Painting leather jackets

Leather clothes are quite popular. Everyone has it in the wardrobe, in addition, it can easily be combined with completely different things. A leather jacket is always an elegant and fashionable look, always wearing comfort in any weather. But only on one condition - it looks appropriate, that is, it has a uniform color, there are no fallen off pieces, scratches, cracks. But after several years of use on a leather thing, all these defects inevitably arise, and I don’t really want to wear such clothes anymore - it only spoils the appearance of its owner. You can use special dyes to return the original appearance. About how the painting of leather jackets occurs at home and will be discussed in this article.

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Paint selection

The choice of paint for a leather jacket is the first, most critical stage of a planned event. The final result will largely depend on the right decision. The modern market provides the following dye options:

  • Aerosol sprays are very convenient for processing small things or individual places, but at their rather high price, restoring the former color of the entire jacket can be quite expensive.
  • Special powder paints are the best option in which it is very important to only follow the instructions for dilution and application set forth by the manufacturers. But at a cost these funds are very acceptable.
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Spray paint

To paint leather jackets with aerosol really high quality, adhere to these recommendations in the course of work:

  1. The jacket is hung on a hanger. You need to choose a place where other objects will not be painted. On the floor under the product you need to lay polyethylene or newspapers.
  2. The product must be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust.
  3. The spray can must be shaken, and then spray paint. You need to do this from a distance of 25 cm.

Important! You can not stay for a long time on one area, since the painting will come out uneven. If streaks appear, they must be disposed of with a clean sponge.

  1. Particular attention is paid to the areas of the armpits, pockets and collar.
  2. The jacket is left to dry. It will take at least an hour to dry completely, then the product can be worn.

Important! If the primary result satisfied you, but you want a more saturated shade, you can apply a second layer. But only after the complete grasp of the first.

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Special paint

This paint for a leather jacket is available in the form of a dry colored powder, which is diluted with water. This method of painting is more time-consuming than using an aerosol, but the result will be more effective:

  1. To remove dirt and dust, wipe the jacket with a damp cloth.
  2. The dye, according to the instructions, is diluted with warm water. Then the solution is filtered through gauze, folded in several layers. This is done to eliminate insoluble lumps of powder, so as not to spoil the material.
  3. The coloring mixture is poured into a large container, water (two liters) is added there. The container is put on fire until it boils, then it is removed and cooled to room temperature.
  4. At the same time, the leather thing must be put in a basin with clean water. It must be saturated - for easier staining, the product must lie for at least two hours.

Important! At this time, air escapes from all pores, which is very important for uniform coloring.

  1. Then the jacket is slightly wrung out, the dye is poured into the basin and the product is laid again.
  2. To paint the leather jacket was uniform, it must be constantly turned over.
  3. The jacket is wrung out and rinsed in warm water.

Important! To consolidate the result, the following composition is prepared:

  • Warm water (1 L);
  • Vinegar (100 g);
  • Edible salt (2 tbsp. L.).

The jacket is rinsed in such a mixture and thoroughly dried.

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Repainting the skin in a different color

Sometimes you want to change the color of your favorite jacket. How to dye a leather jacket at home, what is needed for this?

First of all, you should get:

  • Thinner or fine-grained skin;
  • A dense rag;
  • Isopropyl alcohol;
  • Paint - spray for the skin;
  • Aniline dye for fabric;
  • Warm water;
  • Pan;
  • Pelvis;
  • Shoe polish (color is the same as paint, or colorless).

f20121019112808-posle5Before repainting a leather jacket, you will have to get rid of the old paint and protective layer:

  1. Depending on how the painting was carried out, solvents are applied to the surface or the treatment is carried out using a fine-grained skin.
  2. After complete removal or noticeable blanching of the initial paint, the jacket is treated with a rag dipped in alcohol. This is done to degrease the surface.

Important! You can dye a leather jacket in a cover or through way. To remove paint in the first case, alcohol or solvent is used, in the second - a fine skin or scraper.

Surface painting:

  1. The jacket is laid out on a flat surface, spray paint is applied. It is impossible to stay in one place for a long time.
  2. After the first layer has dried for a quarter of an hour, the procedure is repeated.
  3. After several layers are evenly applied, the jacket dries within an hour.
  4. The solvent is used to remove stains and stains.
  5. Unpainted areas are processed again.

Deep color:

  1. The jacket is soaked in water.
  2. The coloring powder is dissolved in three liters of water, the solution is boiled and cooled to a temperature of 45 degrees.
  3. The jacket is wrung out, the water is replaced with a coloring solution, the product is again immersed in the basin.
  4. You need to keep the jacket in the paint for four hours, turning it over every 30 minutes.

Important! When bubbles appear in the water, you need to press down the jacket to get rid of excess air.

  1. The jacket is rinsed in warm and cold water. No water should remain in the water.
  2. Then wet pressed product should be rubbed with shoe polish and then dried well.
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Folk remedies

Before dyeing clothes from leather, they must be cleaned. There are several recipes through which cleaning will be effective:

  • For skin of dark colors, diluted lemon juice is suitable;
  • When preparing a soap solution, glycerin is added to it in a small amount;
  • You can beat egg white well and use it for cleaning.
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Tips and tricks:

  • Instead of vinegar, you can use a special acrylic fixative.
  • The sponge with which the paint is applied can be replaced with a woolen cloth.
  • Before using any paint, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt.
  • Drying of products with the help of hair dryers or heaters is not allowed. The process should occur naturally.
  • In order to avoid too frequent dyes, do not wash leather things in a washing machine.
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As you can see, there is nothing complicated in updating your favorite leather item. If you are not confident in your abilities, then you can always turn to professionals - such a service is provided quite often.

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