Fur coat painting

Hats, vests, and fur coats made of natural fox, rabbit, mink or silver fox fur are quite expensive, therefore, as a rule, they are worn for a long time. But, unfortunately, over time, fur products lose their original attractiveness, the color fades, in some places the fur is wiped. And then the owners of such wonderful things raise a logical question: is it possible to somehow return them to their former color? To extend the service life, painting a fur coat allows, but this procedure takes a lot of time. In addition, this process requires special care and accuracy, so many people think about whether it is possible to independently perform staining. How to do it right - we will tell in today's article.

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Features of mink products

Of course, the density of the fur is the most important indicator of its quality, which may be different for certain reasons. It often happens that during dressing the skins are very stretched, or animals are caught in the warm season, when the underfloor and outer hair are rarer.

Important! A really high-quality fur coat is worn for at least twenty years, subject to the careful attitude to it and the initially high quality of the mink.

If you began to notice that the fur became dull or its color changed, then do not rush to be upset, because you can paint a mink coat.

Important! We must not forget that such products must be stored in special fabric covers that protect them from burnout, and it is sunlight that negatively affects the color of the fur.

To make a decision about dyeing a fur coat, you need to contact a professional to evaluate the quality of the seams, the condition of the skin and fur. If all the indicators turn out to be good, then it is quite possible to color the product without spoiling it.

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Where is it better to dye fur products?

When there is a need for such a procedure, it is necessary to find where you can paint the mink coat. Experts do not recommend doing this at home, because there is a big risk of ruining the thing completely. Organizations providing such services are equipped with special equipment and technologies that can achieve excellent results. It is up to you to decide where to turn for help - in the studio or a specialized workshop. The main thing is to find a true master who knows his job and will not let you down.

As for the cost of this service, it is formed taking into account the chosen method of coloring and the desired final shade. But keep in mind that such a procedure cannot be cheap, because you can’t save on it. But if you still decide to take a chance, dye the fur yourself, you will have to work hard. We will talk about this later.

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How to paint a mink coat yourself?

We have already figured out whether it is possible to paint a mink coat at home. When deciding on this step, be prepared for the fact that you will have to make a lot of efforts, show all your endurance and accuracy.

We clean the fur

First of all, the product must be well cleaned of particles of grease and dirt. If you neglect this procedure, then the paint does not absorb well in the fur, stains and stains will remain on it:

  1. To clean, prepare an alkaline solution. Dilute in one liter of water one teaspoon of washing powder or dishwashing detergent, 5 g of ammonia, 10 g of soda, 15 g of salt.
  2. Apply the resulting solution evenly on the entire surface of the fur coat with a brush, then rinse it thoroughly with water.
  3. Lubricate the skin on the back with greasy hand cream - this way you will prevent it from drying out.

Choose paint

In its structure, natural fur is similar to human hair, so it is more convenient and efficient to use hair dye, which is sold in any household chemistry store or supermarket. To get a lasting result, it is better to use expensive good paint. It is necessary to study the structure of the fur well in order to understand how many packages of paint will be required to work.

Important! Before painting a fur coat, try the paint on a small piece of the product to make sure that it lies evenly and you get the desired color.

We paint a fur coat

Stain as follows:

  1. You have already prepared the product for painting, bought the paint of the right color, it is time to get to work. Use a spray gun or aerosol spray to ensure even application of the paint.
  2. Keep the bottle at least 50 cm from the surface of the fur coat. Be sure to use a thin comb to even out the layers of paint and get rid of its excess.
  3. After staining, rinse the product with a hair balm to restore its former beauty, softness, shine, and give a pleasant aroma.
  4. Then dry the fur by combing the pile regularly. You can use a hairdryer for this purpose in gentle mode. To preserve the natural silkiness of the skin, do not forget to use a comb.

To make it possible to color the coat of mink with high quality, adhere to this instruction and be sure to consider the recommendations of professionals.

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How to paint a muton coat with your own hands?

Mouton is today considered the most versatile type of fur. It is distinguished by a special wear, looks incredibly elegant and elegant. During processing, you can give the muton any color you like. Therefore, many fashionistas after several seasons decide to refresh their favorite fur product.

In this section, we will tell you how to paint a muton coat at home. There are two ways to perform this procedure:

  • staining with oxidative dyes;
  • toning of fur.

The first method is most popular, so we will consider it.

For staining, prepare the following substances:

  • Water, about 35 degrees.
  • For 1 liter of water, 1 g of detergent.
  • 2-3 g of 25% ammonia per 1 liter of water.
  • Normal table salt, based on 1 liter of water 20 g.
  • Any hair dye.

Follow these steps to paint a fur coat:

  1. Before staining, check the skin for the weld temperature. The fact is that old products may simply not endure this procedure and fall apart, therefore, such things cannot be subjected to such an impact.
  2. Prepare the fur for work. Prepare a tanning solution of chromium and put a fur coat in it, leave it in it for the night.
  3. The quality of the painting depends on how well the paint can penetrate deep into the muton pile. Unevenly, the fur may become colored if it is not previously cleaned of dirt, so it is advisable to wash it before dyeing. Prepare a solution of water, ammonia, salt and detergent. Dip the mouton skin into it, then move the product in containers for 30 minutes. Remove it from the solution and squeeze it well.
  4. Stretch the fur on a flat surface and securely. You will need a workplace for dyeing and subsequent washing of the fur.
  5. Dry the product properly, thoroughly lubricate the skin with glycerin from the inside, so that it is not damaged during washing.
  6. Dilute the paint according to the instructions, smooth out all the folds carefully and begin to apply it gradually. It is better to do this with a semi-soft brush to evenly distribute the paint. Wait for the paint to dry, rinse thoroughly.
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Dyeing fur products is a rather lengthy procedure, so, for example, dyeing one sleeve alone can take several hours. Therefore, pre-tune in a monotonous continuous work and be patient.

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