Gum stretched on a sweater - what to do?

Sweater - the most comfortable and cozy clothes. Agree that it is so good to put on this warm comfortable little thing in gray and rainy clothes or in winter in frost. If you can choose the right combinations, you can go in a sweater anywhere - from a date in a cafe to an important meeting in the office.

Nowadays, you can buy it in completely different styles and color options - for every taste and color. Both women and men wear it. However, despite a lot of advantages, sooner or later, each owner has to deal with a problem when a gum on a sweater, neck or cuffs is stretched, what to do in this case and how to fix it? We’ll talk about this.

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Causes of deformation

Having discovered that the product has lost its previous shape, first you need to understand the causes of deformation in order to know what to deal with to prevent it:

  • Perhaps the most important of them is the composition of matter. All sweaters and voluminous sweaters are made of elastic materials, which are prone to stretching. Reducing them is possible in the ways that we describe below.
  • If you wear a thing every day, then from frequent wear it can also be deformed. The sleeves are mainly stretched, and the length of the product increases.

Important! Incorrect cleaning products, washing, ironing, and drying modes can also contribute to this.

When this happens to your favorite thing, the desire to wear it disappears. It may seem to you that nothing can be done about it and all that remains is to throw it out and buy a new sweater. However, do not rush to make hasty decisions, because it can be pulled back.

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Methods to Prevent This Problem

If you do not want to face this problem, then the only way to prevent stretching the sweater is to properly care for it. To do this, remember the following:

  • Items made of wool can only be dried in a horizontal position. In no case can you do this, as you usually do with other things - hang on a rope, so you can stretch a thing very much.
  • Do not add a large amount of detergent when washing.
  • Water should be warm - not cold or hot.
  • If you dry a thing on the street, you need to do it in the shade, as direct sunlight helps to highlight the sweater, as well as make its matter coarser.

Important! You can not wear a sweater every day, as frequent wear is the main reason for stretching things. Alternate it with other clothes, and at best wear it once or twice a week.

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Woolen sweater stretched after washing - what to do? Alternatively, you can use the washing machine. You need to start a normal wash, but at the same time following some recommendations:

  • Put the product in a special laundry bag.

Important! You can buy it at any hardware store - the price is very affordable. However, if for some reason you still cannot purchase it, use a regular pillowcase.

  • Choose a delicate wash mode.
  • You need to squeeze a thing yourself, but not twisting it.
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What to do if the sleeves on the sweater are stretched?

Sleeves are that part of a product which is most subject to deformation.If the problem is only in them, it is not necessary to erase the whole thing.

Wet the sleeves and dry them with a hairdryer or any other electrical appliance.

Stretched gate on a sweater - what to do? The proposed method is also suitable for this case.

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The sweater was stretched after washing - what should I do if I don’t have a washing machine? Of course, with the help of technology you can quickly deal with the problem without difficulty, but not everyone has it, so you can do everything manually. For this:

  1. Pour some warm water into a deep container and immerse the product in it.
  2. Fifteen to twenty minutes later, when it is completely saturated, squeeze the thing.
  3. Put it on a voluminous terry towel and roll it into a tube.
  4. After a day or two, when the product dries, leave it in fresh air until it dries completely.

The result will pleasantly surprise you.

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Tips & Tricks

Now you know what to do if your favorite jacket is stretched. However, it will never be superfluous to learn some tips that will help facilitate the process and make it many times more effective:

  • If it is necessary to return the former form to a knitted product, then it is best to use the method manually. For such things, it is best to purchase a special tool, but you need to use it in small quantities. So rinsing the product will be much easier.
  • If there are spots on the surface, it is better to get rid of them with a stain remover or improvised means in advance.
  • The rotation speed of the drum, when it comes to the method with a washing machine, should be high.
  • To not only restore the shape of the product, but also give it a pleasant aroma, add some lemon juice, essential oil or fabric softener to the water.

Important! If none of the methods helped you, and you knitted the product with your own hands, try to dissolve and re-form the elastic band from below, having typed the appropriate number of loops.

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We hope that these methods and recommendations will help you in solving the problem of returning the old form of the stretched thing. From the video above you can learn how to fix a stretched elastic on a jacket. You can use our tips for knitwear. As you can see, everything is extremely simple and clear. It’s not necessary to throw out your favorite sweater, if it is stretched out - just turn to our tips, and the solution will find itself!

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