Dress from improvised materials do-it-yourself contest

The party is tomorrow, but nothing to wear? Pretty common, but by no means a tragic situation. The modern fashion is such that you can make a fashionable outfit in half an hour, and from almost anything. Enough to see what is in the closet and pantry. A dress from improvised, natural and non-traditional materials with your own hands for the contest is a very real and even very interesting thing! We will discuss some styles with you now.

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Why work?

So, before you make a dress from improvised materials and do-it-yourself means for the competition, carefully examine all the places where you can find the right materials. Something may have to be purchased, but for a start it is better to decide on the goal:

  • you are going to make an outfit for once and you do not care what happens to him next;
  • You want to quickly sew a dress that can be worn not only at today's party, but also worn later.

One-day dress

See if you can find in the cabinets:

  • an old rather long T-shirt or T-shirt;
  • a roll of tracing paper, wallpaper or a stack of newspapers;
  • two or three thick glossy magazines;
  • many unnecessary CDs;
  • tapes and braid.

Important! If you have a Hawaiian-style party or costume contest for a bathing party, you can even make a dress out of grass. The main thing is that the blades of grass are long enough.


Reusable dress

If you are going to wear a dress made of waste material and after the event for which you sew it, you will have to make several seams. Need, respectively, fabric, needle and thread. However, it is not necessary to immediately run to the store for a cut. Large silk scarves or impressive sizes of stole are quite suitable. Of these can be sewn;

  • sundress;
  • Greek dress;
  • tunic.

And for a one-day dress, and for a reusable dress, an old swimsuit can be extremely useful. It is better if it is solid, but from the open you can do a lot of interesting things.

Important! A sewing machine is optional, but it is highly advisable to get a certain number of tailor pins, as well as braid for drawstring and cord.

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Ballerina dress

The maximum effect with a minimum of sewing, time and labor. For such a dress you will need:

  • swimsuit or old T-shirt (both “alcoholic” and “boxer” or topic will do);
  • linen elastic or wide elastic band;
  • piece of tulle.

The procedure is extremely simple. First you need to turn a swimsuit or a T-shirt into the top of the dress. We try on, mark the waist line, cut it off, process it in any way possible. Farther:

  1. Cut the tulle into strips 5-10 cm wide and a length equal to twice the length of the product, plus an allowance for the belt.
  2. Cut off a piece of elastic at the waist.
  3. Fold each ribbon in half and tie it to the elastic - you can use the usual single knot, or you can use the start knot macramé, the last option is smoother.
  4. Thus we fill the entire belt.
  5. Sew the elastic into the ring.
  6. Sew the top of the leotard to the bottom of the belt.

Actually, the dress is ready. If the swimsuit was beautiful, nothing more is required. All parts are elastic, stretch perfectly, so no fasteners are needed.Fatin is good in that it is very easy to cut, you don’t even have to mark anything - just fold the cut several times and cut it strictly into cells.

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Ribbon Dress

If there is no tulle, but there are wide ribbons - you can make the bottom and from them. True, it will take a little longer. In addition, you will need another piece of fabric for the cover.

Important! Satin, crepe or even nylon ribbons are less plastic, they diverge, and the dress will turn out not so magnificent.

However, in the cafe you will certainly find material for the cover:

  • thin scarf or scarf;
  • a piece of sheet;
  • old thin skirt.

If there is a skirt out of fashion, it will be very good - it is almost ready. With everything else, we proceed as follows.

Option 1:

  1. If you have a long scarf, sew it into a ring.
  2. Sew the edge that will be sewn to the belt, sew a basting seam, small stitches, and make the assembly.

Option 2:

  1. Fold the scarf in half.
  2. Sew it in a double ring.
  3. Sew a fold with a basting seam and lay the assemblies.


Option 3

If there is nothing but a piece of the sheet, cut a rectangle from it. Its length is equal to the length of the product, the width should be greater than your hips. The result was, in essence, also a scarf, and therefore they act with the workpiece in the same way as with a scarf.

Collect dress

If all the materials are found, you can start collecting the dress:

  1. As with tulle, tie the ribbons to the elastic in a circle.
  2. Take the side of the cover stitched with a basting seam towards the bottom of the swimsuit or T-shirt.
  3. If there is a machine, stitch the details; if not, sew manually over the edge on the wrong side.
  4. Sew a belt with ribbons along the waist line so that the stitches are not visible (grab the part of the ribbon facing the cover).

Important! Instead of tapes, you can use any strips of fabric, the main thing is that they do not crumble.

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Do-it-yourself disc dress for the contest

The disc cannot be read? It's okay, do not rush to throw it away. And do not be afraid that one day there will be so many of them that there will be no place left in the apartment. A lot of useful things can be made from disks - from the curtains on the balcony door to the ball gown. An outfit can be built in two ways:

  • sew discs on some case;
  • make the whole structure out of disks only.

Choose a case

Unusual dresses with their own hands for a contest or for a party are often made of the most ordinary things. For a dress with a cover you will need:

  • old summer dress, better plain;
  • fishing line or kapron threads - to match the dress or contrasting;
  • needle.

If you find everything from which you can make a dress, get to work:

  1. We wash the dress, and if necessary, iron it.
  2. We lay it out on a table or on a bed - in a word, on a flat surface.
  3. We outline the places where you can sew discs - it depends on their number.
  4. We sew them in the same way as sequins are glued - we thread the thread through the hole in the center and lead to the outer circumference, and so on several times.
  5. We do the same thing in one or two places.


Where to sew drives?

If you have a dozen and a half whole disks, there is no problem at all. A DIY dress from improvised materials for girls or adult women will look good if you sew these huge sequins:

  • along the hem;
  • along the line of the fastener;
  • on the sleeves, if any (the wing looks especially impressive);
  • along the side seams.

Important! If you want to look especially sexy, and the society in which you are going to appear in a new outfit will treat this well and with a certain amount of humor, you can safely sew a couple of disks in front at chest level.

The whole structure is made of discs

In this case, you don’t need to sew anything, but you need a very long ribbon or braid. However, individual pieces can be connected, leaving the nodes on the wrong side. The principle of operation is as follows:

  1. First, vertical stripes are collected - for this, the discs are connected together in equal long stripes, with the shiny parts must be on one side.
  2. Then the vertical stripes communicate with each other - this can be done even without nodes, simply by threading the braid into the holes of adjacent disks.
  3. Straps are tied to the upper edge - for example, satin ribbons.
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DIY glove dress

On an old long T-shirt you can sew not only disks. For example, a very original dress is obtained from gloves. It is best to take, of course, rubber, polyethylene tear too quickly.

You will need:

  • a shirt or shirt of sufficient length or a dress;
  • a lot of gloves;
  • rubber or universal glue.

We prepare the basis in the same way as for a dress from disks. Then we act like this:

  1. Draw a line around the hem or a little higher.
  2. Glue gloves down on it close to each other, the thumb should remain on the front side.
  3. Filling the first row, draw the next line - the distance between the marks is half the length of the glove.
  4. Fill the second row, then the third, fourth, and so on.
  5. The last four gloves are glued on the shoulders symmetrically in front and behind.
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DIY wallpaper

You can make such an outfit not only from wallpaper, but also from tracing paper. Sewing is definitely not necessary. The outfit is done directly on the figure. In addition to roll paper, you will need:

  • glue (better PVA);
  • stapler.

Important! Such an outfit, of course, will last only one evening. But time for its production will take only a few minutes. But the styles can be different. The main thing is that the paper is wide enough.


Paper is good in that it easily takes any form. It costs nothing to make a dress in the Indian or ancient Roman style. Enough for this:

  1. Wrap a roll around the figure.
  2. Crumple the paper in the right places, fix the form with glue.
  3. Connect the edges with a stapler.

Important! Thus, you can make not only a sari, but also a ball gown in a medieval style, although it is better to use tracing paper for it, rather than wallpaper.

Puffy dress from newspapers

If you have a T-shirt or the upper part of a closed swimsuit, you can make an original magnificent dress for the contest with your own hands from newspapers:

  1. Cut newspapers into triangles - just cut the sheets diagonally.
  2. Stick sharp corners or wash in a circle on the elastic band close to each other.
  3. Make one or two more layers.
  4. Sew the belt to the top of the leotard.
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DIY foil dress for the contest

Want to be like an alien? Then, instead of tracing paper or wallpaper, take the usual food foil - the one that is sold in rolls. Here is the ideal material for outfits, and you can use it in several ways:

  • wrap and crush the material according to the figure, securing the folds with a stapler or double-sided tape;
  • cut the foil into openwork strips and stick on the cover;
  • cut with a comb and attach over the entire cover in the same way as gloves.

Important! This material has several drawbacks that need to be considered. It does not stick well with ordinary glue, and if you use threads, it breaks. Therefore, it is best to fasten the seams with a stapler or double-sided tape.

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If there is a machine

If you have a machine or you quickly sew manually, you can make a very original outfit from scarves. You do not need to process them - everything has already been processed.

Important! You can take two identical scarves, and you can contrast in color.

If the scarves are large, the procedure will be as follows:

  1. Determine where your blanks will have the top.
  2. Divide the top edges in half and mark the middle with a pencil or stitch.
  3. From the middle on both parts, lay in each direction a distance equal to the half-circumference of the neck with 2-3 cm added (the head should pass freely through the hole).
  4. Sweep and stitch the shoulder seams.
  5. Sew the side seams leaving the same armholes.
  6. Find the waist line.
  7. Sew wide braid from the inside.
  8. Sew it to make a drawstring.
  9. On the front part, make 2 holes for the cord and cover them.
  10. Insert the cord.

In this way, you can make not only an elegant summer dress. It all depends on what kind of scarves you use.For example, if you want a warm dress, you can take 2 children's fleece blankets, and knitted down scarves are suitable for the original sweater dress.

Important! If you do not have wide scarves, there should be 4 of them; for a start they will need to be sewn in pairs.

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Stock footage

The trends of modern fashion are such that everyone can feel like a designer. To do this, you need a little - to abandon the usual stamps and see what is around. And then you will certainly find objects and materials from which you can make interesting and unusual clothes.


