DIY T-shirt dress

Each fashionista begins to thoroughly prepare for the new summer season. Some run around shopping to find some interesting and relevant outfit, because retail chains today offer a large assortment of magic sundresses and light dresses. Others - are looking for alternative options for how to get a new outfit, because they can not find models that fit well on the figure. If you belong to the second category of girls, then this article will become especially interesting for you, because in it we will tell you how to sew a dress from a T-shirt with your own hands.

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Amazing transformations of old t-shirts are a reality

In this case, there can be a lot of interesting options, because you can do a chic thing out of the most ordinary T-shirt. In each case, it is necessary to select materials that are as close as possible in composition to natural fabrics. Only in this outfit can you feel comfortable and easy, the skin can breathe freely. The first thing, of course, is to prepare a t-shirt for work, and it does not matter if there are sleeves on it or not. You can even make a summer dress out of a small T-shirt.

It is recommended to choose material for sewing the bottom of the dress, based on what material was used to make the T-shirt, what color the main element of the dress has, what dimensions it has.

Important! When choosing knitwear, it must be borne in mind that it is difficult to process the edges without an overlock. This is simply an indispensable technique that allows you to simultaneously process the edges and trim them. If your product does not have a lot of stitches, then a normal sewing machine that can make a zigzag stitch is enough.

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How to sew a dress from a t-shirt and a scarf on your own?

Before making a dress from a T-shirt, decide for yourself exactly at what level you will connect the T-shirt to the skirt, that is, at the waist, under the chest or on the hips. It is better to give preference to the second or third option. It is recommended to connect the product details at the waist only to very slender and thin girls, because there is a big risk when putting on new clothes, not getting into it or the seam may not withstand too much load.

From a scarf and an old T-shirt you can sew an original and beautiful dress. Do this as follows:

  1. Take a square scarf. Cut a circle in the middle so that its size matches the circumference of your hips. This is done very easily - it is enough to fold the scarf in half in half.
  2. In the middle corner, draw a semicircular line so that it equals the fourth of your lower settings. Then cut it out.
  3. Sew a square to the bottom of the shirt. If necessary, cut off the excess piece of material below.
  4. If you took the scarf as the basis, then the lower seams will not have to be processed. In the case of using simple material, you will have to take care of this moment.

Important! To make the dress more interesting, twist the corners of the square so that you get a playful skirt in the sun or half-sun.

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How to sew a chic outfit from a T-shirt?

Now we will tell you how to sew a dress from a T-shirt in just a few minutes.To make such an original outfit, you will need a large T-shirt itself, a sewing centimeter, sharp scissors and a sewing machine.

Sew the outfit according to this instruction:

  1. First measure the volume of your hips, then divide this number in half.
  2. Make a few marks on the shirt: from the center of the material, set aside the length of the future product.
  3. With thin contour lines, draw the borders of the dress. Remember to leave seam allowances.
  4. Cut the t-shirt into small details so that you get a top and a skirt. Connect these elements together. Be sure to overcast the edges of the material with a zigzag seam to prevent them from spreading.
  5. As a result, you will get a neat, fitted outfit.
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How do I sew a dress with an elastic band?

Have you decided to sew a dress from a T-shirt and fabric with your own hands with a gum-shaped belt? To bring your idea to life, it’s enough to buy a wide strip in the store for pulling it at the waist.

Sew according to this technology:

  1. To make the outfit tight, it is necessary to reduce the width of the sleeves on the T-shirt. Just measure the circumference of your hands, divide this figure in half and make the corresponding marking on the fabric.
  2. Scissor the excess fabric.
  3. Trim the edges of the product so that they do not bloom in the future. If possible, it is better to use an overlock for flashing the side seams.
  4. Sew the sleeves along the marked lines.
  5. Turn the T-shirt inside out, sew an elastic band of the required length on the waist line. From above it can be decorated with a beautiful belt or a wide belt of a suitable shade.
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How to sew a baby dress from a T-shirt?

Do-it-yourself children's dress from a T-shirt is created on the same principle as adult dresses, there are only minor differences.

You must do the following:

  • Take a large T-shirt, carefully lay it on the table.
  • On top of it lay a dress that is currently perfect for the size of your baby. The bottom of the t-shirt is equal to the hem of the dress.

Important! Check again: the material should lie flat, because you have to cut two layers at once.

  • Take the scissors and start cutting. Perform A-shaped first, then carefully cut out the armholes. It is better not to make the top of the dress a straight line, it will turn out too strict. In addition, you still need a place for a collar. Leave a few more inches in reserve for seams and allowances.
  • As a result, you will face two elements of a future outfit. Sew them together, but first process the edges with a zigzag seam.
  • From the remaining fabric, cut two rectangles, the length of the corresponding armhole for the sleeve, 5 cm wide. Carefully fold them, iron them, sew the armhole.
  • 5 mm from the edge of the dress and collect the material. Hide this seam in the same way as the armhole of the sleeves.
  • The work is almost complete, only one detail remains. To decorate the dress, you need to make a beautiful collar. It can be woven - just cut three strips of fabric and weave a pigtail out of them, just don’t make it too tight, otherwise you won’t be able to put on a dress later.
  • Sew the finished braid manually to the neck. Try on the outfit for the baby, make sure that the length is correct, the collar looks good.
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Here's how to quickly and easily sew a dress for a girl from a T-shirt with your own hands. It is enough to allocate a little time, to show a little effort and perseverance. It’s best to do long weekend dresses. Clothes for walking short or knee-deep. To create an evening bow, a T-shirt should be chosen elegant, or limited to a simple strapless top. The most important thing is the combination of colors, they can be either related or bright, with contrasting transitions.

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