Sew a dress for March 8 to a girl

Mother's Day, New Year, February 23, March 8 - children expect no less than adults for these holidays, because each such date is not only gifts, but also unforgettable mornings in a kindergarten or school. Each celebration is especially important for little ladies, because the girl always wants to look smart and in a new way. The choice that clothing stores offer customers today is huge. But sometimes, a festive dress for a baby costs many times more than the same outfit for an adult lady. In addition, the child grows quickly enough, and sometimes it turns out to wear festive clothes only once. Therefore, many mothers are thinking about how to sew a dress on March 8 for a girl. In this article, we will consider what styles are suitable for a young lady, what material we will need, how to decorate a girl’s dress on March 8, so that it becomes an outfit for special occasions.
to contents ↑Dress for the girl
Each child is unique and individual. That is why parents try to choose unusual outfits for each holiday. And the dress in this case is the perfect option:
- Various models will allow to dress up girls with the most non-standard parameters and figures;
- A wide range of colors allows you to choose the outfit suitable for various holidays.
Important! The dress for the baby on March 8 should be spring and festive, like the joy of the onset of warmth. And at the same time light and bright, like the most pleasant time of the year, when everything blossoms and blossoms.
True, choosing a store option, you may be faced with the likelihood of two identical models appearing on the same holiday. Therefore, many mothers prefer to sew a dress on March 8 for a girl. Here it is worth considering several nuances:
- Too fluffy dress will prevent the baby from fully participating in the matinee;
- Overly festive models are unlikely to be worn in everyday life and the practicality of this solution is reduced to zero;
- Combining a dress with other elements of clothing is not easy, so it is important to immediately think through the whole image, with accessories and shoes.
When deciding how to sew a dress on March 8 with your own hands, you must consider the age of your child. If up to 3 years old, comfort should come first in the selection criteria, then older girls are more sensitive to the aesthetic component of clothing. Therefore, it is so important to maintain a balance of interests.
to contents ↑Suitable materials and colors
Before you sew a dress on March 8, a girl should choose a suitable fabric. Elegant clothes for a children's holiday should have a pleasant, unobtrusive color. A beautiful combination of shades and the right style is the foundation that will allow you to create a good taste for a young lady. You should not be guided solely by stereotypes, if a girl, then - definitely the dress should be pink:
- All the bright, pastel colors look very gently on little girls. You can choose a fabric with a delicate pattern - butterflies or flowers.
- Too energetic people are shown blue shades that relax the fidget.
- If we are talking about a timid girl, choose green or red tones that contribute to the manifestation of activity and courage.
- Fabric stores today offer a huge selection of materials. In order to sew a dress for March 8 with your own hands, you can choose an unusual color, for example, with cats or with owls.
- Do not act solely for reasons of practicality to the detriment of aesthetics. For example, you don’t have to choose a brown fabric, because anyway, it will probably get dirty with a chocolate cake.
- Pay attention to what type of appearance your daughter belongs to, and choose a color in accordance with this affiliation.
In general, when deciding which dress to sew for a girl on March 8, it is better to choose fabric with the future owner of the outfit. Then the result is guaranteed to be the favorite of your baby. Give her the opportunity to choose a color scheme, and see the texture of the material yourself. For these purposes are best suited:
- silk, chiffon;
- taffeta;
- stretch velor;
- satin, velvet;
- guipure.
With the help of each of the above options, it is possible to sew a dress for March 8 with your own hands, which will become unique and most beloved:
- A white satin dress can be decorated with colorful ribbons in the form of bows or flowers, decorating the middle of the composition with beads or rhinestones.
- The most luxurious and suitable material for a children's elegant dress is taffeta. However, to sew an outfit from this fabric, a considerable share of skill and experience is required, since this material is very finicky, working with it can cause many problems for a beginner. Taffeta is characterized by a dense structure of fabric fibers and a glossy surface.
Important! Earlier royal and wedding dresses were sewn from this fabric, therefore it is often called “royal”.
- Another good option for a festive outfit is natural silk in pastel colors or white. The dress from it will turn out delicate and expressive. It will definitely bring joy and a happy smile to your baby.
In order to sew a dress on March 8 with our own hands, we need a pattern. And for her, measurements are needed. Taking measurements on the child is quite difficult for one simple reason: it is very difficult for him to stand still for at least a couple of minutes. To simplify your task, tie any belt on the waist - it will be easier to measure parameters:
- Height is a very important measure for determining the size of children. This is the distance from the top of the head to the floor.
- Chest girth is measured at the most prominent points in this place. A centimeter tape should not be tightened much, but it is also not necessary to loosen it.
- Waist circumference is the simplest parameter that does not need special explanation.
- Now move on to the hips. This measurement is taken on the protruding points of the buttocks. The centimeter tape should be horizontal to the floor.
- The length of the back to the waist is very important for dresses with a detachable skirt. This measurement begins with the seventh cervical vertebra and ends at the waistline.
- The length of the front to the waist. The measure is taken from the base of the neck to the waist, a centimeter tape should pass along the most prominent point of the chest.
- The length of the sleeve. This is the distance from the extreme point of the shoulder to the wrist. The arm should be slightly bent at the elbow.
- Length of the product. Measured from the waist of the child to the desired length of the product.
to contents ↑Important! The centimeter tape should fit snugly to the body, without sagging or excessive tension. It’s better to immediately record the measurements and save them in order to use this data in other works.
General sewing order
We continue to study in detail the question of how to sew a dress for March 8 with our own hands. Applying a pattern, we cut out all the necessary details from the fabric, outlining them with a pencil or a dry piece of soap. In this case, do not forget to leave around the edge of the product about 1-2 cm to the seams. Next, perform the following steps:
- Carefully cut out the details of the future children's dress.
- We sew the product with wide stitches, first stitching the shoulder, and then the side seams.
- We make a cut for the zipper and process it with a fringing braid so that it does not fray during work with the product.
- We try on the resulting dress model for a child to see if there are any errors and inaccuracies.
- Having corrected all the inaccuracies, you can proceed to the sewing process. To do this, set the special foot on the sewing machine, thread a thread of the same shade as the material for the dress into the needle.
- Pick up the needle, depending on the density and type of fabric, so that it does not accidentally break during sewing. In addition, the quality of the obtained stitches, which should be even and accurate, depends on the correct choice of needles.
- We make a control fitting of the dress.
- If the chosen model of the dress involves a petticoat, then it is best to make it from several layers of tulle, and then sew it on the finished product. Fatin will add splendor to the dress and will keep the necessary shape well.
- We iron the seams on the product with an iron.
- Sew the zipper into the previously left and processed section of the fastener. If it is provided by the model of the dress, we sew buttons to it.
- We make a belt and decorate the dress with lace, ribbons, rhinestones, beads.
Master Class
To simplify your task of how to sew a dress on March 8 for a girl, we offer you a detailed master class, after which you will receive a simple model with set-in sleeves and a skirt with pleats for height 140 cm. For it, you will need to carve the following details:
- front part of the bodice - 1 part with a fold in the middle;
- back of the bodice - 2 parts;
- sleeves - 2 parts;
- front part of the skirt - 1 part with a fold;
- the back of the skirt - 2 parts.
Important! At this stage, do not forget that all the details of the dress need to be cut along the fabric line of the fabric, leave 1 cm on each side for allowances, and 4 cm should be added to the hem of the hem and sleeves. Then proceed to sewing.
Operating procedure:
- Connect the shoulder sections of the shelf and back. Preliminarily, it is better to pin the bottom with pins to fix the fabric. If you have enough experience, you can immediately lay the machine seam, if not, it is better to sweep the parts manually first.
- Do not forget that the edges of the seams must be processed on the overlock or with a zigzag stitch so that the fabric does not crumble. And then the seam must be ironed on the back.
- In the same way, connect the side seams on the top of the dress and iron in the direction of the back.
- Connect the side seams of the future skirt, repeating the previous steps.
- Now lay the folds - two in front and two in the back. They should look towards the center, two left folds are directed to two right. Secure them with a machine seam.
- Connect the upper and lower parts of the dress, combining the control points - the center of the shelf and the center of the front panel of the skirt and the side seams of the top and bottom. Process the seam on the overlock and iron up.
- The back seam that runs along the back, process on the overlock. From top to bottom. And insert the zipper, departing from the top edge 1-1.5 cm, and from the bottom do not flash 3 cm to the end of the fastener. For a dress, it is better to use a hidden zipper, it looks much more accurately in the finished product. In order to sew it without any special hassle, get a special foot.
- Now connect the back seam, and also iron it, this time in different directions.
- Let’s do the neck stitches. It is not difficult to make their pattern - just repeat the silhouette of the main part. Strengthen the grinder without fail to keep it in shape.
Important! It is better to first notice the edge by hand so that it repeats the neckline exactly. After - cut off the excess fabric from the seam and make notches so that the neckline is flat, without clamps and bends.
- The turn of sleeves has come. Duplicate the part of this part that will go to the hem with a thin line of non-woven, so the edge of the fabric will not stretch over time.
- Insert the sleeves into the armholes of the dress, align the marks on the top of the sleeves with the shoulder line. Sweep first by hand, then try on the dress, if the sleeve is well laid, it does not pull forward or backward, ugly folds do not form, then everything is in order. You can lay a machine seam.
- The bottom of the dress is also better duplicated by a thin line of non-woven and sew on a typewriter.
The question of how to sew a dress on March 8 with your own hands is practically resolved. The outfit can be supplemented with a belt from the same fabric. To do this, you need a strip 1.3 m long and 9 cm wide. Fold the part in half, face inward, sew and twist to the front side. Now you just have to lay the finishing line on a typewriter along the entire length of the belt.
to contents ↑Decorate the finished dress
If you are not yet ready to take on tailoring, then we offer another option for creating an exclusive outfit. Nobody will have such a thing. Now we will analyze in detail the question of how to decorate the dress for the girl on March 8. For this we need:
- dress, better than white with a lush tulle top skirt;
- thread, needle;
- wide satin ribbon;
- petal pattern;
- lighter.
For many, March 8th is associated with flowers that all girls, girls and women love to receive. Therefore, we offer to decorate your baby’s dress with these gentle creations. We make petals from a satin ribbon:
- Using a template, cut out the blanks of the desired shape from the tape.
- The edges of each petal are treated with a flame of a lighter, since the atlas is a loose material.
Important! Pursuing the question of how to decorate a dress for a girl on March 8, it is worthwhile to understand that the more tender petals are on the hem, the more beautiful the finished product will look. Therefore, we need at least 200 blanks. The process is long, painstaking, but the result will please you.
After the petals are ready, we begin to decorate the dress:
- To have an overall picture of how it will look, pin the petals to the hem with pins, just choose the thinnest so as not to leave holes on the fabric.
- Arrange the petals in a specific order - increasing from the waist to the hem. Along the hem, you can make a continuous row of petals.
- Sew the petals with one small stitch, in the center of the part, so that it feels like they are about to fall. This will add airiness and lightness to the dress.
to contents ↑Important! You can supplement the outfit with a belt from the same satin ribbon, which can be decorated in the form of a wide bow at the back. As you can see, the question of how to decorate a dress for a girl on March 8 is very simple, but the process will require patience and perseverance.
Stock footage
So, we have prepared for you several options for how to sew a dress for March 8 with our own hands. You just have to play with fabrics, finishes and please your daughters with new clothes. Today you also learned how to decorate a girl's dress on March 8th. This task is even simpler than sewing, in addition, you can attach your baby to the process, then creating a new outfit will be a fascinating activity for both of you.
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