Dyeing outerwear

If your favorite jeans have lost color, a fashionable T-shirt has faded in the sun, and your evening dress has faded, do not rush to get rid of things that are dear to your heart, because you can still save them by ordering a new “dyeing” service in the dry cleaning network. Experienced specialists, using modern equipment and ultra-resistant dyes, will help to update and change the color of finished products. Dyeing outerwear will return saturation and brightness to color, help to completely update the product, and sometimes completely change the style. Today we will tell you what kind of paint is needed to dye clothes, and introduce you to some methods of updating and changing the color of products that you can do yourself at home.

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Where can I dye my clothes?

Today, many dry cleaners offer a new service - dyeing clothes. The textile dyeing procedure helps to uniformly dye the fabric, update or completely change the color of the finished product. If necessary, experienced specialists of the company will help you choose exactly the color that will help to achieve the maximum “novelty effect” of a thing. After going through the staining procedure, any thing will become more vibrant and stylish.

Important! In dry cleaners, you can dye not only textiles, but also things from suede and nubuck. Specialists of service companies are able to dye any clothes: T-shirts, t-shirts, skirts, jeans, shorts, jackets, coats, raincoats, jackets, tracksuits and other products. In addition to clothing, specialists can change the color of fabric, curtains, tulle, automotive and furniture covers.

If you do not know where to paint the jeans, then contact the nearest dry cleaning. However, the following factors should be considered:

  • The staining procedure is performed when exposed to high temperature, which means that there are limitations on the quality of the material. In particular, synthetic fabrics are deformed when boiled, the same problem can occur with products made of mixed materials.
  • The procedure for changing the color of the product includes: cleaning clothes before dyeing and directly dyeing itself. Therefore, the cost of painting any thing is equal to the double cost of cleaning the product: the price of cleaning + the cost of painting equal to it.

Important! Some companies, in addition to uniform coloring, offer an option for the most stylish and creative - marble staining. This procedure involves the selection of several colors to obtain the effect of stains. In this case, the color and convenience of things remain unchanged. This type of staining is ideal for products with stubborn stains, since even staining in this case can make the stain even brighter.

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Painting a jacket made of fabric

Many experts use paint for clothes Simplicol to change the color of the product. High-quality dyes “Simplicol” are absolutely harmless to the fabric, and a wide range of colors will allow you to choose the right shade for any thing. In addition, the real European quality of the paint allows you to dye your clothes on your own in the washing machine, while the things painted with this paint do not differ from the factory ones, do not fade during subsequent washing.

Next, we will tell you how to independently paint a cloak or other thing with Simplicol paint.

Important! High-quality textile dyes are absolutely harmless not only to the fabric, but also to the washing machine.They do not react with its parts, and the remains of the coloring matter are completely washed off when rinsing. In addition, “Simplicol” paints do not require a special fixing agent, unlike products from other manufacturers. As a fixative, ordinary washing using detergent is used.

What kind of fabric can be dyed?

Simplicol dyes are ideal for the following fabrics:

  • Cotton.
  • Viscose.
  • Linen.
  • Denim (denim).
  • Mixed fabrics with synthetics up to 50%. It should be borne in mind that the more synthetics are contained in the material, the less stable the color will be.

Important! Do not use “Simplicol” paints for the following fabrics and products:

  • Fully synthetic fabrics: polyester, polyacryl, polyamide.
  • Microfiber.
  • Down-filled textiles
  • Fabrics with polyurethane coating.
  • Wool.
  • Silk.
  • Heavily worn textiles.

Dye clothes and fabric in the washing machine in accordance with the instructions. It is very convenient and simple:

  1. Check the fabric composition on the product label to check its suitability for dyeing.
  2. Clean the jacket cloth from dust, dirt and stains. The fabric should be clean.
  3. Prewash the product without rinse aid.
  4. Turn the clean product inside out.
  5. Put the item unfolded in the washing machine.
  6. Cut off the top edge of the paint bag, place it on top of the product to be painted. It is not necessary to pour out the powder.
  7. Set the staining temperature, depending on the information on the label. For example, if a product needs to be washed at a temperature of 30 degrees, then it should also be painted at a temperature of 30 degrees. Products that should be washed at a temperature of 40-95 degrees must be painted at a minimum temperature of 40 degrees.
  8. Select the washing mode “Standard” or “Laundry without special care” without pre-washing. Begin washing with a high water level in the machine.
  9. Turn on the device, complete the washing program to the end, including rinse and push-up cycles.
  10. Re-wash the product using detergent. The temperature should be as high as possible (see label) in order to achieve color fastness and to prevent molting of the product in the future.



  • When staining products, the dosage should be taken into account: use 1 packet of paint per 600 grams of fabric. The maximum amount for one staining: 3 bags per 1800 grams of fabric.

Important! The weight of the product should be considered when dry. Products such as a pullover, jeans, trousers, jacket, dress have a weight of 600 grams, a blouse and a top shirt are lighter - 200 grams, and a T-shirt has a weight of 100 grams.

  • If you want to give free rein to fantasy and experiment, then by changing the dosage of paint, you can achieve new shades - from light muted to the most juicy and bright.

Important! For intense color, use 750 grams of paint for 600 grams of fabric. Reducing the dosage - on the contrary, can lead to a lighter tone at the output.

  • For an ideal result when painting a thing, use a paint one tone darker than the original color of the product.
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How to dye a leather coat yourself?

Leather products last quite a long time, but over time, paints can fade, and then it will be necessary to completely or partially renew the skin. This is especially true for large items such as a raincoat and jacket. But will you not throw away the cloak just because the floors have lost their color or the sleeves have turned pale? It’s not difficult to paint the product, you only need to thoroughly prepare it for staining and choose a high-quality paint.

Painting a raincoat - step by step instructions:

  • Wipe the cloak with a clean, damp cloth to clean it of dust and dirt.

Important! It is best to get rid of dust and dirt with medical alcohol or alcohol tincture. Wipe the entire skin of the cloak, not just the contaminated areas.

  • Allow the product to dry.
  • Get some tubes of paint for leather products from the store.

Important! Buy products from only one manufacturer and one series, as the shade from different parties may vary.

  • Apply creamy paint to a piece of soft sponge. If this is a spray, then hang the cloak outside, put on a gauze mask, rubber gloves and press the dispenser.
  • Blot the product with a sponge until a uniform tone is formed.
  • Allow the painted product to dry (at least 2 hours).
  • If necessary, repaint the product.
  • Grease the finished, dry cloak with castor oil.

Important! If the cloak has a decor that does not need to be painted, cover it with tape. After staining, remove the protective layer, and the decoration will retain its original appearance.

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If you decide to update things already prepared for delivery to the country, then use the dyeing procedure and give things a chance for a second life. As they say, the new is the well-painted old!


