Why creaks shoes when walking and what to do?

Shoes for our ancestors were salvation, because on the earth there were many reasons to injure the foot. Then the ancient people began to protect their legs with various finds, inventions. They were made from flat pieces of wood, leather and grass. It’s hard to name shoes, of course, looking at our diversity, made using modern technology. It is hard to imagine that it could be flawed. And why is it that our beloved, festive, daily, sports, elegant shoes sometimes upset us with an unpleasant creak. Why creaks shoes when walking and what to do? Let's figure out a solution to this situation.
to contents ↑Reasons for creaking shoes
There are several main causes of this problem:
- If over time sand, earth, small pebbles get into the internal details of the boot, then creaking is guaranteed.
- Wet, poorly dried shoes.
- The most common cause of terrible squeaks is a poor-quality heel or weak arch support.
- Not only the heel can creak, but also the skin of the product, if substandard materials with microcracks were used for its manufacture.
- A thread is used to sew the top of the boot to the sole. It can be overtightened - this will cause an unpleasant creak.
Creak of new boots
Why do new boots creak? When buying, you need to be careful and not be shy to try on shoes, walk in it. The presence of an unpleasant sound indicates that the product is not worthy of your attention.
Have you made a purchase and found a creaking sole at home? Most likely, the matter is a manufacturing defect - you just need to return the new thing to the store, if there is a check, the seller must accept the goods back.
to contents ↑Remedy
How to remove creaking shoes when walking? First you need to determine what creaks, then it will be easier to choose a way to eliminate it. If the shoe surprised you after a longer period of use, you need to determine what part produces a creak. For this:
- Shoe your shoes and slowly try to redistribute the load of the foot on the heel.
- Listen for annoying noise.
Important! You can still take the shoes in your hands and bend it, and you will determine exactly where the shoes creak.
The usual solution to this problem is to hand over the shoes for repair to the master. But there are folk methods:
- Raw shoes must be put to dry, otherwise - all the elements, in contact with each other, will start to make a sound.
- Goose fat and wax are well suited to eliminate microcracks, bloating. To prepare the mixture, it is necessary to melt the fat and wax in a ratio of 3 to 1, apply a mixture of soaked rags to the outside of the shoes, and only then the defects are wiped.
- For tight seams, castor oil or hot wax is suitable. It is necessary to gently rub the seams: oil should be taken in a small amount, since there is a chance to spoil the appearance.
- New leather shoes need downtime on a damp cloth for 8-9 hours. The method is surprising, but it works!
- In cases with a heel and arch support, alas, only a master of his craft will help.
- A hairdryer is an original, effective way. For 5-10 minutes we warm the sole at the average power of the device, then we develop it, and that’s all, there are no unpleasant sounds.
Shoe care
Squeaks shoes? It is always nicer to prevent trouble than to fix it. There are several simple, not expensive ways to care for shoes:
- To shine, just wipe the shoes with a little vegetable oil.
Important! Corn, linseed, olive oil is suitable for light leather products. Coffee grounds restore the brown color of shoes.
- Vaseline is suitable for dry boots.
- Paint thinner, refined gasoline or talcum powder - the best way to get rid of grease stains on suede.
- Ammonia, hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate will help eliminate the unpleasant odor inside the sneakers.
- Talc under the insole, paper in the boot and drying wet shoes prevent creaking.
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Squeaks shoes when walking - what to do? Proper care and competent methods for eliminating defects give you a long life shoes and a good mood.
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