Chiffon dress is easy to sew

Chiffon is a very thin and light silk fabric. Clothing from it looks especially feminine. Beginner needlewomen relate to similar materials with some bias. There are reasons for caution - when working, you need to take into account some subtleties, but everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. Chiffon dress is easy to sew, and you will see this by reading our article.

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Material Features

To sew a dress of chiffon with your own hands, you need to know some of its features:

  1. This material does not have to be cut with scissors. If you need a straight cut, just outline it and then break it - the line will turn out perfectly straight.
  2. Like all silk fabrics, chiffon is strewed, that is, the seams must be well processed.
  3. Chiffon glides, although not as much as other materials of this class.
  4. The material is thin, and inaccurate seams or too thick allowances sometimes appear on the front side - to avoid this, you need to properly process the nodes with an iron.
  5. Wash and iron (including ironing seams) chiffon products need to be delicate.
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What are we sewing?

The material is draped well, so that it can be sewn from it without patterns, in which the shape is formed due to folds and assemblies. But classic dresses look good, including for special occasions. For example, a wedding or evening outfit made of this material will be especially elegant.

So, from chiffon you can sew:

  • sundress on the yoke;
  • dress-tatyanka;
  • dress with a flared skirt of any length;
  • Greek dress.

Before you sew a dress of chiffon, soberly assess your capabilities. If you really like the fabric, and while sewing skills are not enough, choose the simplest model, with a minimal amount of detail. Then the seams will be less, and the processing of allowances will be minimized.

Important! The main details of chiffon are laid out along the share, on the patterns this is usually indicated by arrows.

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Sundress on the yoke

The very first and most logical answer to the question of how to sew a dress from chiffon with your own hands, if these hands barely learned to handle a sewing machine, is to make a light summer sundress on a yoke.


A pattern for this model is not needed, but several not quite standard measures are needed:

  • second chest girth;
  • strap length;
  • length of the product.

Second girth

The beginning seamstress will probably be interested in the question of why the second girth of the chest is needed, how it is measured and why the first is not needed. The second girth is not measured on the most protruding parts of the mammary glands (they will be hidden in this case by folds), but higher - at the level of the armpit. The centimeter should go strictly horizontally, so it is better to take this simple measurement with an assistant.


Straps length

You need to know the length of the strapless approximately to cut pieces of wide braid of the right size:

  1. Place the zero centimeter mark on the line along which you measured the girth of the chest, opposite the nipple.
  2. Pass the tape vertically over your shoulder.
  3. Guide her to the same chest line, but behind.
  4. Look at the mark.
  5. Cut a piece of braid about 5-6 cm longer.

Important! Owners of a magnificent bust can make a sundress even without a strapless - it will perfectly keep just on an elastic band.

Length of the product

The length of the product is measured in this case not from the cervical vertebra, but from the line of sharpening of the coquette, that is, actually from the point on the spine where the line passes along which you measured the girth of the chest. Such a sarafan can be very short, and to the knee, and to the middle of the calf, and even to the floor.

Fabric calculation

The amount of material depends on how magnificent your dress will be. Chiffon is produced in cuts 140-150 cm wide, but there are also wider ones. Even if you buy a piece equal to one length of the product, you get a model with beautiful assemblies, although not particularly magnificent. If you want a wider skirt - take 2 lengths of the product. In addition to fabric, you need:

  • wide elastic tape, suitable in color;
  • wide braid for strapless, also in color.

Combination Options

A summer dress made of chiffon with your own hands will turn out to be very beautiful if all the elements are strictly the same color. But such an opportunity is not always there, so other, equally interesting options are possible:

  • yoke and straps a little lighter or a little darker;
  • yoke and straps - contrasting;
  • yoke of the same color with a hem, straps - contrasting or in tone, but of a different shade;
  • the hem and straps are the same, the coquette is different.

In addition, you will need the most common tools:

  • sewing machine;
  • crayon, soap or aquamarker;
  • long ruler;
  • threads and needles for sewing and sweeping.

Start to cut

Before you sew a chiffon dress with your own hands, it, of course, must be cut. It is very easy to do:

  1. Spread the fabric on the table or floor upside down.
  2. Put a dot on one of the edges.
  3. Draw a perpendicular to this point until it intersects with the other edge (it is convenient to use a large tailor's square and a long ruler).
  4. From both points, lay the product length on the same side.
  5. Connect the resulting points and check the angles.
  6. Add a pass on the bottom line of 3 cm, on the top line - 1.5 cm.

Important! When cutting, do not cut the edges - leaving them, you will greatly facilitate your work.


Choose a piece of wide elastic tape for the yoke. Width can be from 5 to 10 cm, in the store of goods for sewing you will certainly find something suitable. You can, of course, use the usual linen gum, but then you need to leave an allowance for the drawstring on top - about 3 cm.


Collect dress

This is a fairly simple way to make a dress of chiffon with your own hands, the master class will not take much time:

  1. Fold the workpiece along, face inward.
  2. Sew the cut - the line should go along the inner edge of the edge.
  3. Sew the top line, where the coquette will be sewn, with a basting seam, and pull it slightly.
  4. Sew the elastic band into the ring.
  5. Sweep the hem to the yoke at several points, laying the assembly. The seam of the coquette should be a continuation of the seam of the hem.
  6. Stitch the yoke - this is the most difficult step that needs to be done very carefully, the seam must be seated on the wrong side, and the tape must be slightly pulled.
  7. Sew over the stock while grabbing the elastic.
  8. Fold the bottom by 0.5 and 2.5 cm and hem with a hidden seam, and then iron (note that you need to iron at the mark for silk).


If you need straps, first designate the places where you will sew them. You can do them in two ways:

  • from braid;
  • from the same fabric as the dress.

Option 1

With braid everything is extremely simple. Cut the pieces of braid of the desired length, sweep them to the intended places, try on, if necessary, adjust them, and then attach or sew manually.

Option 2

Chiffon straps are also easy to make:

  1. Cut along the oblique 2 strips 4-5 cm wide and measured by length.
  2. Fold them in half.
  3. Iron the fold.
  4. Insert long sections inward, also go with an iron so that they do not bend.
  5. Sew around the perimeter.
  6. Sew to the dress.
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Classic Chiffon Dress

In the summer wardrobe, you can have several dresses from this light and delicate material.If you coped with a sundress, you can safely proceed to more complex models. For example, sew a dress with a flared skirt. You can make it sleeveless.


It consists of two main parts - a skirt and a bodice. The skirt is laid on the fabric, but where to get the patterns for the bodice? Any pattern of a tight dress or blouse will do.

Important! You can do what many people do now who don’t have the opportunity to order a pattern for the masters or pick something suitable in the magazine: take an old blouse that is no longer needed, but it sits well, opens up with all the tucks and is wrapped on cardboard .

However, modern technology has brought considerable benefits to lovers of needlework. On the network you will find several sites where there are programs for modeling clothes, and it’s enough to enter only your own measurements there. In this case, they are standard:

  • the girth of the hips, waist and chest;
  • bodice length to the waist;
  • length of the product.

Design sites work in different ways, but more often then patterns should still be printed and enlarged to real sizes. In any case, you get two bodice details:

  • half of the shelf;
  • half back.

We calculate the amount

When sewing dresses with wide skirts, the question always arises: how much material is needed? You need to count based on the length of the skirt. For the sun, you need 4 lengths, for a half-sun - 2, plus the length of the bodice. You will need more pieces for the linings, but you don’t have to worry about this - the fabric in this case is enough if the parts are laid out correctly:

  1. Cut a piece for the bodice.
  2. Fold it in half along the lobar.
  3. Puncture the shelf piece by aligning its midline with the fold of the fabric.
  4. Pin the back template to an empty spot - strictly observing the position of the threads.
  5. Circle, make allowances for all sections of 1 cm.
  6. Do not forget to circle all the tucks.


Putting up the bodice

The assembly of the bodice in this case is not much different from the assembly of any other female product:

  1. Sew all the tucks first.
  2. Do not forget to iron them.
  3. Sew the back seam of the back, leaving a piece left at the waist side for hidden zipper.
  4. Sew shoulder and side seams one at a time, not forgetting to iron the allowances - in this case, in different directions.
  5. Allowances are best processed immediately.

Important! You can immediately cut out strips for processing armholes and necklines. To do this, their contours are outlined, and then at a distance of 2.5-4 cm - parallel lines.

The neck and armholes are more convenient to process before the skirt is sewn:

  1. Fold in the trim and part with the front sides.
  2. Sew at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge of the armhole.
  3. Trim the allowance 0.2 cm from the stitch.
  4. Iron the trim on the wrong side.
  5. Bend it.
  6. Sew in at a distance of 0.2 cm from the edge from the side of the part, or sew manually by a hidden seam.

Pattern and cut skirts

A light flared chiffon skirt is better for the summer and you can imagine. It is hidden immediately on the material and is a ring with a recess in the middle. To begin with, of course, you need to calculate the diameter of this ring, but to do this is quite simple. Since you already measured the waist circumference, it should be divided by 6, 28. So, we cut the skirt:

  1. Spread the fabric in 2 layers.
  2. The edges are best chipped so that the layers do not creep.
  3. Divide one of the edges where the notch will be.
  4. Draw a semicircle centered at this point - here you have a notch.
  5. Now you need to draw the skirt itself, but this is not more difficult if you draw a second circle from the same center, the radius of which is equal to the length of the product, plus the radius of the notch.

We sew a skirt

The skirt will turn out two-seam, while the seams can be located both front and back, and on the sides. It all depends on where you decided to sew the zipper - it can be located both behind and on the side, but it needs to be hidden by a seam. Sew the seams, sweep the skirt to the bodice - the seams of the skirt should be extensions of the seams of the bodice.

The dress is almost ready, you just have to insert the zipper and hem the bottom, bending it by 0.5 and 2.5 cm. You can hem the hem both on a typewriter and manually.

Important! There is a third option - to process the bottom with an overlock, as the fabric is quite thin.

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Complement the dress

A great addition to a sundress or a light dress will be a cloak of the same material. It can be worn on a hot summer day, and on a warm evening, when you just want to throw something on yourself. How to sew a do-it-yourself wrap of chiffon on a dress? You already know the technology if you already made a skirt-sun. Cutting the capes is not much different - this is also a ring, but with a different size of the recess. The girth of the neck is taken, slightly increased, and then everything happens like this:

  1. As with cutting skirts, lay out the cut in 2 layers.
  2. Divide one edge in half and draw a semicircle.
  3. Draw a second semicircle at a distance equal to the length of the product.

Assembly does not take much time. You need to make only one seam and process the cape around the perimeter. The seam will be on the back, and this is what you need to do first. The allowances are smoothed in different directions and are ground, further:

  1. Fold the upper edge to the wrong side by 0.5 and 2 cm.
  2. Stitch it.
  3. The ends of the allowance can simply be overcast.
  4. Overlock or hem the front cut and hem.
  5. Insert the cord into the drawstring - the cape is ready.
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Stock footage

You can not hem the edges, but process them, for example, with thin lace. In a word, working with a chiffon, although it requires attention and accuracy, is not so complicated. And the products are very beautiful, even if the style is extremely simple.

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