DIY plaid with sleeves - patterns

Today, multifunctional, comfortable, soft rugs with sleeves are in great demand among men and women. In fact, this product is something like a cape, which is worn on the front. The whole body is under a warm blanket, with the arms poking out through the sleeves. Thanks to this unique tailoring, it can be typed on the keyboard, do any other things, and even read without freezing. If you make a little effort, you can sew a plaid with sleeves with your own hands. We will give patterns and sewing options in this article.

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The benefits of rugs with sleeves

Such products have many advantages over ordinary bedspreads and blankets.

These include the following:

  • They are much thinner than blankets, less polluted and accumulate dust. Even if you stain such a plaid, you can easily wash it, even in the washing machine - it will take a minimum of time.
  • Mobility. Such things can not only be easily carried around the house, but also taken with you on trips by car, on a plane, on a train.
  • Compactness. It can easily be folded into a backpack or a small suitcase.
  • Practicality and convenience. Since hands under such a blanket always remain free, you can read books, work at the computer. The most important thing is that you can simultaneously ventilate the room and warm yourself under a warm blanket, while you definitely will not get sick.
  • Huge selection of colors. As a rule, when buying such things in stores, we agree to any color and print option. But if you get down to business on your own, you can sew it from any material you like, with an extraordinary pattern and texture.
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Varieties of plaid with sleeves

Naturally, before you sew a dressing gown from a plaid with your own hands, you need to understand what they are, what features their varieties have.

Types of bedspreads with sleeves:

  • Plaid bathrobe. They are made in a rather interesting design, that is, the dressing gown is not worn on the back, as usual, but on the front. That is, you get a comfortable plaid. If due to the cut with ordinary bathrobes this is not possible, then with a plaid bathrobe it will work without problems.
  • Family plaid with sleeves. These products are intended for two people at once. That is, you and your half will be under the same coverlet, but you can stick your hands in individual holes to hold a cup, a book or just hug your loved one.
  • Regular plaid with sleeves. You cannot use it as a dressing gown, but, nevertheless, this is a great and useful thing in any home.
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What materials are plaids with sleeves made of?

In order for the product to turn out to be really high-quality, pleasant to the touch, warm, comfortable, it is necessary to choose the right basic material for sewing. The most successful options include such fabrics.


This is a special material made of polyamide and polyester. It is produced by special technology, due to which it has the following properties:

  • Due to the ultra-thin fibers, it is incredibly soft and pleasant to the touch.
  • Things from this material do not fade, so they can be safely washed with other clothes.
  • Microfiber leaves no trash after itself, which means that you do not have to run around the house with a vacuum cleaner and remove small threads.
  • The fabric does not roll, so if you buy it fluffy and soft, it will remain so.
  • Microfibre absorbs moisture well, so in such robes it is very convenient to walk after a shower.

Important! The only thing that scares away many consumers is the high cost of the material, but it quickly pays off.



This is a synthetic material, which is why many people experience certain discomfort when wearing it. Despite the fact that the fleece has excellent breathing properties, in practice it is much inferior to expensive microfiber.

Important! The fleece is very dusty and electrified.


Due to the fact that it is a natural fabric, the skin feels incredibly comfortable in contact with it. That is why it is most often used in comparison with other materials for the manufacture of slippers, bathrobes, towels. If you choose it for sewing a plaid with sleeves, then the function of a dressing gown, of course, it will fulfill, but it is unlikely to cover. The fact is that terry cloth, when wet, is subject to mechanical stretching.

Important! If you pull the product hard, it can stretch a lot, and then it will be difficult to fix it.

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Making a do-it-yourself blanket

Now let's take a step-by-step look at how to sew a plaid with sleeves. Do-it-yourself pattern is made very simple or you can use it already ready, because finding it on the Internet is not so difficult. You have already decided on the model, bought a fabric, so - get down to business.

Make a blanket with sleeves according to this scheme:

  1. From a piece of purchased material, measure along the long side about 50-60 cm, then cut. This segment will be used for the manufacture of sleeves.
  2. Sew the rest of the fabric around the edges from all sides, like the most ordinary plaid.
  3. Sleeves. Cut the previously cut fabric in half to sew two sleeves. Fold each piece of material along the long side in half, sew 5 mm along the edge. If you notice that the fabric is crumbling, process the seam on the overlock. Hem the sleeves around the edges.
  4. Mark on the plaid a place for armholes. From the top, retreat 25-30 cm, so that you get a kind of collar. Directly in the center of the plaid draw vertical lines at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other, while their width should correspond to the width of the finished sleeves. Cut the fabric along the marked lines.
  5. Sew on the armholes of the sleeves.

The blanket is ready!

Important! If the sleeves seem too wide from the bottom, you can make ties or insert an elastic band. If you plan to use the product as a dressing gown, you can also sew a small belt to it.

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Now you are convinced that sewing a plaid with sleeves with your own hands is not only simple, but also beneficial, interesting. Be sure to use this idea, and you will be surprised how you could still do without such a thing!

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