Cloud dress - how to sew?

Each of the fair sex in childhood, reading fairy tales about princesses, at least once dreamed of being in the place of the main character. Some thought about it because they wanted to meet the handsome prince, while the rest represented fabulous magnificent costumes and wanted to feel like a fairy-sorceress. Today, the global fashion industry makes these dreams come true. More recently, such a model as a cloud dress appeared on the catwalks - for real princesses, and immediately won millions of girls. Almost every fashion house now has outfits for girls in this style, well-known brands produce dresses of various colors and styles. Hundreds of girls around the world are wondering: dress cloud - how to sew? If you carefully read this article, you will find out all the subtleties of creating beauty that will not leave any girl indifferent.

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Air cloud

Many styles, elements of decoration and decor that are present in every fashion collection today are far from the know-how of modern clothing designers. In fact, everything new is a well-forgotten old that was born not even tens, but hundreds of years ago.

Antique fashion influenced Anglo-Saxon, and Byzantine influenced Gothic. Already in the Middle Ages, dresses were distinguished by bizarre curvaceous forms, representing real works of tailor art. Fashion designers of this century also could not remain indifferent to corsets, a neckline, layered skirts and various draperies. And the proof is the cloud dress:

  • This model got its name due to the large volume and effect of airiness.
  • Models differ in chic, elegance and originality. Many modern girls and women cannot resist such beauty and design of clothes.
  • Now, a do-it-yourself cloud dress is an essential attribute of photo shoots in the studio or on the street.
  • Such a dress can rivet all the eyes of guests at any celebration.

Important! Before you figure out how to sew a baby cloud dress with your own hands, you should know that it is not suitable for everyday dress. The creation of such a model is considered a real art, because each is different individual and original design, and requires careful and painstaking work.

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Features of the choice of materials

Doing a cloud dress with your own hands is much more profitable and reasonable than buying. There are simple reasons for this:

  • You yourself can choose the fabric and accessories you like before sewing a cloud dress with your own hands;
  • Creating such an outfit is a long and painstaking task, and such work on individual tailoring is expensive;
  • Again, due to manual labor, mass sewing of models is impossible. Therefore, if you find such an exclusive on sale, it will be quite expensive.

Before you sew a cloud dress with your own hands, pay special attention to the choice of material. It’s better not to save on it. If the inner layers you can still make from inexpensive fabrics, then the outer finish should be of good quality. Otherwise, the visual perception of the outfit will be spoiled:

  • Experienced dressmakers advise to take the most ordinary lining fabric as an understudy for a cloud dress, because it will be closed on top with the main fabric and tulle.
  • When choosing the main material that only a transparent mesh will cover, take a closer look at natural silk or satin. But check the quality of the fabric before buying. Puffs appear on cheap materials rather quickly, sometimes even in the process of sewing.
  • To create a quilling, choose eurofatin - it is softer, it makes very airy and soft details, which are just what you need to make a cloud dress with your own hands


Fashion designers often use lace inserts, floral patterns or shining stones and rhinestones as decor. These points are also not worth saving:

  • Cheap lace can be seen right away with the naked eye, especially since after the first publication it can break in those places where there are very subtle combinations of motives. Better give preference to expensive lace, on a tight basis.
  • The same advice applies to the choice of plant patterns. If it is supposed to make embroidery on the back of a cloud-dress with your own hands, then pay attention to the quality of the pattern itself - are the threads sticking out, are the seams the same size, are the high-quality threads used in the work.
  • If the finished outfit is embroidered with rhinestones, the cheap shine of the accessories will immediately give an inaccurate approach to creating a dress. The remnants of glue that you forgot to remove by attaching stones to the fabric are also an indicator of sloppiness.
  • The best choice for a cloud dress with your own hands can be a tulle with rhinestones or large stones glued to it in a factory way. This fabric looks very neat, elegant, and will look great as an outer layer.
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Create a cloud dress. Master Class

Now that all the issues with the choice of materials have been resolved, let's find out how to sew a dress-cloud in stages. To begin with, it is worth saying that the skirt is the basis of this model, so we will find out how easy and simple it is to make a pattern for it.

Building a pattern of a skirt-sun

If you are the first to take up the creation of a pattern, then believe me, a skirt-sun does not require much effort. To get started, try the following pattern on a regular copybook sheet:

  1. We take a sheet of paper, fold it in half.
  2. Then we fold the workpiece diagonally, again diagonally, in the end - we get 8 parts.
  3. Then we divide the desired length of the upper part in the finished version by 8, since the addition is 8 times. For example, if the volume of the upper part, it will also be the waist, 70 cm, then 70/8 = 8.8 cm. If the skirt is with a seam, then do not forget to add this value to the length of the upper part.
  4. Now we measure the obtained length on the narrow part of our folded triangle. We make it in the form of a curved line.
  5. Now from several points on this line we measure down the desired length of the future skirt. We get the hem line of the dress-clouds with our own hands - it should be curved just like the top.
  6. Cut off the excess part at the top and bottom. We unfold our blank and in front of you is a finished pattern of a skirt-sun.

In order to sew a cloud dress with your own hands, you will need three such skirts:

  1. The very first is the lower part, it should be uniform along the entire length
  2. The second skirt is shorter in length and with a shortened front part, designed in the form of an oval from one side to another.
  3. The third - the upper skirt of the dress-clouds with your own hands, will repeat the contours of the second skirt, but its length also needs to be shortened.

Using this scheme, you will get beautiful waves all over the hem, which will smoothly go to elongation along the back, like a train.


Creating a cloud effect

Now we are taken for the most interesting, but also the most time-consuming stage in the process of creating a do-it-yourself cloud dress. For him, you need ruffles made of tulle. Here, all operations can be divided into the following steps:

  1. We take tulle and cut it into strips 8 cm wide, the length of the entire fabric.
  2. We make ruffles from these strips with a build factor of 1 to 30. For example, to get 8 cm of ruffle, you will need a tulle with a strip of 2.4 m.
  3. The ruffles can be assembled as by hand, pulling the thread of the seam laid in the middle of the strip, but we recommend stocking up with a special foot for assembling the fabric, otherwise the process will drag on for a long time.

Now, to understand how to sew a cloud dress with your own hands, it is worth revealing the main secret. The effect of airiness is created due to these very elements sewn to the hem in two ways:

  1. The ruffles are sewn directly to the hem of the skirt all around the machine or manually.
  2. The ruffles are first sewn to the squares of light tissue - organza or tulle, around the perimeter. Then, in the middle, manually, the square is sewn to the lower layers of the skirt at a certain distance from the waist so as not to visually increase this part of the body on the cloud dress with your own hands.

Important! The first option to create a cloud effect is simpler because it is less costly. The second option will make you sweat, because the squares will need to be distributed evenly throughout the bottom so that there are no effects of failure or bumps. But in the end, you will get an incredibly beautiful dress-cloud with your own hands.

It should be said separately about the consumption of tissue. In each case, it is calculated individually and depends on several factors:

  • If the ruffles will be sewn first on the squares, and then to the hem, then increase the tissue consumption by two, or even three times.
  • If you decide to make not 3 layers, but, for example, 5 layers, then the consumption of fabric will also increase significantly.
  • If your do-it-yourself cloud dress is not very lush, and you need only 1 layer of the main fabric and 2 of tulle, then you should not calculate the savings in advance. Cutting a long skirt-sun will require at least 2 meters of material per 1 skirt.
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Suitable styles

The top of the future cloud dress with your own hands can be what you want, because such an air outfit is suitable for almost everyone, but it is important to choose the right style. It is no secret that he can both hide the flaws of the figure, and vice versa - emphasize them. Therefore, we will pay special attention to this issue:

  • A-line outfits that give brightness to the image have long been loved by brides. Such a cloud dress with your own hands will help to hide many of the flaws of the figure and visually stretch the entire silhouette, reducing the upper part due to the volumetric bottom.
  • Similar to the previous style, but more reminiscent of the Greek style, dresses will be to the taste and shape of many. The upper part without straps with drapery on the chest emphasizes fragile shoulders and visually gives the chest volume.

Important! In these dress-clouds with their own hands, you can often see pregnant girls in studio photos. Delicate fabric emphasizes the beautiful shape of the tummy, and the expectant mother in such photos looks the most tender and airy.

  • If there are no shortcomings in the figure, then you can stop on the model in the form of a fish. If the upper part is made corset, this will help to hide small flaws.
  • Young girls, who often choose a do-it-yourself cloud dress for the prom, love a fitted top and a detachable skirt. Moreover, the dress itself goes up to the knee, which emphasizes the fragility of the physique and visually increases the length of the legs.
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Cloud dress color

The color of the future cloud dress with your own hands is no less important than the style. It is the shade of the outfit that often emphasizes the beauty of its owner:

  • A pink do-it-yourself cloud dress will be perfect for a prom. Moreover, all its shades - from dusty roses to fuchsia. Suitable for both blondes and brunettes. Bright color adds to the image of mischief, and light - on the contrary, creates a feeling of tenderness.
  • Red is always associated with passion and temperament. For bright personalities who have already left school age, this is the best choice. Moreover, it makes no difference - you are blonde, brunette or red.

Important! A wedding or an important ceremony - such a dress-cloud with your own hands will look great even on the walk of fame. If the top of the model is open, then jewelry will only emphasize your chic image.

  • Delicate, but at the same time, bright blue, symbolizes calm and harmony. Good for prom and photo shoot for girls in position. It will go well with jewelry, but not catchy, but sustained in a laconic style.
  • A blue cloud dress will be a great option for confident and courageous girls. And blondes and brunettes. Such an outfit will look rich and elegant.
  • And of course, you can’t ignore the classics - black. He always gives the image mystery, elegance and femininity. Precious jewelry will be very welcome here. They can be replaced by taking tulle embroidered with rhinestones or stones as the main material.
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Stock footage

Now you know everything about how to sew a cloud dress with your own hands, what materials are best suited for this. Do not forget that there is nothing complicated in the process of work, the main thing is to be patient. But the effect of going out in this outfit you will never forget. In addition, if there is a photo studio near you, you can always recoup the cost of sewing a dress by renting an outfit for photo shoots.

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