To clean a fur coat

A fur coat with luxurious fur has become for women not only a wardrobe item, but also an indicator of social status. Such a product gives charm and femininity to almost any lady. But, like all things, this product needs to be cleaned. Not every dry cleaning service offers to clean a fur coat, but who offer it, require quite a considerable amount for this operation. Because of this, caring for a thing turns into a global problem for the owner. Not many people know that you can carry out this operation yourself, only you need to know some rules. In this article we will talk about how to clean a fur coat at home.

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We clean a fur coat: general tips

It is no secret that care of the product is based on what it is made of and what degree of contamination has been exposed. But there is a list of general recommendations for this type of work. Among them are:

  • Check the product for contamination. Even if outwardly the thing is clean, make sure of it. It will be useful to carry out preventive measures to cleanse light impurities.
  • Do not wash the product in water. Never.
  • Do not store the item in a plastic bag and folded.
  • Use a lavender smell moth.

Important! Natural fur coats must be stored in rooms with a humidity of not more than 50% and a temperature of 7 degrees.

  • Drying a thing is necessary only in natural conditions. It is forbidden to do this near heating appliances and especially open fire.
  • If there is a fur coat in your wardrobe, get a brush with a hard pile for it as a kit - it cleans the fur well.
  • When removing dust from the product, do not use a vacuum cleaner. This can harm the structure of the pile.
  • Remember, fur coats never iron.
  • It is not recommended to hang such a thing that was worn in the closet for the season, it must be cleaned just before leaving it in storage. It does not hurt to clean a fur coat even before the season to refresh a thing hanging for a long time.

Important! Before you start cleaning the product, make sure that the manipulations do not harm exactly your type of fur. The slightest inaccuracy can damage a thing irrevocably.

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Types of cleaning

How many types of fur for coats exist, so many options to clean it from dirt. At the same time, all methods of how to clean a fur coat at home are divided into 2 types - dry and wet. Let us examine in more detail what each of them represents:

  • The dry stain removal option is safe for the product. At the same time, it has a significant drawback - when cleaning with this method, stains from grease and other severe contaminants may not be removed. Usually, home remedies are used for this method: talc, starch or flour.

Important! Such substances are selected due to their ability to absorb dirt and dust, and they also restore the luster and color of things.

  • Wet cleaning is more dangerous for the product, but has a much stronger effect. There are rules for this type. This type of stain removal can be done only if the product hangs in an upright position on a hanger.

Important! There are several rules for wet cleaning:

  • The long fur must be wiped with the selected cleaner in the direction of the pile.
  • Short - on the contrary, against him.
  • After processing, be sure to comb the fur and dry in natural conditions.
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How to understand that a fur coat is clean?

You carried out all the cleaning operations, but you can’t understand if it helped? Here are the main signs of product cleanliness:

  1. After the procedure, the product should have a uniform shine.
  2. If you see matte spots, it means that the product has not been cleaned properly, you need to redo it.

Important! If you are sure that all the manipulations were carried out correctly, but there is still no shine, you can return it. To do this, use a 5% solution of acetic acid. They need to lightly wipe the entire product.

Now that we know the basic rules of how to clean a fur coat, we will study in more detail the methods for removing stains for each material separately.

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We clean a mink and astrakhan product

Mink coat is one of the most expensive. In another place are astrakhan items. And although they differ in appearance, they have a similar structure, so cleaning is the same. Like any other things of this plan, they tend to absorb dust, and also lumps, stains from cosmetics and other troubles may appear on them. As a result, products lose their luster and charm, which they had originally. Let's talk about how to clean the astrakhan fur coat and the mink coat at home from the most common types of pollution.

Dust and odors

Over time, dust and soot settles on any fur product. Because of this, there is a feeling of dirt, an unpleasant smell. The following recipe will help get rid of them:

  1. Take the most common decoy.
  2. Lay the product on the floor, sprinkle it with this product.
  3. Rub the pile with smooth, light movements as if you were rubbing it.
  4. Leave a fur coat for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove the decoy from the product. To do this, shake it to the ground on the street. Comb the remains of this porridge with a stiff brush.

Grease stains

Removing greasy stains from clothes is not so easy, any housewife knows about it. But in order to clean the fur coat from fat, you do not need to make special efforts. Such troubles are removed with simple alcohol. It is enough to apply it on a cotton pad and wipe the contaminated area.

Not greasy stains

To remove stains from wine, juice, coffee, tea and other products that do not include fat, it is necessary using a soap solution:

  1. Take liquid soap and dissolve it in water.
  2. With a soft sponge dipped in this solution, wipe the fur in its direction.
  3. Remove soap residue with a brush barely dampened with water. Try to wet the product as less as possible - fur does not like water.
  4. Leave the fur coat to dry under natural conditions.

We clean the hem

In our climate, unfortunately, it often happens that winters are warm and mud instead of snowy and frosty. From this, our fur products do not become cleaner. Their hem gets dirty in the mud, and few people know how to get rid of it properly. And to do this, in fact, is very simple.

To clean the fur coat from dirt, you must wait until it dries and wipe it with a dry cloth. Remove any residue using a soft brush.

Important! This method of cleaning is suitable for both mink coats and mouton articles.


Refreshing a mink coat

Unfortunately, no matter how carefully you treat the product, it will wear out over time. In order to restore its original shine, it is necessary to process the fur coat as follows:

  1. Take 100 g of pork fat and 10 g of soap.
  2. Mix it all with 1 liter of boiling water and mix thoroughly.
  3. Drop 10 drops into this mixture ammonia.
  4. Cool this mixture to body temperature and brush the fur coat pile.

Important! This method will help restore the original shine to the product.

The same effect will give another method that is used in production. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • At the pet store, buy sawdust for animals made of deciduous wood.
  • The purchase must be placed in a container and pour alcohol.

Important! Some housewives recommend using purified gasoline instead of alcohol, but the smell disappears from it much longer.

  • Squeeze your gruel.
  • Lay out the fur coat on a horizontal surface.
  • Sprinkle the product with sawdust.
  • Rub the fur with your hands and let the wood absorb the dirt.
  • Shake the product and clean with a brush.

Important! This method also returns the gloss of the product and makes it look newer.

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Sheepskin coat

Products made from this material also require separate care. In order to clean a sheepskin coat at home, you will need: water, flour and washing powder. Next, perform the following manipulations:

  1. Sprinkle the flour with the flour.
  2. Make a solution of water and washing powder and sprinkle with a pile of it.
  3. Wipe the pile well with the resulting mixture.
  4. Leave the product like this until our cleaner cleans completely.
  5. Shake off the flour from your outerwear and comb the fur with a brush.
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Coat of fox

Fox fur is not as popular as mink, but it is also in demand. Caring for such products has its own rules. Let's talk in more detail.

Remove greasy stains

In order to clean a coat of this type from grease stains:

  1. Take 2 cups of water and 1.5 tablespoons of salt. Mix all this with a teaspoon of ammonia.
  2. Soak a swab of gauze with this solution.
  3. Wipe the stain in the direction of the pile until it is completely removed.
  4. After that, wipe the item with a damp clean cloth and dry it.
  5. Comb the product after drying.


Non-greasy stains

You can remove such contaminants from a fox fur coat in the same way as with a mink. The main thing - do not forget to remove the remnants of the product with a damp clean rag.

Refresh the item

To update a fox fur coat:

  1. Take the wheat bran.
  2. Then heat them in any metal container and distribute them on the surface of the product.
  3. Next, use a brush to clean the fur and shake it, getting rid of the remains of bran.
  4. Comb the fur.
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Beaver fur coat

This type of fur is different from the previous ones; caring for it is also not similar to what we talked about before.

Universal remedy

To clean a fur coat from a beaver is quite simple if you use sand for this. He has his own selection criteria: he must be dry and clean. To process a thing:

  1. Heat the sand so that you can hold it in your hands.
  2. Spread a fur coat on a horizontal surface.
  3. Sprinkle it with sand, move your hands along the pile.
  4. Then shake the sand from it and carefully knock it out.

Important! If the product has not been cleaned for a long time, the procedure may need to be carried out several times.

Remove stains

Many will agree that brushing an entire coat because of a small speck is not very correct. For cases such as dirt stains and other simple stains, ammonia is used. It is enough to dilute it in a ratio of 1 to 2 with water, wet the cotton wool and saturate the place of contamination. After that, the fur is wiped with a clean damp cloth and left to dry.

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Rabbit fur - how to clean?

Dry-cleaning of a fur coat at home is not an easy task, you will be mistaken with the choice of a product, and the thing will be hopelessly spoiled. Therefore, try to determine as accurately as possible what kind of fur was used to make your product. Let's talk about what tools are allowed to use to clean rabbit fur.

Brilliance back

Like any other, this fur will also wear out over time. Therefore, it is necessary to bring it back to life:

  • Perfectly cope with this task vinegar. It is enough to moisten a clean soft cloth in it, squeeze it and wipe it according to the growth of the pile.
  • The same is done with glycerin. After that, the product dries and looks almost like new.

Remove dust

A damp sheet will help you to clean the fur coat from dust. To do this, perform the following manipulations:

  1. Spread a damp cloth on the floor.
  2. Lay the fur coat on top with the fur down.
  3. Knock out the product as carefully as possible.

Important! Thanks to this method, the fur will get rid of dust and will not get wet, which is very important.


Get rid of stains of fat

Rabbit fur is finicky to a variety of cleaning products and grease stains must be removed from it using refined gasoline. For this:

  1. Soak a clean cloth with gasoline.
  2. Then apply it according to the growth of the pile. It is necessary to rub until the product is completely cleaned.
  3. Next, wipe the treated area with a clean, damp cloth and leave to dry under natural conditions.

General pollution

In order to remove the most common spots, use vinegar and medical alcohol. To do this, you will need:

  1. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions with the same amount of water.
  2. Using a sponge, apply the product on the fur coat.
  3. Next, wipe it with a soft damp cloth and leave to dry.

Important! Remember, after almost any treatment of the fur, it is necessary to wipe the item with a damp, wet cloth in order to remove the remnants of cleaning products.

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White fur coats

A special category of fur coats is white. They get dirty many times faster than the others, while it’s harder to clean them, because everything is noticeable on white. About how to properly clean a white fur coat, we now tell. The main objective is to maintain the whiteness of the product. What to do for this is described below:

  • In order for the product to retain its color, hang it on the shoulders and spray with hydrogen peroxide from the spray gun. After - dry the product.

Important! Before doing this with your item, check the method in an inconspicuous area.

  • The second most effective is potato starch. He not only bleaches the fur, but also cleans it. To treat a fur coat, sprinkle it with this product, rub it as if you were washing it. Shake the thing, knock it out and comb it.
  • In order to clean the fur coat from complex stains, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of starch and refined gasoline. Apply this mixture to the stain and leave until the product has completely dried. After that, brush off the thing and comb it.
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Faux fur

Unlike natural fur, artificial fur is more resilient to all kinds of means. In order to keep your fur coat made of such material clean, you can use the tips presented above. At the same time, you can not handle it as carefully as with a natural one.

Some tips on how to handle faux fur:

  1. If the item needs to be cleaned, pay attention to what is written on the label. Some faux fur coats can be washed delicately.
  2. Faux fur cannot be cleaned with acetone or vinegar.

Easy way to clean

To clean a faux fur coat:

  1. In 1 liter of boiling water, dilute a tablespoon of washing powder.
  2. Cool the solution.
  3. Put it on the thing, leave it for a while.
  4. After - wash it off with a sponge and warm water
  5. Dry your fur coat.
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Erase Lining

Due to the fact that the product cannot be washed, a problem arises with what to do with the lining, because it also needs to be cleaned. There is a way out, and not even one. Among them:

  1. The first, at the same time the easiest and most difficult way - is to unfasten the lining, wash, and then sew it back. Wash is necessary taking into account what the fabric consists of.
  2. This method is more pleasant, but also difficult. You will need to put a dense fabric between the lining and the fur. Next, you will just need to clean separately the spots on the lining or refresh it completely, without touching the fur.
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Stock footage

Now that you know what methods can be used to clean a fur coat, you do not need to go to dry cleaners and pay a lot of money to clean your thing. Use our tips, and your outerwear will come to life after many years of use and will shine with a new shine!


