tape by a couple of millimeters, again, in order to avoid the glue protruding beyond the bend and to make the product more accurate.
  • Iron the hem with an iron.

Pants ready to use!

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Helpful hints:

  • Remember that the adhesive tape will best perform its functions on products that are minimally susceptible to washing. Consider this nuance before repairing clothes with a cobweb. Do not use it on products that you wash very often or that have constant contact with water. When washing such things, avoid high temperatures, otherwise the effect of bonding will be reduced to zero.
  • It is better not to use the tape on very thin and flowing fabrics, since it condenses matter, and this may look ugly. The same goes for expensive items and materials. In this situation, it is better to entrust such work to a professional, and replace the repair with adhesive tape to manual repair with a blind seam or a beautiful line.
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How to glue a cut on clothes with a spider web?

If we need to fix a cut on a fabric, for example, on a jacket, glue a patch, fix part of the fabric so that it is fixed in place, while the seam is not visible, then use the adhesive web in a roll, without paper. In this situation, the technology is much simpler, but requires more care, since the adhesive base will immediately connect all the parts - it will be impossible to level them.

In the case of a cut on clothes, we put a spider web inside the product under the cut, align the halves, put a thin cloth on top to protect our clothes from the temperature of the iron, and, without shifting anything, gently iron on top. Now the cut has become invisible.

Important! Keep in mind that, as a rule, fabrics that are prone to cuts are quite thin, and not everyone is able to withstand the temperature of the iron. Therefore, it is always better to do a test on the inside of the product.

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How to remove a web?

It happens that the adhesive base gets on the iron. In this situation, a piece of cloth soaked in alcohol will help you - it perfectly removes glue from the surfaces.

This secret will also help you if you need to peel off a badly glued work, or, for example, remove a spider web from trousers. To get started, go with the iron to the place of gluing, disconnect the halves of the fabric when the glue heats up and becomes plastic. Remove glue residue with gauze moistened with alcohol.

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As you can see, the adhesive web is very easy to use, any housewife can handle it. She can rightfully become your indispensable assistant!

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