DIY napkin dress

Today at the peak of popularity are paper dresses. Each eminent fashion designer in his next collection must use this material, so often among them are things from newspapers, toilet paper and brown paper. Naturally, in everyday life in such an outfit you won’t go out, but for an unusual photo shoot, this is exactly what you need. From this article you will learn how to make a dress from napkins with your own hands, what other materials you can use and what principles to follow.
to contents ↑How to create a paper dress?
You want to please your child and make an interesting outfit for some extraordinary celebration. Then carefully study this master class, which will describe step by step how to make dresses from napkins with your own hands for the competition.
Prepare the following materials to create a masterpiece:
- Several packs of napkins or 20-30 pieces of newspapers.
- Ruler.
- Sewing machine.
- Centimeter tape.
- PVA glue.
- Special Velcro.
Sew the outfit according to the following instructions:
- First measure your model.
- The process of creating a dress is best to start with a skirt. If you use newspapers, unfold them, fold them in two to make the product dense. Fold the paper with an accordion with 2 cm folds to get a corrugation effect. Smooth all creases with a ruler.
Important! Please note that all newspapers must be the same size.
- Put all the sheets together with a sewing machine or glue, so that you end up with a long corrugated cloth. Attach Velcro around the edges.
- Gather the top of the skirt to such a size that it matches your daughter's waist circumference plus a small margin of 3-4 cm.
- Attach newspapers in several layers to the top of the skirt and sew on a typewriter. This must be done so that the paper holds firmly on the waist line.
- Form the bodice of the dress directly on the model. Cover the bust, waist, back with small pieces of newspapers, glue the sheets together with overlap. Remove excess pieces.
- Beautifully cut the neckline and armhole, make a straight vertical cut on the back, starting from the very top edge.
- Sew a bar from the three-layered strip of newspapers on both sides to the edges of the cut, then attach a few Velcro to it.
- Connect the skirt to the bodice so that your fasteners and slits align at the back.
- Create straps. Determine their estimated length. From the newspapers, make a corrugation so that the length of the strip corresponds to the length of the strap with a margin of 4 cm. Assemble the edges of the straps on a sewing machine, sew the straps to the product.
to contents ↑Important! Such a wonderful outfit can be made independently in just one evening, spending a minimum of time and using improvised materials that have long been on the shelf. You can supplement it with a belt of paper, bright fabric, silk or satin.
How to make an outfit from napkins?
This section will describe in detail how to make a dress from napkins with your own hands, because of all the options for home creativity, the most popular is the assembly of paper models. With perseverance, imagination, a small set of tools, you can make something interesting on your own.
For a product from napkins you will need:
- Pattern of the simplest dress.
- Thick wallpaper or whatman paper.
- 10 packs of napkins, 100 pieces each in several shades.
- Thread and sewing machine.
- Velcro.
- PVA glue.
Sew the planned outfit according to the following pattern:
- Find in any fashion magazine a pattern of a thing with a minimum number of tucks and seams. Transfer it to Whatman paper or thick paper, making allowances for seams.
- Immediately mark the incision on the front bar and add 2 cm to it on each side. Then Velcro will be sewn on it for the convenience of dressing and removing clothes.
- Sew the product at all seams, attach adhesive tape to the bar.
- Take the napkins, carefully tear them with your hands into small pieces. Roll each piece into a small ball. Glue all the balls to the dress so that the paper is completely hidden under them. In the case of using napkins of several colors, you can make an original pattern out of them.
A dress from paper napkins with your own hands is ready, you can go in it to a party or photo shoot!
to contents ↑How to assemble a dress from colored paper?
Perhaps a large amount of colored or wrapping paper has accumulated in your home, then it is time to turn this pile into something interesting. You already know how to make a dress from napkins, but you will also like this idea, because it allows you to create a real masterpiece from improvised materials.
You will find it useful in work:
- Colored paper.
- Ready pattern.
- Ruler.
- Pencil.
- Scissors.
- Eraser.
- Paper glue.
- Glue brush.
Do everything strictly following these instructions:
- Prepare a pattern, find it on the Internet, or try to create a sketch yourself. If you use drawings or reduce the image, translate all the numbers into real measurements so that they correspond to the future model. Transfer the drawing to tissue paper or tracing paper.
- Decide on a modeling method. You can create a model in a two-dimensional or three-dimensional technique.
Important! If you are aiming for simplicity and want to save your time, then use two-dimensional modeling. To do this, prepare a picture of the object from two sides, cut it out, connect all the details with glue. Three-dimensional modeling involves the use of special programs. You can create a three-dimensional image, then it will need to be converted to a paper copy.
- Images of all parts transfer to colored paper. Take the scissors with rounded ends and draw them along the lines of the proposed fold.
- Number each part, so that later it is more convenient to assemble. If the parts will be connected using special valves, then number them better so that the inscriptions become invisible after assembly.
- All parts are sequentially cut. Stack them in order.
- Coat all valves with glue, attach the parts to be glued together and firmly press them with your fingers. Wait for the glue to dry, and only then start gluing the next part.
- Leave the model to dry completely.
to contents ↑Important! If desired, the finished dress can be decorated with some decorative elements, such as beads, rhinestones, sequins, bright ribbons.
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Simple and affordable materials today are widely used to create extraordinary things. Do not be afraid and you practice this art, because it is interesting, useful, plus the time spent on needlework gives only positive emotions.
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