Painting jeans in a washing machine

Nowadays, no wardrobe can do without jeans, because these are the most convenient and popular clothes. But she has one significant drawback: over time, jeans lose their original color and become faded. You can, of course, entrust your favorite pants or a skirt to dry cleaning professionals, but this problem is easy and simple to solve on your own. The former brightness of the color can be returned, a great idea is to paint the jeans in the washing machine. It is very simple and does not take you much time and effort, plus it is absolutely safe for both your washing machine and clothes. The main thing is to choose the right color. So, let's talk about how to dye clothes in the washing machine.
to contents ↑Useful Tips
If you are going to paint any item of your wardrobe for the first time, then consider the following nuances:
- Only natural cotton, wool or linen is uniformly dyed. When dyeing other fabrics, it is likely that the clothes will be stained with pieces.
Important! If you are not sure about the composition of the fabric and do not want to take risks, try a test stain - dye a small piece of fabric from your product.
- You need to paint only a thoroughly washed product without spots, otherwise - the paint will lie unevenly.
- The clothes are put in the wet machine in the machine - so it is better stained.
- If you want to paint the product in a darker color in order to hide the stain, then it will still be visible, since clothes with stains do not stain evenly.
Important! Rust stains are practically non-stainable; they are easier to decorate in some other way, for example, sew applique.
- It’s unlikely that you can get black immediately from a white thing. Most likely, you will have to do a few paints before you get the right shade.
- A freshly painted product will fade, so it is not recommended to wash it with other things up to five washes.
- Synthetics are not recommended to be painted, since they are not evenly dyed evenly, whatever the paint manufacturers write. But if you really want to experiment, then test the stain on a piece of material, and only if the result is positive, paint the whole thing.
- The color indicated on the package is obtained if you paint a white thing in it. But if your product is of a different shade, then at the exit you risk getting a completely unexpected color, though in a similar color scheme.
- As a rule, the threads with which the product is sewn are not dyed, so think in advance how they will be combined with the new color of the clothes.
- If you add conditioner during painting, the paint will lie unevenly and your clothes will become spotty.
- Jeans are painted on both sides.
to contents ↑Important! If you are going to update the design of your thing in this way, be very scrupulous about choosing the right tool. Learn all about best fabric paints.
We paint jeans in the washing machine
So how to dye your pants or other clothes in the washing machine? The thing is washed, stains are removed, paint of the right color is bought, what should I do next? Details described below:
- Dilute the paint according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
Important! If the manufacturer indicates that salt needs to be added, then we add salt, if it does not indicate, then I did not forget, but simply do not need it.
- Pour the resulting solution or liquid paint into the powder compartment and add salt there, if the manufacturer insists on it.
- Run continuous high temperature mode.
- At the end of the cycle, wash the clothes in their usual mode with powder and conditioner. If necessary, use our memo, how to wash jeans in a washing machine.
- Rinse in vinegar to fix color fastness.
About the washing machine itself
After you dyed your clothes, the question remains with the washing machine, because there are particles of paint left in it. To get rid of them, run the machine idle.
Important! Immediately after painting, do not wash light things.
Many housewives worry about their washing machine. Would her fabric paint spoil? What is the best way to paint jeans with fabric paint - in a washing machine or manually?
- Nothing will happen to the machine, the paint is safe for parts.
- But dyeing by hand is not recommended, since in this case the dye is distributed unevenly across the fabric, in addition, the dishes in which the dye is made will be damaged.
to contents ↑Important! If you generally liked the result of dyeing, but still there is still something missing in the product design, check out our selection of interesting ideas, how to decorate jeans.
Stock footage
The very algorithm of coloring things with a washing machine is not complicated. Follow the instructions, take into account the features of the initial and desired shade, and then the result will not be unpleasantly unexpected for you.