Blouse Remake

Looking stylish and modern is easier than ever when there is a gold credit card that someone constantly replenishes, and you dress only in company stores. But if you have an average salary and a closet littered with clothes in good condition, but long out of fashion, then becoming a “cover girl” is very difficult. In fact, there is a secret that can even turn a father’s t-shirt into a stylish top from the latest collection of fashion designers. And for this all you need is a little imagination, scissors, a needle and old things. Let’s find out how you can easily and simply remake a blouse.

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Top decor

In order to alter a blouse with your own hands, special skills are not needed. Even a sewing machine is not needed. It is worth preparing only the following materials:

  • Old blouse or shirt;
  • Scissors;
  • Needles and threads;
  • Pins
  • Paper and pencil;
  • Chalk or remnant.

To get started - put on a blouse or shirt over yourself and stand in front of the mirror. Using soap, make an approximate layout of your future cutout. We leave the collar in place, the bar with buttons, too, create a cut line, as on a dress. Make sure it is not too deep and your bra will not be visible. Then do the following:

  1. Lay out your shirt on the surface, once again draw the place of the future cutout, but with a ruler or compass so that the lines are correct and clear.
  2. Check the symmetry of your lines. The contours on the left should clearly repeat the lines on the right.
  3. Do not forget to add allowances for the seams, approximately 1 cm, and cut off the excess fabric.
  4. Make small cuts at the rounding points of your cut. From this, the line will become more even, and the fabric will lie smoother.
  5. Fold seam allowances and stitch.

Alteration of the blouse, which took 10 minutes, is finished. Feel free to put on a new thing and go on a visit!

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Lace trim

In this option, replace the top of the shelf and back with lace fabric or mesh. In order to remake the blouse with your own hands, you will additionally need cuts of the inserted fabric and the same tools. Then we do everything in stages:

  1. Spread your product on a flat surface.
  2. From the shoulder seam on the shelf on the right and left, lay down 10-15 cm down, draw a straight line. Remember to add seam allowances.
  3. Do the same manipulations on the back.
  4. Then carefully cut these parts, as they will be used as a pattern.
  5. Take the lace fabric, put the cut out elements on it and repeat their shape, remembering to add allowances to the seams.
  6. Sew lace details into the cut holes

As you can see, altering a blouse with your own hands is not so difficult. The main thing is to turn on the imagination, make the correct marking with chalk or remnant and do not forget to add allowances for the seams.

Important! With this option, you can update your favorite, but already bored sweatshirt. Pieces of lace in this case can be replaced by eco leather.

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Remodeling a sporty blouse

Let us introduce you to another simple option of remaking a sports-style blouse (with pockets) into a more romantic one. To do this, choose a lace that matches the color. Then we perform the following simple steps:

  1. Lace overlays half the pocket.
  2. An inch is added to the hem.
  3. Lacy fabric is cut off, sewn to a pocket.
  4. Uncuffed shirt cuffs.
  5. Sewn lace is sewn to this place (the fabric can be tied with an elastic band, which will be located on the inside).
  6. The corners of the collar when remaking blouses are also decorated with lace.
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Romance with bows

There is another way to remake a blouse with your own hands and make it more romantic. The option is quite simple, but in the end - it turns out a very original thing:

  • We take the old blouse, fold it in such a way as to determine the middle of the back.
  • We cut the back into two symmetrical parts.
  • We twist the cut edges a few centimeters on each side and flash it - it is better to do this on a typewriter.

Important! The width depends only on how much you want to open your back.

  • Then we prepare bows - they can be from cut out fabric, or you can pick up a similar fabric of contrasting color.
  • Next, we do the decor - the edge of the bow is sewn to one part of the back, the other edge of the bow is sewn to the second half. To remake the blouse with your own hands as effectively as possible, repeat this operation several times. There can be 3 bows, but you can make them at a distance of 10 cm from each other - it all depends on personal preferences.

Important! The seams that will connect the bow and back details are best done vertically. The edges of the decor will not puff and look more neat.

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Cut off the sleeves

A fairly popular model is a sleeveless blouse. Therefore, the easiest way to remake a blouse is:

  • Remove the sleeves.
  • Refresh with a trim or bow collar.
  • Combine with a fashionable thing, for example: a skirt with a high waist. Any the most unsuccessful bottom of the blouse will be hidden under the belt of the skirt. It looks very stylish.

If you do not like open shoulders, then you can add such a blouse with another element - a beautiful feminine “wing” sleeve. Remaking the blouse with our own hands in such a way, we take the cut off sleeves as a basis, as an additional (lower) layer, we use a fabric of contrasting color:

  1. Cut from the main fabric 2 long stripes with tapered ends. We duplicate the same details on additional fabric. It is better to add 2 cm of length to it so that the second layer peeks out from under the first - this will give the product additional originality.
  2. We put the details together - the main one for the additional one.
  3. On one side of the double part we are assembling.
  4. Sew our sleeve to the armhole with this edge.

Important! Instead of the second, additional layer, you can also use lace. But you will need a wide enough canvas to make a wider part out of it than from the main fabric.

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Decor with spectacular elements.

If you are afraid to remake the blouse with your own hands, cutting off the details from it and changing them to lace, then here is another way to update any thing. Even a beginner in needlework will cope with it. You go to the nearest hardware store, stock up with applications, ready-made embroidery, rhinestones, sequins, beads, beads and start creating.

Idea 1

Ready-made applications do not even need to be sewn. Almost all of them are glue-based. To decorate the blouse with them, just turn on the iron, attach the decor to the blouse and gently stick the applique to the product.

Idea 2

Decor with rhinestones or sequins is also simple. Baste on the part of the blouse that you want to change, and sew sequins or rhinestones in a certain order. Thus, you can decorate the sleeves, shelf, or decorate the collar.

Important! You can also use sequins to embroider a pattern or outline, for example, the face of a hare.

Idea 3

For the alteration of a blouse and to give the effect of novelty, one more technique is suitable.With the help of store accessories you can decorate the shoulders of your clothes with false “shoulder straps” with chains, and sew metal decorative elements on pockets.


Idea 4

For another option, you will need a piece of fabric that does not crumble and does not need additional processing.

Important! You can even use felt, but choose the one that is softer.

For work, we also need a flower template, the simplest:

  1. We take the fabric, cut out the contours of flowers from it - they must be of different sizes.
  2. Then we put the details on top of each other - from the largest to the smallest.
  3. We fix all the layers together, with one stitch in the center and sew in the center a large button or bead.

In just 10 minutes you get one of the most fashionable decorations of this season - a flower made of textiles.

Idea 5

Beadwork has gained a “second wind” today. Elegant decor in beadwork is one of the favorite design techniques presented literally in every collection of haute couture. You can do the same.

Before embarking on a remake of a blouse, search the Internet for embroidery patterns. If you make a mistake during the work, then nothing bad will happen - you can dissolve part of the picture and create it in a new way.

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Alteration of a man's shirt

Considering the option of how to remake a blouse with your own hands, it is not necessary to take your old things as a basis. You can also experiment with the unnecessary clothes of your husband or friend. Even the most ordinary men's shirt, you can remake the blouse with your own hands, adding lace, frills and other fashionable decor. The combination of solid dense shirt fabric and delicate translucent lace looks especially stylish and elegant.

To do this is quite simple, following the instructions below:

  1. We cut off the sleeves at the shirt elbow and lower part by about 15-20 cm, without affecting the button placket.
  2. We draw a line of a sufficiently deep rounded neckline and cut off the unnecessary part of the shirt with the collar.
  3. We process the neck: in front we form 3-4 shallow folds on either side of the bar and sew them on a sewing machine. We sew the edges of the neck with the help of a decorative elastic band with a serrated edge or in any other way you like.
  4. On the sleeves and in the lower part of the product we sew a transparent lace cloth of the required length and width, we process the edges. Better if the lace is slightly trimmed.
  5. If you want, we add additional decor elements - we replace the buttons, sew on decorative ribbons or sew on beads.


You can alter a blouse with your own hands in another way. A checkered shirt is best for him:

  • First of all, you need to tear off the sleeves of the shirt. This must be done carefully, as they will still be useful to us.
  • Then you need to try on a thing near the mirror and outline new contours of the product according to your figure.
  • If a shirt has pockets on its chest, then it is better to rip them off.
  • Fold the product along new contours, if necessary - lay breast tucks.
  • To remake the blouse with your own hands, then you will have to grind the seams.
  • Now reinsert the sleeves by assembling at the shoulder line. This will add extra volume to the okat and will look very feminine, beautiful.

Important! You can also make a blouse with short sleeves. To do this, it is enough to measure the required length and trim the excess tissue.

  • Cut out long strips from the remaining tissue. We make a basting on one edge of the fabric manually and with this seam we weld the fabric, creating beautiful frills.
  • Using pins, pin frills to the shirt. They can pass along the edge of the sleeve, can decorate the neckline, or even you can make a yoke with the help of such a decor.
  • Sew frills to the product, observing the symmetry. The edges of the fabric can not be processed - the frills will be more airy.

A true woman can look flirty and sexy even in a man’s shirt.If you want to alter a blouse with your own hands, to make it more feminine, we can advise you to sew a stylish top out of a men's shirt that exposes the shoulder line:

  1. We try on a shirt, look how deep we want to make a cut. We make marks on the shoulders and on the chest. We lay out the shirt and draw the contour of the neckline. At the same time, several centimeters of fabric should be left to the edge.
  2. Cut off the top of the shirt along the contour. If necessary, we also remove the excess length and shorten the sleeves.
  3. We will sew an elastic band or elastic tape into the cut edges - this is how we get a shirt in a rustic style, which is also called a “peasant woman”. We measure and cut the right amount of tape for the top, bottom and sleeves of the product. Sew the tape on a typewriter, after stretching the fabric, so that later it gathers in beautiful ruffles.
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Remaking a jacket in a dress

If your house has an old dad or brother jacket, then we have another interesting idea. We offer to convert this unnecessary thing into a stylish item of women's wardrobe.

To create a trendy thing with your own hands you will need:

  • Man's jacket;
  • scissors;
  • satin ribbon;
  • sewing machine;
  • pins
  • threads.

Next, step by step, perform the following actions:

  1. Carefully cut off the sleeves from the jacket.
  2. Be sure to remove the shoulder pads to make the product look more feminine.
  3. Bend the fabric inward at the armhole.
  4. We fix this position of the fabric with pins.
  5. Sew a satin ribbon along the diameter of the armhole on the inside, gently closing the hem.

Important! New oversize dress is ready! If you want to emphasize the waist, then you can make a belt from exactly the same fabric using the cut parts. A belt made of satin ribbon will also look beautiful with this option.

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As we have seen, remake the blouse with our own hands - The lesson is not so difficult. And any girl can handle this. But you get a spectacular thing, without much cost and effort. And no one else will have such a blouse.

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