DIY princess dress for girls

For many mothers, the first child becomes a kind of last doll. This phrase is especially true for girls. Therefore, they try to dress their little ones like princesses, spending a huge amount of money on various outfits. Every mother wants her daughter to look better than anyone else on any occasion. But you don’t have to go shopping and buy expensive things, you can replenish your children's wardrobe with beautiful, elegant, festive clothes. This article will be devoted to this, in it we will give several examples of how to sew a princess dress for a girl with her own hands.
to contents ↑Sewing a fabulous dress for a little fairy
To sew a dress for the princess with your own hands, you will need only half a meter of yellow material, about a meter wide, with a print and embroidery in white and golden colors.
Important! It is better to give preference to natural fabrics, for example, to purchase linen, chintz or silk, so that the baby is comfortable in a new outfit.
Also for sewing you will need:
- The stitch of the corresponding color is approximately 1 m.
- Satin ribbon 1.5 m long and 2.5 mm wide.
- Tailor's meter, pins.
- Ruler, scissors, threads, patterns, chalk or a bar of soap.
- Sewing machine.
Sew according to this pattern:
- Wash and iron the fabric before starting work, because if it is natural, it will surely sit down after washing.
- Make a drawing directly on the material, no paper patterns are needed.
- First draw two squares with sides equal to 50 cm. Then cut them to get the base for the dress.
- Measure out two more sections of the seam 50 cm in size.
- Decide on the figure where the top and bottom of the outfit will be located, then pin the seam to the base with pins at a distance of 1 cm from the edge, and they should be located across the edge, so that later it would be more convenient to lay the line without sweeping parts.
- Stitch the seam to the base, fasten the seams, including reverse on the typewriter and also back. Take out the pins. Cut off any irregularities on the fabric and seam.
- On the overlock, process the edge, while the step length should be 1 mm and the seam height should be 5 mm. Then smooth it, wrap it in the direction of the base, lay another line. Do the same with the other square of the material.
- Fold the squares of fabric face to face, roll them along, pin them in several places so that they do not move during the cutting process.
- Set aside 10 cm from the fold at the top of the future dress, put a conditional point C. Next, put another 5 cm from it toward the edge, mark this point with the letter A.
- From point A, draw down a perpendicular 10 cm long, put point B. From the edge of the connection line of the base and the seam, draw a straight line to point B, connect them. Using the pattern, connect points B and C. Everything, the pattern is ready.
- Cut the product blank, leaving 1 cm to the seams along the line. Take out the pins, expand the future dress. Chip it on the sides with pins, departing from the edge of 1-1.5 cm.
- Sew the side seams, fasten them. Smooth these seams with an iron using steam, separating the edges clearly along the seam. Work the edges on the overlock or zigzag.
- Now do the processing of the armholes. Bend the armhole line inside out to a distance of 0.5 mm, then iron it with an iron.
- Lay a seam, departing from the edge of 2-3 mm. Fold the seam again, lay a line on top of an existing line.
- It remains only to process the neck. Bend and smooth its edge by 1 cm. Form, then smooth the drawstring so that it is 5 mm wider than the satin ribbon, bend and smooth the edges again.
- At a distance of 1 mm from the very first fold, lay the stitch, be sure to fix it along the edges.
- Use a pin to thread the satin ribbon into the drawstring, tie it to a bow on one shoulder.
Dress is done! Iron it before trying on. You can wear such an outfit at New Year's parties and other events.
to contents ↑Making Princess Sofia Dress
Surely every girl watched a cartoon about the brave and charming princess Sofia. Naturally, all the girls want to at least be a bit like their favorite fairy-tale heroine. If you want to really make a surprise, then sew a dress for the little princess with your own hands in this master class.
Prepare the following materials for work:
- 1.5 m lilac crepe satin as the main material.
- 1 m white crepe satin.
- 30-35 cm coarse calico for the wrong side.
- 5-6 m braid with sequins.
- 20 strass.
- Lightning 35 cm long.
Sew a fairy princess outfit according to the instructions:
- Remove the top pattern from the T-shirt, making additions to the fastener and seams, because the pattern should be a little larger to be comfortable, then fit the outfit according to the figure.
- Cut two sets of such blanks from the fabric for the front side and the material for the wrong side. Sew them separately on the sides and shoulders.
- Join the parts together, stitching the neck on the wrong side. At the bend, make small cuts of 2-3 mm. Turn them on the front side.
- To make sleeves, cut out 2 elements in the form of a leaf from the main material, bend the edge on one side, and sew.
- Fold in the edges of the armhole by inserting into the appropriate places of the sleeve. You will get small gloves. Sew them to the dress.
- Try on a top for a girl, mark where the lightning will be.
- Now you need to sew the petticoat. Cut a wide strip of size 70 by 230 cm, from white fabric 2 blanks measuring 70 by 115 cm.
- Sew a satin ribbon 6 cm wide to the bottom, sew a skirt on the sides. Fold the hem in half, sew.
- Sew a basic skirt of lilac material. To do this, cut 4 elements in the shape of a petal.
- From a white cloth, cut 4 flowers, sew flowers on each petal of the upper skirt.
- Sew all the details of the upper skirt, burn the lower edge, sew the braid with sequins to it.
- From the main material, cut out two more parts, burn the edges, sew the braid to them.
- Sew all three layers of the skirt, in the belt do the assembly.
- Sew the upper and lower parts of the outfit, insert the zipper, sew the braid all over the neck, and attach rhinestones.
As a result of the work done, you will get just a gorgeous dress, exactly the same as the outfit of Princess Sofia from the cartoon of the same name.
to contents ↑Important! To make a truly magnificent dress, like a princess, with your own hands, attach a petticoat with rings to it.
We sew a party dress for the New Year's party
Finding patterns for Christmas outfits on the Internet today is easy. If you follow all the recommendations and the scheme, you can easily sew a princess dress with your own hands for the girl. That is, in the given master class we will use a ready-made pattern.
Follow all the steps in sequence:
- Take all necessary measurements from your baby, add reliefs and tucks.
- Glue the material selected for sewing with a serpentine, then cut out a part for the corset from it with small allowances for the seams, lining, strap for the fastener. Sew a crossbar to the bodice.
- Fold the lining and corset together, lock them. Unscrew the part, sew the ties, then the fasteners.
- Cut out a skirt from organza and satin.
- Stitch the skirt. Cut out a frill and a petticoat, sew them.
- Collect the skirt, sew the elastic and the petticoat into it.
- From the bottom, cut off all the excess, process the edges.
- Make flowers and a belt for decoration.
- Sew all the details together, straighten the dress.
Stock footage
Incredibly fabulous, magical, beautiful outfit for your young lady is ready! Not a single fashionista, especially a small one, can resist this dress. And all the instructions for creating such outfits, as you have already seen, are very simple and understandable.
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